
The hero and his girl

This steamy romance will see Bella a young 21 year old student meeting 21 year old Tyler who is also a student and the football teams quarterback, but realisation hits and they realise they already met six years ago in a horrifying incident. They repeatedly bump into each other, is it fate trying to get them together? With Tyler's flirtatious ways will Bella be able to resist the popular footballer and if so will it be a happy ever after or will to many obstacles get in their way including the unveiling of two people that were involved that fateful night.

Stella_Marie7988 · Urban
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6 Chs



What the actual fuck was that?

"That night six years ago" I would of been fifteen, getting back into the SUV I drive home and the party is still buzzing but I grab a beer and after assuring Kate that Bella was home safe, I head out to the back garden and sit on the deck with my beer in hand.

It's not until my beer is warm when it hits me, oh fuck! That was Bella! My blood runs cold and I run to the bushes and throw up all of todays stomach contents.

Pushing past the guests and the rest of the team I lock myself in my room and send James a message

"Not feeling great, take over for me?" Within a few minutes I get a response

"Course dude, will be taking Kate back soon but will get Aaron to keep an eye out. Everything good?"

"Cheers man, yeah all good see you in the morning."

I climb straight into bed and lay there staring at my ceiling trying to work out what to do next, I mean what can I do. The thoughts of her invade my brain and I fall into a sleep which alternates between nightmares of that night and dreams of the beautiful blonde layed beside on a blanket in front of the lake, she smiles and laughs and I claim her then, she becomes mine and no fucker will touch her again.


I tossed and turned all damned night, I slide out of bed and get into my black running leggings and white tank top, I wrap my hair in a bun on top of my head and grab my water bottle before heading out.

My feet pound the pavement after the second mile I reach the large city park there are quite a few people out running, my ear buds play my running track list loud, as I slow to a jog I take a drink of water when my body crashes into something catapulting me to the ground landing with a hard thud on my ass.

"Ow, what the fuck?"

"Oh shit, sorry." A hand comes down and as I raise my head I look into into those sparkling blue eyes look down at me my breathing accelerates quickly.

"Oh fuck Bella, you ok?" OK Bella be cool.

"Ow my ass hurts." It slips out of my mouth, yeah way to go Bella that's totally cool I mentally slap myself but he chuckles.

"Here let me help you" he offers me his hands which I take and he pulls me up with ease.

"Thank you, I seem to be saying that a lot" I blush and he laughs, the butterflies in my stomach are driving me insane, what is it about him that gets me like this.


I couldn't believe my eyes when I literally ran straight into Bella, how the fuck can she look this hot in running clothes?

"Are you going to be ok getting home?" I try but fail to hide my smile as she holds onto her now probably red ass, hmm her red ass. Oh my days get it together you pervert.

"I don't know." She laughs, I decide not to tell her I remember that awful night yet, but I will.

"Would you like to join me for a coffee somewhere?" I ask realising that I want to spend more time with her.

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you. Oh but I have to go shower and change first."

"Me too, I'll give you a ride home and pick you up in a hour?" She nods and we head for my black range rover, helping her in she winces when she sits down and shoots me a playful glare when I laugh.

The drive to her house is quick but before she has her belt off I run around and open the door taking her hand to help her down, like I did last night I walk her to the door.

"So I'll come pick you up in an hour for coffee?" I hope she hasn't changed her mind but she smiles brightly.

"Sure, give me your phone." Without hesitation I hand her my phone

"7988" I tell her the pass code and she types something in and her phone beeps, she reaches into her pocket of her leggings and takes out her phone.

"There now I've got your number and you've got mine. I'll see you soon." My jaw hangs even when she has closed her door.


My ass fucking aches, the water from the shower didn't help either, I dress in my long sleeved white knitted sweater dress which reaches my mid thigh and I slide into my heeled black thigh high boots and dry my hair quickly, as I finish my bedroom door opens.

"Hey babe, oh where you going?" Kates face makes me giggle she looks like a curious mom.

"Just going for a coffee with Tyler." I try and keep my smile small but I can't hide it and she returns the smile.

"James!" Suddenly James appears in the doorway as I finish brushing my hair "She's got a date with Tyler." Kate gushes at James whose smile could light up a full city.

I roll my eyes "it's not a date, it's just two friends going for-" I'm cut off by a ping from my phone it's a message from Tyler

"Hey beautiful, almost ready I'll see you soon and hope your ass has stopped hurting" I laugh too loudly and before I know it Kate is reading the message out to James and they both turn to me with raised eyebrows. Oh my god!

"One, it is not a date and two, the clumsy idiot ran full force into me this morning while I was out on my run and knocked me on my ass. Quite literally!" I laugh and they are laughing hysterically.

I ignore their conversation and reply quickly to Tyler

"I'm almost ready too, but I have Kate and James here disturbing me, oh and for your information my ass still throbbing." I slip my phone into my purse and continue with my make up.

"Your ass is throbbing huh? I'm sure there is a cure for that ;)" I shake my head and laugh at Tyler's reply and head downstairs to find Kate and James on the front porch, oh damn the last thing I need is for them to be out here when Tyler arrives.

"You still going into work tonight?" For some unknown reason Kate winks after she asks.

"Yeah I've got to, but I may get finished early depends how busy it gets, you coming down?"

"Possibly, I'll let you know but I'm staying at James's tonight anyway so I'll definitely come see you before the night is over." That is when I hear Tyler's Range Rover SUV and eyes turn to the road.