
The Hermatic World Of Magick

This is mystery based novel , in this novel everything about the Magick and black magick has been described. though it is a fictional Novel but some history based informations have been revealed on it .

Shaplasadi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 21

Sharlene Rayhan aka Martha Elizabeth sits in her bed with pillows propped up on her back. It's two o'clock in the morning.

Kuhon is sleeping on another bed at the other end of the room.

Sharlene is looking at Kuhon's innocent face and is thinking about something that happened a few days ago.

About twenty days ago, she and Danesh went to Switzerland for a holiday on the occasion of her husband Danish alias Danesh Bagh returning from his office work.

After about ten days of traveling, suddenly his brother Shadhin messaged her asking them to come back to Oxford that same day.

Sharlene and Danesh did not delay as soon as they received the message.

Immediately left for Oxford. Shadhin who did not ask them to return to Oxford without reason always had faith in her brother.

Danesh and Sharlene feel that Shadhin her brother nothing can be purposeless.

Shadhin told Sharlene , she should always keep an eye on Kuhon, because at any moment, danger may approach Kuhon.

After the Sharlenes arrived in Oxford from Switzerland, Swadhin again messaged that Shadhin might have to go out of London urgently.

Sharlene and Danesh were in charge of Kuhon until he returned.

If it was any other sister, maybe she would have been angry for this act of her brother.

But Sharlene was never angry with her brother and never will be.

Because Sharlene knows that whatever decision her brother takes is for the good of all.

Moreover, there is no other person in this world as responsible as her brother Shadhin .

Sharlene does not know if there is a second one.

Although Sharlene and Shadhin's mother are different women, but the father is the same.

When Sharlene was four years old, her own mother left her and her father , to become an actress and moved to Hollywood with the help of a movie producer.

The woman is now a famous actress in Hollywood but Sharlene does not identify herself as her Daughter.

Sharlene hates her irresponsible own mother.

When Sharlene's mother left her father, her father brought Shadhin and Shadhin's mother from the country to London, and Sharlene's father placed Sharlene in the care of his first wife Shadhani's mother.

That time , Shadhin was eight years old. From that age she has been keeping her little sister close.

Shadhin's mother never Seemed that Sharlene was her step daughter. She treated her like her own daughter.

Sharlene never felt that Shadhin's mother was not her own mother but she felt that Shadhin's mother was her real mother.

Sharlene can speak, read and write three languages ​​very well. The languages ​​are French, English and Bengali.

Sharlene's real mother was a French model girl. After the woman arrived in London, she was in danger. Shadhin's father rescued the woman from that danger.

Later, the woman made a lot of tricks and conspired with Shadhin's father and forced Shadhins father to marry her by blackmailing him in various ways.

But even though Shadhin's father married Sharlene's mother, he has always fulfilled the responsibility of his first wife and children left behind in the country.

Since the age of four, Sharlene knows that Shadhin is not only her brother, but also her friend.

Danesh Bagh Sharlene's husband is a British citizen of Bangladeshi origin.

Danesh was a close friend of Shadhin. And Danesh's father was a best friend of Shadhin's father.

Due to that, Raihan family had a very close relationship with Bagh family.

Sharlene loved Danesh from her teenage years. Danesh also loved Sharlene from his heart but neither of them could express their feelings to each other.

When Shadhin and Sharlene's mother died two years ago, Shadhin and Sharlene were left alone.

Danesh frequents Shadhin's house and once tells Shadhin that he wants to marry Sharlene.

Shadhin realized long ago that Danesh and Sharlene liked each other.

So Shadhin fulfills the duty of being an elder brother and guardian of Sharlene by marrying Danesh to Sharlene without hesitation.

Got married about a year ago .

Danesh and Sharlene , soon after marriage, Danesh and Shadhin had to go out of London together for office work.

When Shadhin and Danesh were preparing to leave London, a step-uncle of Danesh from Bangladesh sent a letter to Danesh.

Danesh and Danesh's family left the country and moved to London when Danesh was very young .

Since then they have not gone to the country even once.

Danesh's father and mother kept track of their relatives only by exchanging letters.

About four years ago, Danesh's father and mother were killed in an accident. Since then Danesh is completely alone.

Danesh was very surprised to receive a letter from Bangladesh.

Danesh read that letter and found out that one of his cousin ​​from Bangladesh is coming to London to study at Oxford University.

It was reported that since they have no relatives in London except Danesh, Danesh's uncle has repeatedly requested Danesh to find a good place for her daughter to stay.

Money is not a problem.

He wanted the best arrangement for his daughter.

Danesh's uncle also wrote that he does not want to hide his only daughter from his eyes even for a blink.

But after giving in to the strong insistence of her daughter, today she was sent to study in Oxford.

He is ill because of which his two elder sons have to direction to their business and no one can come to London with his daughter.

He also sent three copies of his daughter's photos and some money to arrange a good abode for his daughter.

Danesh told Sharlene that his uncle is step uncle but treated his father and mother very well like his own uncle .

Danesh heard from his mother that all the expenses of his father and mother coming to London were borne by Danesh's uncle.

Danesh's family is somehow indebted to this uncle.

But Danesh was in great problem after receiving his step-uncle's letter, because soon Danesh and Shadhin had to leave London for office work.

Sharlene was also watching Danesh's cousin's pictures again and again, and Danesh was also watching.

Danesh looked at the pictures and said wow, my cousin has become so beautiful?

After seeing Kuhon's pictures, Sharlene also got an electric shock. Seeing the picture Sharlene also said how can a person be so beautiful?

your sister really so beautiful like an fairy . Sharlene and Danesh, both in their eyes then

had the same question.

Putting Kuhon's pictures on the center table, Sharlene was busy packing Danesh's bag.

Shadhin went up to Sharlene's flat that day for coffee and Shadhin, Danesh and Sharleen hung out together.

Sharlene was not in a good mood as Danesh and Shadhin were going out of London for office work together.

Together, his two beloved people are leaving her again and going far away.

Meanwhile, Sharlene was also tasked with keeping an eye on someone in Oxford.

Sharlene did not know then that she also had to do a spy scholarship on the students of Oxford University for about a year.

And did not know that she also has to gather information about a member of a secret organization who is misguiding the brilliant students of the university to become members of the secret organization.

Shadhin came to Sharlene's bedroom in Sharlene's flat and sat on the sofa.

He said to Sharlene to make coffee for him and said to Danesh, come, let's have a game of chess between you and me.

Danesh asked, is your bag packed?

Shadhin said, I have come to hang out at your house after completing everything.

After some time Sharlene brought the coffee and found her brother Shadhin staring mesmerized at the picture of Kuhon on the center table.

Sharlene saw her brother's eyes widen in surprise for the first time that day. Sharlene had never seen such wonder in the eyes of her brother before.

Shadhin asked to Danesh, whose picture are these?

Danesh said, my cousin's.

Shadhin asked , Is your cousin really so beautiful, or has the picture been edited ?

Danesh said, I don't know. It may or may not be manipulated.

However, I heard from my mother that my uncle and aunt are very handsome.

It's their daughter, that's why it's so beautiful. Shadhin said that , can people be so beautiful, Danesh ?

Your cousin's face is so beautiful as to burn people's eyes.

Danesh said that's how I see it too.

Shadhin took a picture of Kuhon from the table and put it in his pocket and said to Danesh, from now on your cousin has become my property.

Danesh and Sharlene laughed together at Shadhin's way of speaking.

Sharlene asked how did she become your property?

He said, I will get married and make her a wife and you will be her sister in law , then it is not enough to be my property ?

Danesh said, I have fallen into a problem with my cousin.

Shadhin asked what kind of difficulty? Danesh let Shadhin read the letter sent by his uncle.

After reading the letter,

Shadhin said, "This is nothing."

Not a problem. Your cousin wants a good place to stay.

She is coming to study in Oxford and Sharlene will also stay in Holy cross Women's Accommodation Hostel in Oxford to spying .

How about keeping your cousin there? Sharleen and Danesh looked at each other and said, "How are you so free to pass ideas so easily?"

Sharlene said, I had no idea that my sister in law could be accommodated in the place where I am staying.

Shadhin said to Sharlene, don't forget she is my future wife .

Sharlene said, if Kuhon has a boyfriend, how can she be your wife?

again Sharlene says if the one you want to marry , loves someone else, it will burn your luck . Shadhin said I am sure she doesn't have a boyfriend.

Danesh asked with a smile, how are you so sure that she doesn't have a boyfriend?

Shadhin said, from read your uncle's letter. Danesh said, did uncle write that his daughter is single?

Shadhin said this time, how can be you have become such a big information collector officer, when you don't know the thousands of information that can be extracted from a letter?

Danesh said, is that so? Did you find out any information from my uncle's letter?

Sharlene also began to force Shadhin by saying that, tell me brother, I will also listen, how did you get the information in this letter that Kuhon does not have a boyfriend?

This time Shadhin opened his mouth,

Look, your uncle wrote that his daughter is very stubborn.

A Stubborn girl never waver.

This means your cousin is single-minded and independent.

If she had a boyfriend in the country, she would never leave her boyfriend and insist on coming to study abroad.

Sharlene said, if she has a boyfriend in London?

Shadhin said, if she had a boyfriend in London, your uncle would not have written to you for the accommodation of his daughter.

Kuhon herself used to arrange accommodation with her boyfriend.

If your cousin is really as beautiful as the picture, then it must be said that your cousin also knows that she is very beautiful and everyone is amazed by her looks.

Such girls are very egotistical and shelf centered.

Because her full confidents are created in her mind , that she can easily win everyone's heart if she wants to.

Such overconfident girls always avoid boys.

On top of that, she is a very popular daughter of a rich family, so her level of stubbornness is normal.

If very stubborn girl love someone, they will be in love blindly. And she does a lot to get the man she loves .