
Chapter 6: The Law and Union.

1 Week after they're training began…

Ikari: we've been in here for ages with these stupid jackets on.

Kenji: yeah but i'm getting kind of used to them i just dislike how cold it is in here.

Hanami: i agree (giggles a little)

(The doors open and a figure stands in front of them, too far away to picture who it was, they begin to walk closer and closer then they stop and all three of them stand up looking, it was momoku)

Momoku: we'll done, you guy actually managed the given task, now to prove you have and to test your strength, you should be able to open the 20 tons door

Kenji: nice.

(Momoku escorts them outside of the hall and finally getting fresh air, the door appears in front of them as they turn the corner behind one of the buildings in the school)

Momoku: this door is used to test and measure peoples strength when training, but most people do not wear weights on themselves for a week.

Ikari: whatever, are we gonna test it out or what? because i can't wait.

Momoku: since you're so eager ill allow you to go first.

(Ikari smiles in excitement, walking up to the heavy door that towers over him, he takes a deep breathe in and out before placing his hands on the door)


(the door moving slowly open as ikari uses all his strength into it, his feet digging into the ground as he screams louder to achieve his goal, the door then swings open from his immaculate strength)

Ikari: Easy (out of breathe)

Momoku: well done, ikari you've made a lot of progress. now for your turn, Kenji.

(Momoku then shuts the door with ease and waits for Kenji to approach it)

Kenji (in his head) how did momoku just did that so easily? and can i even do what ikari did? oh don't worry about them Kenji just focus on you Reminiscing his mothers own words.

(Kenji walks up to the door, takes a deep breath in and out and places both hands onto the metal door)

Kenji: LETS GO!!!

(Kenji begins to push, push and push harder than ever Flames begin to surround his soles on his feat and his hands the door moves slightly before it goes up in flames, kenji stands there zoned out for a few seconds)

Kenji: did i do it?

Momoku: no, you did not actually, you just burned through the door with your magic…

Kenji: Huh? AHHHH! Whaat i didn't even mean to do that, i just got angry and so into it, i guess (laughing nervously)

Hanami: (Laughing at Kenji)

Momoku: alright it doesn't matter, we will dismiss this training today and please remember to come back here same time Tomorrow, i have another task for you guys to complete.

All three of them: Alright!

Ikari: i'm going to sleep in my bed

Kenji: bye ikari

Ikari: …

Hanami: Kenji, would it be okay if you were to come with me to the shopping mall? i just need to buy some new clothes and a few things for my dad.

Kenji: do you mean like, now?

Hanami: i mean yeah if you you want, you totally don't have to come, i just thought it would be good for us to hang out more.

Kenji: i suppose that's a good idea, the only problem is that we're not allowed off of the premisses, especially during week days.

Hanami: will we be quick and we don't even have classes for the next couple of weeks due to the training and no one will notice if we're gone, it will be like we never even left.

Kenji: i mean i guess you're right, but how do you plan to get outside and past the guards?

Hanami: don't worry i have a plan

Kenji: okay sure let's go.

Hinami: oh wait, i forgot my bag, wait here until i grab my bag in my room.

Kenji: no problem.

5 minutes later…

Hanami: okay i'm back, we can go now.

Kenji: Yep

(the two walk side by side to the exit, thr gate of the school, where the guards are then they both drop to the bushes next to the wall)

Kenji: okay so now what?

Hanami: so i'm gonna tell you my plan on how to get past those two guards.

Kenji: hmm…

A few minutes later…

Kenji: got it.

Hanami: okay on 3. 1…2…3… GO!

(Hanami and Kenji both run towards the left and right up to the outside wall, with no one spotting them)

Hanami: (Whispers) stand next to me and you might want to hold on.

Kenji: i see.

Hanami: (whispers) Water Magic: Water Pillar.

(they both get engulfed by water, lifting them up in the air dispersing out the ground then lowering them over and past the wall, they then begin to dash forward to the building like they discussed earlier to not be seen and making a stealthy breakthrough)

Kenji: that was close, nice job with the water pillar, it was super helpful.

Hanami: (letting out a little giggle) yeah we both did good. now let's finally go to the mall.

Kenji: sure thing.

(after leaving the school they begin to travel to the mall)

(Meanwhile, in Ikaris room)

Ikari: (in his head) i couldn't sleep, i still keep getting the nightmares, why is this happening to me? maybe you would know, wouldn't you, brother. (smiling) It's the same dream every time, i can't move, like i'm frozen in place or trapped in an invisible jail cell and tied down by invisible chains. all i can see is a dark corridor with a door at the end with you standing there repeating the same phrases "you killed me" "how could you let me die?" "it's all your fault", i try to shut it out but the pain and torment ends up being unbearable everytime, it's difficult to stay awake most nights…but during training for that whole week, i slept perfectly it felt warm and safe i don't know why but i wasn't thinking about you at all, no dreams or nightmares, it was quiet and calm, so why is it still happening. it's not my fault, i didn't kill you and i tried to save you (sobbing in grief) i was just…too weak.

10minutes later…

Kenji: we're nearly there, finally.

Hanami: Yep, i can't wait to arrive there.

Kenji: same

Hanami: Woah- HEY!!!

(a guy came up from behind Hanami and running past her and grabbing the handbag that sat on her right shoulder, he snatched it and continued running)

Hanami: STOP HIM! He grabbed my bag

(Hanami and Kenji both rush towards the thief and closing the gap, Hanami began to ran faster than Kenji, as soon as she was in range she saw an opening)

Hanami: Water Magic: Bubble Prison!!

(Water Rushed out from her hand and latching on to the Robber and it began to form a bubble around him and lifted him up into the air, the man was drowning and suffocating. Kenji finally catching up.)

Kenji: Nice, you managed to get him, but i would put him down if we don't want any undivided attention as we can't be seen using magic in public without a hero licence, right? (Haha) Hanami? What are you doing? hello? put him down, he's dying!

(Hanami was completely zonned out almost unconscious but still awake, like she wasn't in control of her own body. the guy began to nearly pass out from lack of oxygen. Kenji kept calling her name grabbing on to her to knock her out of this state of mind. the robber stopped struggling and looked like he was at deaths door, Hanami still holding onto him and drowning him.)

Kenji: Whatever is happening to Hanami, i have to stop this right now!!

(Kenji pulls out his Flame sword and severs the bond between Hinami and her magic)

Kenji: (sighs) it worked…

(Hinami falls to the ground and then wakes up from her previous state)

Hinami: Huh…? Kenji, what happened?

(people began to look at the guy on the ground as he was passed out from shock and lack of oxygen)


(People from across the street start coming over)

Kenji: Hinami, we need to get out of here…Fast before people find out or if the police come.

Hinami: ahhh!

(Kenji grabs her hand pulling her along as he runs, running till he gets to the mall)

Computer: Report!

Ms Ace: what is this? a report of magic being used downtown? this could be bad…i should send someone. the magic user might not have a hero license, i'll have to send a Star Rank.

Kenji; (out of breath) we made it, we're nearly there; that was a close one.

Hinami: Kenji…what happened back there? all i remember is this guy grabbing and stealing my bag and then i just blacked out.

Kenji: …i got mad when he took it off you and i used my magic uncontrollably.

Hanami: oh i see…thanks for getting my bag tho (smiles at kenji)

Kenji: yeah, no problem. (in his head) something is wrong with Hinami, what ever happened back there, that wasn't normal for her, i'll have to check and look into it later.

(they finally arrive at the mall? Hinami rushes in there from excitement)

Kenji: Wait up!

(both running towards the entrance)

Hinami: come look, it's filled with people and it looks amazing.

Kenji: Woah! i've never been here before.

Hinami: okay i'm gonna go buy what i need and i'll meet you buy the main area in the middle.

Kenji: Sounds good.

(Hinami walks off as kenji goes to the middle)

Kenji: Something seems off, but it's something different than what happened earlier…

???: Ms ace, i have arrived at the location, i'm in a secure location where i can't be seen, i'm sending you the details now.

Ace: thanks, ouro; looking into it now, wait so there was an attack? but it only happened to one person? this doesn't seem like a villains work…

Ouro: the balance has been broken, i can sense two traces of magic being Used, The trail is Faint, A Fire User? i don't know any fire users, The other trace was Water Magic but it's on a much larger scale.

Ace: That's good, do you think maybe they were fighting.

Ouro: if they fought i would sense it but i can sense some contact between the Magicules.

Ace: Hmmm…okay keep looking i may know one of them and if they're using magic in the open, this could be bad.

Ouro: I agree, i'll let you know if some new information comes up, may the union be with you, Ms Ace.

(Ouro users his snake sense to separate the presence of the magic into a trail to track the attackers)

Kenji: she's been gone for a while now i showed probably try to find her.

Hinami: (humming as she shops for clothes.

Kenji: oh there she is, i knew i would find her here.

(SCREAMING! loud screams screech in the background as a loud noise crashes through the windows)


Kenji: What the!? what is that? HINAMI QUICK!! we gotta stop that thing.

Hinami: are you sure?


Kenji: (in his head) what is this?! what does it want.

(Kenji and Hinami both run towards the Noise and the constant destruction, everyone else running away from it and heading for the exit)

Kenji: Huh? Hinami the exits blocked. we have to help people get out.

Hinami: ill help the civilians and keep them safe, you get that thing out of here.

Kenji: Let's do this!

(Hinami goes to help the civilians turing around)


(Kenji Freezes)

Kenji: not again! this can't be happening again!

(??? Jumps in front of kenji creating a massive boom when landing)

???: there you are!

(Kenji freezes in place, eyes wide open looking upwards at the monster before him)

Kenji: what? it looks like a brute but it's way stronger and scarier than before!!

(Kenji Tries to run in the opposite direction but another one appears behind him)



Kenji: What-

Berserker 1: ENOUGH TALKING!

(The Berserker Grabs Kenji and lifts him into the air and dashing him across the mall landing into the wall and debris.

Kenji: Urh…Cough Cough!

(Begins to cough up blood, he manages to stand back up and pulls out his Fire sword)

Kenji: i know how strong you guys and i know what you're abilities are, i can beat you!

Berserker 2: That's where you are Wrong! You cannot beat us, this new form is too powerful for any human like you can think of.

Kenji: (in his head) they're both together, i have to separate them somehow, this is my fight.

(Kenji Disappears before the berserkers eyes)

Berserkers: !?!

(Appearing behind ones head up in the air and slicing with his Fire Sword at the neck of the beast, it's neck gets cut as Kenji Teleports back to his previous position)

Kenji: did i do it?


Kenji: what? he resisted my Enhancement Fire Sword?

Berserker: did you forget? no human can hurt us! that attack won't work again, our skin is too hard and too quick to adapt, even with Zero Points.

Kenji; they have resistance to Negative Degrees fire?? how is that possible…maybe it wasn't powerful enough, i have to make it hotter!!

Ouro: Ms Ace: I tracked the scent and something is wrong, the shopping centre is highly damaged, The Union is Broken; i have to fix it.

Ace: I know who did this, i went to Kenjihashimas room to see if he was in there but he was gone, he's the only fire user i know and the water user is his Teammate, Hinami.

Ouro: what do you want me to do to them?

Ace: Try to stop them and bring them back here.

Ouro: i dont know if i can do that…

Ace: Please, there has to a reason.

Ouro: Yes, i'll do it, i'll get the people out first and clear the area


Kenji: Every time i try to attack him it has no effect, and i keep wasting uses of my magic this is bad.


Kenji: I am already faster then these guys anyway so all i have to do is hit them with an enhancement.

Hinami: Kenji, the civilians are safe and everyone got out.

Kenji: Good there's 2 of them on me.

Hinami: Two? i'm coming to help you, you can't defeat them alone.

Kenji No, i have to this is my Battle.

Hinami: Fine, but we've got company, the police are here and i'm struggling to hold them off.

Kenji: Keep trying we can't let these things hurt anyone else.

Hinami: Got it!


(Kenji uses his Enhancement with his sword again even hotter this time, Blitzing one of them and landing a strike to its face)

Kenji: i got him? it scratched his face, but i i managed to damage him.

Berserker: You actually managed to land a hit on me.

(It's face begins to start regenerating)

What makes us different from brutes is our stronger abilities including regeneration.

Kenji: Damn, i need a killing blow. one more attack should do it. i need to erase the matter inside to beat him.

Berserker: I've had enough fun, now it's my turn.

(The Berserkers both rush at Kenji, and go in to slamming him on the ground, Kenji Dodges and jumps off their hands leaping at one Berserker, Lifting his sword above his head with two arms, falling down and he Pierces the Berserkers Face and stabbing him in the eye)

Kenji: CMON!!!!



(SLICING DOWN HIS BODY AND CUTTING IT IN HALF. THE SECOND ONE GOES TO ATTACK KENJI WHILE HIS GUARD IS DOWN, A SPLATTER OF BLOOD FLIES OFF. The Berserk gets Knocked down and as Kenji looks up, it's head falls off to the grounds as it's body towers over him, falling to its knees. As the body falls backwards what appears behind him is a guy in a stripped robe and a face mask and an all black sword)

Kenji: … huh? i didn't even see it he was fast.

Ouro: Rest in peace, Demon. Kenjihashima i have been ordered to take you back.

Kenji: what?

Ouro: You're coming with me as you defied the Ouroboros, god of union.

Kenji: i was trying to protect everyone-

Ouro: Silence.

(Teleporting behind kenji and hitting the back of his neck, so he passes out.

Kenji wakes up in a Chair and Handcuffed to the Table)

Kenji: what where am i?

Ace: You're in the Magic School again.

Kenji: oh… where's hinami?!?!

(trying to struggle out of the uncomfortable shackles holding him)

Ace: She's fine. we brought you both here after what happened.

Kenji: why am i in handcuffs?

Ace: You Broke the rules and the laws so you're being questioned for your crimes.

Kenji: i just wanted to help people.

Ace: i know, but you're not authorised to use magic in public, especially on civilians.

Kenji: … they were after me

Ace: Do you know why they were after you?

Kenji: they wanted something, they wanted to tell me something.

Ace: okay, we'll talk about it in the morning. get some rest for now

End of chapter 6.