
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Christmas Special - Our Present

-with Lucias-

"Good Morning"

Lucias greeted while three large christmas presents levitated behind him.


One of the triplets called while fixing each other's hair, wearing nothing but his used T-shirts that was supposed to be hidden in his laundry.

"... I thought I told you girls not to wear my used clothes"

Lucias said before sitting down on the sofa inside their room, placing the three large presents behind the sofa.

"It's comfortable!"

One of the joyfully answered before running towards him with open arms as an innocent smile decorated her face.

"You should've told me, I could've given all 3 of you my new shirts"


She laughed while tightly hugging his body.

"... Lucias, what's that?"

One of the triplets asked while pointing at the large presents behind the sofa with curious expression on their faces.

"It's my present for the 3 of you, Merry Christmas, Cerberus"


They shouted in unison before running towards the three large boxes with excitement causing Lucias to gently smile while watching their cute expression while opening their presents.

"I'll be going first, I need to prepare the faction for the Christmas party that we're holding later"

Lucias said as he stood up from the sofa and giving the three of them a small peck on their lips before leaving the room to meet up with Sephie and Couronne.


One of the demon dogs waved her hand at Lucias while watching him leave their room with a light smile on his face.

"It's a teddy bear!"

One of them shouted in excitement as she completely unwrapped her present, revealing a large soft teddy bear that was twice their size, and a small box of pancakes that Lucias personally made this morning.

"Lucias remembered"

One of them muttered while hugging the large teddy bear with a joyful smile on her face causing the other two to nod their heads as they unwrapped their own presents.

"... Did we ever give Lucias a present before?"


"We didn't?"

The three of them said among themselves before taking out the hot pancakes within the box that each of them recieved from Lucias.


"We need to thank him!"

"B-But what kind of present?"

One of them asked causing the other two to hold their chin like they were contemplating on what they should give Lucias for Christmas.

"Oh! Modeus said something that Lucias might like!"


"What is it?"

The two asked as they leaned forward with anticipation written on their faces.

"Modeus said that guys want mate during Christmas!"


"We're going to make puppies?"

The two muttered with a tinge of pink visible on their cheeks as soon they heard the word "mate" come out of her mouth.

"B-But Lucias said that he didn't want to mate"

One of the reculantly said causing the other two to lower their heads in response.

"Should we ask Modeus?"

One of them suggested while her tail wagged behind her causing the other two to brighten their expression as they immediately nodded their heads in response.

"Let's go!"

-with Modeus-

"Even though I want to help... I have no idea how to seduce Lucias... He never really got tempted by my advances in the past"

Modeus said while standing in front of the triplets who were looking at her with anticipation.

"B-But you already mated with Lucias last Saturday!"

"... H-How?"

Modeus asked with a flustered expression on her face while staring at the triplets in front of her.

"You smelled like Lucias after you left his room!"

"T-That is..."

Modeus stuttered with a flushed expression on her face causing the triplets to look at her in excitement.

"... I also didn't know why he suddenly did that last Saturday... well... if its you three, I doubt he'll accept because of your innocence"

Modeus said to the triplets causing their ears to drop on the head in sadness.

"L-Lucias won't mate with us?"

"T-That's not it... wait, maybe this method would work"

Modeus muttered to herself as a mischievous smile appeared on her face, confusing the triplets from the sudden change in her demeanour.

"Follow my lead later this night. I have a plan that will benefit all of us"


-with Lucias-

"... Merry Christmas Everyone, even though we faces extreme hardship in the past few years. I congratulate everyone for surpassing such hardship together. I'm proud of every single one of you that loyally served the faction despite the heavy losses that we got. Today, we celebrate so spend time with your loved ones and have fun. The burden that we shouldered in the past is no more so enjoy your party until your hearts are content! May the 'creator' be with us!"

Lucias shouted as he riased his glass of wine in front of the large crowd below him with a dignified expression on his face causing the crowd to cheer as they all shouted the name of the faction with a joyful smile on their faces.

"Merry Christmas, Father" (Void, Death, Chaos, Order)

"Merry Christmas, Papa!"

Hanna telepathically said as Lucias walked down the large throne that the Patrons made for him in the past to signify his authority and power to the people.

"Merry Christmas, Hanna. Where's your mother?"

Lucias asked while searching through the large crowd of people, trying to find any of his wives but was shocked as he couldn't find a single one of them. Only his children are found playing with the other kids of the faction.

"Hmm~ Mother reminded me to stay put in my realm while she descends down their to celebrate christmas with you"

Death answered in her place in a mischievous voice.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing~ Mother reminded me to tell you to go to the ruby palace. She said that her gift for you is located inside"

Death said before immediately cutting off the call causing Lucias to frown from the unease that he felt when he heard her words.

"... Did something happen to them?


"... Why is it... so quite in here?"

Lucias muttered while walking through the empty hallway of the ruby palace with a cautious expression on his face.

"... Did someone infiltrate our headquarters?... No, that's impossible since I increased the security around Aincrad so... why do I feel so unease?"

Lucias said with a light frown on his face as he hastened his pace towards his room, worried that something might've happened to his wives.

"But... If 'creator' is with them... I doubt that anything will happen to them"

Lucias said in relief before slowly opening the large door of his room.

"Merry Christmas, Lucias!!"

Modeus immediately greeted as soon as he opened the door, frozen in front of the doorway due to the scene in front of him.

All of his wives were inside the room, all wearing nothing but a single red ribbon on their bodies that complemented their soft skin, including Yoshino, Est, and Natsumi who assumed their true forms.


Lucias smiled at Modeus who was grinning widely before massaging the bridge of his nose as he closed the door in front of him.

"... Did I drink too much?"

Lucias uttered before opening the door once again, only to find that the scene hasn't changed at all.

"Lucias, let's have fun"

Justice said in a casual yet excited tone as she grabbed his right shoulder while Azazel grabbed the other to prevent him from escaping.

"Uh... G-Girls you all know that I can't handle all of you at once right?"

"No worries... I can temporarily give you infinite stamina for you to satisfy all of us"

The 'creator' said causing a shiver to ran down his spine as the door behind him shut tight. Leaving no room to escape.

"This is our Christmas Present for you, Lucias. You can use us as you like~"

Modeus seductively whispered close to his ears, pressing her large and soft breast on his chest.

"... C-Can we just talk this out?"

"No way"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MissRiascreators' thoughts