
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Prologue: The Heretic

" Welcome "

A voluptuous woman with long platinum blond hair and red eyes greeted while carrying several book in her arms. Making the man who entered the extremely large library to wave his hand at the woman with a gentle smile on his face.

" Are you looking for anything? "

She asked as the man slowly walked towards her before taking out a long list from his pocket. Containig all of the history books that his teacher told them to read and study.

" Do you have any books regarding the history of "Lucias Frey"? I couldn`t find any legitimate book from any of the libraries in our dimension so I thought maybe you have it "

He asked causing the librarian to smile before signalling for him to follow her. Making the man nod his head before obediently following her from behind.

" Are you also interested in his story? "

She asked causing the man to shake his head to the side as a look annoyance flashes across his face.

" Of course not, who the hell would like to read history? If it weren`t for our teacher, i doubt that any of us would read something about him at all "

He said causing the woman to smile as they arrived in front of a single door.

" Many people that I have encountered in the past also said the same words as you... but in the end, every single one of them grew extremely interested in him. I`m sure you`ll find his story quite enjoyable"

She said before opening the door, revealing another mini library inside containing several books. All safely kept and cleaned inside of an encased shelves.

" Lucias Frey, many called him a monster, but... everyone who he led during the struggles of our dimension sees him as a hero. the man who stood in front of them and showed them that they could win despite being in a huge disadvantage "

She said before scanning through the large piles of books containing the stories and documents about different legendary beings of their dimension.

Asia Argento, Kurumi Tokisaki, Lily Frey, Riku Dola, Sephie Michaela Deviluke. Every single person who made their name known during the great dimensional war in the past all had their own books inside the mini libray. Containing their deeds and achievements.

" There it is "

She said as her hand stopped in front of 10 books inside the shelves. Titled as the "The Birth of the Saviour" with 10 volumes. Mainly due to the incredibly long journey that Lucias Frey has experienced.

" You can start reading it from the 1st volume. Lucias Frey has come a long way from being a normal human in becoming an origin. I`m sure you`ll enjoy it "

She said before passing the book on the man in front of her.

" He is the person that freed us an helped us all stand where we are today. That`s why it is mandatory to teach his history to the students at all levels. Even though it`s a long read. I`m can assure you that it`s worth it "

She said with a kind smile on her face before leaving the man alone in the mini library. Making him dazedly look around before sitting down on the sofa inside the mini library.

" Why is everyone so obsessed with a man who hasn`t show his face for millions of years? "

He said as he opened the book, starting to read the very start of the long history of the man who rose up in ranks.

The man that was once a sacrifice but turned into one of the most powerful beings in every realms.

The man that killed millions with his own hands, and saved his own dimension from being enslaved by unknown creatures.

He was Lucias Frey, the manisfestation of Destruction. He had an extremely long history, all written down in the records due to his immense impact to the fate of several dimensions.

The ruler of an unfathomable faction, that dominated everything during it`s reign.

And all of is started when he was a child...

A child that was labelled as a Heretic....

Note that the first arc is written in various POVs

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