
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Valentines Special (Lemon)

-Inside the Ruby Palace-

"All of you, go back to your quarters and go get some rest. We still have a lot of preparations to deal with by tomorrow"

Lucifer said towards the original demons who were following her from behind causing all of them to respectfully bow their heads.

"Then, I hope you enjoy your valentine's day with Lucias-sama"

They said before going their seperate ways to spend, not noticing the bright red cheeks that she had when she heard their words.


After making sure that no one was following her, she quickly entered her room. Grabbing the life-size doll that she had of Lucias as she quickly laid down on the bed, hugging the doll in her arms with a longing expression on her face.

"I miss you, Lucias"

She muttered before burying her face on the doll. Taking out a single heart shaped package within its pocket with a hesitant expression on her face.

"... I'm not as good as Asia and Lily when it comes to cooking... I hope he'll like it"

She whispered to herself before Modeus, who came in to check on her slammed her door open with a large smirk on her face.

"It's that time of that year again! Why are you being so slow!?"

She said causing Lucifer to panick as she pushed the large plushie that she was hugging off the bed in a fluster causing Modeus to grin.

"No need to be shy, most of the girls also collect their own plushie of Lucias"

"Get out!!"

Lucifer shouted in embarrassment as she threw her pillow at her direction.

"Now is not the time for that! We must hurry before were too late!!"

Modeus shouted as she dodge the pillow aimed at her direction before grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the Lucias' bedroom.

"W-Wait where are you taking me!?"

"To his bedroom! We must hurry before he goes back to his room or else or surprise wouldn't work"

"What are you talking about!?"

Lucifer shouted as both of them arrived at his bedroom causing Modeus to quickly throw her inside before completely locking the door.

"Now wear this!"

Modeus said as she threw a long red ribbon at her direction causing Lucifer to look at her in confusion.

"What are you-"

"So you girls also thought of the same idea, huh?"

A soft and cute voice suddenly asked causing both of them to freeze in their spots before glancing at Mira, Bell, Azazel, and Yoshino who were shyly covering their bodies inside of the blanket.

"Mira? Why are you here?"

Modeus asked in confusion while Lucifer only looked at them in shock, noticing that they wore nothing on their body.

"We came here with the same purpose as the two of you. We can't really cook so we'll just offer ourselves to Lucias as our Valentine Present"

Mira confidently answered causing the two young girls by her side to blush profusely from being found out causing Modeus to smile brightly at their direction.

"Then, let's all celebrate Valentines together with Lucias! I can't really handle his stamina by myself so having 5 of you here is good"

She said causing Lucifer to furrow her eyebrows, looking at them with a conflicted expression on her face.

"I don't think this is a good idea"

She said before being pulled in by Azazel who quickly helped her strip her clothes.

"I'm sure it is! Lucias has been holding back quite a lot in the last month. I also researched a few techniques to please him for this day"

Azazel said with a wide smile on her face showing her notepad on the table causing Modeus to frown before throwing the notepad outside of the window.

"Why the hell are you studying that? If you're having sex, let your urges control you. This is why you original angels stayed as a virgin for thousands of years"

She said while pointing at Azazel with a frown on her face.

"Even Bell and Mira is more enlightened than you when it comes to sex!"

She shouted causing the two said girls to shyly lower their heads in response since if not for her they would've acted like Azazel during their first time with Lucias.

"Azazel! Stop pulling my clothes!"

Lucifer shouted at Azazel who kept pulling her clothes off her body, revealing her black panty that had vertical hole at the base of her entrance to the 5 girls inside the room.

"... You're acting shy when you wear this kind of underwear"

Modeus commented while pointing at her with a large smirk on her face causing Lucifer to quickly hide her crotch in a fluster.

"... I can't believe you took my advice seriously, do you want to become available to Lucias everytime he is aroused?"

"S-Shut up!"

She said as Azazel quickly took off her black suit revealing her large cleavage at the 5 girls who all visible frown due to the sheer size of her breast.

"It's larger than mine?"

Modeus muttered as she grabbed her own breast before glancing at Lucifer.

"... It's my defeat..."

"What are you talking about!?"

"You're body is more lewd than a succubus, Lucifer... Interesting"

Azazel muttered as she poked her breast with her finger causing her to look at Lucifer with widened eyes due to the incredible elasticity and softness of her breast, like it was made to seduce just like that of a succubus.

"... I'm going back"

Lucifer said as tears started to accumulate at the corner of her eyes before standing up from the bed causing both Modeus and Azazel to grab both of her arms.

"Calm down, we're complimenting you!"

"I don't like it!"

She said as she struggled to break free from their grip.

"What if Lucias says it?"

Azazel suddenly asked causing Lucifer to freeze in her place as her cheeks started to blush bright red.

"Hmm? Why is my room locked?"

A familiar soothing voice said from outside of the room causing all of them to jolt as they all quickly hid behind the blanket of his bed.


Lucias who was outside of the room smiled wryly while unlocking the door of his room, noticing the presences of the 6 girls inside.

"... Modeus is corrupting them again..."

Lucias said in a tired voice as he opened the door of his room and entering inside before casting a powerful [Sound Nullification] around the room.

"... I can't believe they dragged Yoshino in this..."

Lucias said as he locked the door of his room, carrying a large pile of chocolates that his servants and fiancées gave him for Valentines day.

"Come out, I already know you're in here"

Lucias said as he walked towards the king sized bed inside his room, placing the large bag of chocolate at the small circular table beside the bed.

"You could've just acted surprise, Lucias. You're no fun"

Modeus said as she threw the blanket off their bodies with a displeased expression on her face, revealing the naked figures of his fiancées who were all on his bed with a shy expression on their faces except for Modeus.

"... You always do this to the point that it doesn't surprise me anymore"


"I'm serious..."

Lucias said before glancing at Yoshino who was shyly averting her eyes away from Lucias.

"Yoshino, if they tried to-"

"N-No one... forced me... Lucias... w-well do this... in the future when we get married... I wan...ted this..."

She quickly retorted with a nervous expression on her face as she left Yoshinon at her room since she didn't want for her to see him mate with Lucias.

"See, I didn't forced anyone to come here, Lucias. Is my image so low in your eyes? When I'm so pure and innocent"

Modeus stated causing Lucias to look at her with a strange expression on his face.

'Did she just call herself pure and innocent?'

Lucias thought causing Modeus to pout seeing him look at her like she was spouting nonsense out of her mouth.


"Yes yes, you're so pure and innocent that you put all girls in existence to shame"

Lucias said with a deadpan expression on his face causing Modeus to narrow her eyes as she watched him sit down on the chair next to the bed.

"Are you just planning on watching us?"

Modeus asked with a frown as she slowly stood up from the bed and sat down on his laps with her legs by his sides, revealing her pinkish entrance at Lucias.

"... No sleep for me, I guess?"


"Ahh ahhhh mnnm mmm nn"

Azazel moaned as her wings spread behind her bacl as she lost control of all her senses and giving in to pleasure causing Lucias to smile.

"I love you, Azazel"

Lucias said as he grabbed her lips and pierced his shaft deep inside her womb, injecting his semen as she sloppily moaned while gripping the bedsheets below her.

"S-So warm..."

She muttered as she felt his semen fill her womb causing her body to twitch while her golden angels wings weakly dropped down on the bed.

"... Ha... Ha... Ha..."

She panted while their bodies were covered in sweat except for Lucias who didn't have a single symptom of fatigue on his body causing Azazel to look at him with a displeased expression on her face.

"How come... you're not tired? We've been... doing it... for 16 hours already"

She complained causing Lucias to smile before giving her a soft kiss on her neck.

"Gamer's Body... I'll never get tired as long as I rest for 10 seconds"


Azazel said as she felt his shaft harden while still inside her womb causing her to look at Lucias with a pout.

"I'm still sore"

She said causing Lucias to wryly smile before slowly taking out his shaft out of her entrance, causing his semen to flow out of her entrance, dripping down on the bedsheets below them.

"Then, go get some rest..."

Lucias said causing Azazel to joyfully smile as she gave her a short kiss on his lips.

"Lucifer, ready for round 10?"

Lucias asked causing a certain white haired woman who was laying down on her stomach to grip the pillow of his bed.

"You're still not satisfied?"

Lucifer asked but froze as she felt his warm and hard shaft enter her womb without hesitation causing him to tighten her grip due to her sensitivity from her previous climax.

"Do you... understand... when I said I can't handle him by myself?"

Modeus who was weakly laying down on the bed with trembling legs said with a large smirk on her face.

"He... has done it with me... 15 times this night... and his still hard..."

"... You... Ahh!!"

Lucifer moaned in pleasure as she felt his shaft move inside her womb causing her walls to tightly grip his shaft due to her sensitivity.

"Nnm mmnnm Nmmn mm"

She moaned in pleasure while burying her face in the pillow below her to try and hide her moans while Lucias continued to pound her from behind.

"Ahh ahhhh MNN!"

She quickly climaxed causing her juices to spray on the bed but Lucias didn't stop and continued to thrust his hips causing Lucifer bite her finger to keep her mind concious.


Lucias called her name in a soft and gentle voice as he gave her a soft kiss on her neck causing her to jolt in surprise.

"L-Lucias it... tickles"

Lucifer said as she felt his shaft tremble inside her womb causing her to close her eyes as she prepared herself to take in more of his semen.

"J-Just release i-it inside me Lucias"

Lucifer said causing Lucias to thrust his shaft through her cervix, directly pouring his liquid inside of her causing her body to tremble in pleasure.

"I... feel like... I'm going to pass out..."

She muttered as she felt her senses on her legs go numb causing Modeus to grin before glancing at Bell, Mira, and Yoshino who were all passed out on the bed with incredible amounts of semen flowing out of their wombs.

"It looks like... I need to... call for more... help handling him after this..."

"Want some chocolate?" (Lucias)

"... I want to rest..."

"... That's a shame"

Lucias said as he leaned on Modeus who was the only one concious of the 6 girls.

"You wanted this after all. So... let's break our record up to round 20 shall we?"

"... Yes..."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MissRiascreators' thoughts