
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 65: Artoria Madness (2)

"Listen, since I'm the main body you two should listen to my words since I've been here far longer than both of you"

Artoria stated as she pulled her two copies to her seat causing Artoria Lily to nod her head in response while Altria clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"I-I'm fine with it"

"Tch... Fine..."

Both of them answered causing Artoria to relax her expression before gazing at Lucias who was nervously looking at his status board.

"... Lucias... don't tell me you're going to summon another version of me?"

She asked with a suspicious expression on her face causing Lucias to wryly at her direction.

"It's in random and... I don't think it's possible for me to summon another version of you 4 times in a row so you don't have to worry about it"

Lucias assured causing Artoria to narrow her eyes before sighing in defeat as she sat back down in her seat.

"... If you want to summon more versions of myself... Make sure you can control them all"

"... That's impossible..."



Lucias answered as he glanced back at his status board with an obidient expression on his face.

"There's no way I'll get another Artoria, right?"

"... I do not know..."

The 'creator' answered in an unsure voice causing Lucias to nervously laugh before pressing the summon button once again.

"... Nothing?"

He muttered seeing that the magic circle didn't light up until a new batch of notifications appeared in front of him causing cold sweat to ran down his back.

[The player has successfully summoned Artoria Pendragon of the class lancer]

[Artoria Pendragon has been detected among the list of servants that the player current have]

[Would you like to merge them together? 

Yes or No]

"I'll just merge them"


"I won't be convinced no matter what your reasons are"

"Hanna, come here for a second"

The 'creator' said from the other side of the telephaty before quietly whispering something to their daughter.

"Papa, Listen to mama, ok?"

Hanna said in a pleading tone causing Lucias to hesitate from his decision.

"... Fine..."

Lucias said with a helpless expression on his face causing a joyful voice to echo from the other side of the telephaty.

"... I hate my own weakness"

Lucias muttered before choosing the [No] option once again causing the magic circle to shine as a single figure on top of a valiant white horse clad in silver armor appeared from the magic circle.

Lucias looked at her in shock while watching her get down from the horse while taking off some of her armor, before hugging Lucias tightly in her embrace with a stoic expression on her face.

"I shall answer your call. I am your Servant, Lancer, and your wife. With this lance, I will be your strength and... your partner"

She greeted while burying Lucias in her breast, agitating the other Artorias from behind.

"... Who?"

Lucias muttered as he stared directly at her eyes.

She still had the same features as the original but unlike her she seems far more mature than the original. Her figure is tall and curvaceous, clad in silver and blue armor, a cloak, wearing a golden crown abover her head.

"What's wrong?"

She asked as she glanced down at Lucias due to her own height.

"... Can't... breathe.."

Lucias said as he tried to push her away from his body causing him to accidentally press his arms on her large and soft breast causing her to quietly moan as she tighten her embrace.

"Let go of him!!"

Artoria and Altria shouted as they tried to pull Lucias away from her embrace.

"Why are you interfering with our reunion?"

She asked with a slight frown on her face while watching her Artoria easily peel Lucias off her body causing her to widen her eyes in amusement.

"Hmm... to think that my younger self would have this kind of power, is it because of my husband?"

"Who's your husband!? He's mine!"

"He's OUR husband, have you forgotten?"

Altria retorted while Artoria Lily looked at Lucias with concern.

"You're so popular, Master-chan" (Vergil)

"... Pervert" (Anastasia)

"How nice it is to be young" (Muramasa)

"Master-sama..." (Gohg)

"Fight!" (Nemo, crew)

"You're quite a sinful boy, Master" (Irisviel)

All of his servants chattered causing Lucias to wryly smile before deciding to stop the 4 of them from fighting.

"That's eno-"

"Shut up!" (Artoria)

"Yes, ma'm"

Lucias said before meekly sliding out of their fight causing the 'creator' to sigh before silently advising him in his mind.

"... You should know how to properly manage your harem, Lucias"

'... What do you think should I do in this type of situation?'

"... Forcefully calm them down"


"Kiss them... That always calm her down and turn her submissive to you"

'... That's kinda...'

"Or do you want them to continue fighting?"

'... Fine...'

Lucias said as he sighed in defeat before walking towards Artoria, forcefully pulling her to the side causing all of her copies to look at him in confusion.

"Lucias, what are yo-"

She tried to ask but was cut off when Lucias sealed her lips causing her face to flush as she tried to break free from his grip.


She moaned in between their kiss as she slowly loss her strength causing Lucias to smile inside his mind before seperating his lips from hers.

"Mash, can you take her to her seat?"

Lucias asked causing Mash to nod her head in response before making her way towards Artoria to carry her back to her seat.

"Are you 3 still going to fight?"

Lucias asked causing Artoria Lily to blush as she shyly averted her eyes from Lucias.


Artoria (Lancer) hummed before forcefully grabbing him by his collar and giving him a deep kiss on his lips, shocking Lucias from her aggressive actions before both of them seperated from each other.

"Don't provoke me, Lucias... I'm not as reserved as my younger self"

She said with a light smile on her face before signalling for her steed to follow her from behind.

"C-Can I-"

Artoria Lily tried to request for a kiss but was stopped by Altria who forcefully pulled her back to their spot.

"How energetic of you, dear... but it's such a shame that I wouldn't be able to test it by tonight"

She said as she licked her lips while staring directly at his golden eyes causing Lucias to smile wryly from her actions.

"Creator... What did you mean by modifying their memories?"

"Their will recieve an artificial memory of you being their lover... In the case of Artoria (Lancer)... You are her most trusted aid that accompanied her in several battlefields until you finally proposed to her after she stabilized her rule over her kingdom... and for Artoria Lily... You became her beloved childhood sweetheart that stayed with her in her village as she trained to become a king"

"... So that's why she said "reunion"... How complicated"

"It is needed to justify the feelings that they held for you... Unless you want to get attacked by her Lancer counterpart due to her insecurities about her own emotions"

The 'creator' explained causing Lucias to frown before glancing at the 4 Artorias who were talking to each other while stealing several glances at his direction.

"What a pain... can't I just summon them without those emotions?"

"No... that's what their main body felt and they are just a modified copy of the main body so it's inevitable"

The 'creator' answered causing Lucias to sigh before looking back at the status board in front of him.

"... Let's just get this over with..."

Lucias said before pressing the button once more, hoping that he wouldn't summon another version of Artoria.

"... How unfortunate of you, Lucias"


Lucias muttered in confusion as a familiar batch of notifications suddenly appeared in front of him.

[The player has successfully summoned Mysterious Heroine X of the assassin class]

[Artoria Pendragon has been detected among the list of servants that the player current have]

[Would you like to merge them together? 

Yes or No]

"... Mysterious Heroine X?"

Lucias muttered while staring at the weird name written in the notification window in front of him.

"Hmm... How lucky of you, Lucias"

The 'creator' said causing Lucias to tilt his head in confusion.

"This version of hers wishes to hide her identity as Artoria Pendragon so she will not publicly and actively persue you unlike the others"

"... That great, I guess?"

Lucias muttered before choosing [No] causing brilliant white light to appear from the magic circle causing a single woman to appear in front of him.

"The code name is Heroine X. I am a Servant summoned in response to the recent social problems involving an increasing number of Sabers. It is nice to meet you"

A young woman wearing rough and sporty garments, and a cap with her ahoge sticking out to the front greeted before looking behind him in shock due to the sheer amount of Sabers present in front of her.

"It looks like this place has been infected by countless sabers, don't worry Lucias, I'll take care of them in your place"

She said as she brandished her sword, preparing to attack Muramasa and Vergil who was casually sitting on the ground.

"Stop, they are our allies"

Lucias said as she grabbed her shoulders to stop her from attacking them causing her to look at him with confused eyes.

"Teacher X!!"

Artoria Lily shouted with a joyful smile on her face as she hurriedly ran towards X, hugging her tightly in her embrace.

"Oh! Lily! So you're here too!"

X said as she patted her head with a bright smile on her face before noticing the crowd of Artorias behind Lucias.

"Yes, yes... Even though there are more Sabers, there's more me now, too"

She muttered while holding her chin with her right hand before pointing her finger to the servants of the class saber among the crowd.

"I'll let you all off for now but heed my warning, I'll defeat all sabers in this place!"

"Let's do our best, Teacher X"

Artoria Lily happily said before pulling X towards their spot to share with her every adventures that she has gone through in the past.

"... How energetic"

Lucias said in relief as she didn't react like the other Artorias from before towards him.

"Thank goodness..."

Lucias muttered before placing his attention back at the window in front of him.

"... Next..."

Lucias whispered as he silently pressed the button but to his annoyance the same notification appeared in front of him.

"What the..."

[The player has successfully summoned Mysterious Heroine X (Alter) of the berserker class]

[Artoria Pendragon has been detected among the list of servants that the player current have]

[Would you like to merge them together? 

Yes or No]

"How come I can summon several versions of my fiancée but I can't even summon the specified servants by my quest..."

"... You're luck works in very unexpected ways, Lucias"


Lucias sighed before choosing the [No] option once again causing the magic circle to illuminate causing Artoria Lily and X to stare at the magic circle in anticipation.

"I hope it's not another saber"

X muttered as the light slowly dissipated leaving a single young girl standing in front of them as it stared directly at X's direction.

"Heroine X Alter... I am a Berser... I mean, Saber-class... Yes, Saber, probably... X so you're here..."

A young girl with the same features as X except for her pale skin and opaque yellow eyes introduced before glancing at Lucias with a slight curiosity visible in her eyes.

"... It's you..."


"... You look... delicious..."

She asked as she stared at him with a deadpan expression on her face.

"EX! We finally got to meet each other again!"

"... Let go..."

She said in a quite voice as she struggled to break free from her embrace.

"... Lucias... you're doing this on purpose right?"

Artoria asked as she glanced at her numerous copies with a strange expression on her face while Enkidu looked at him in bewilderment.

"I'm a huge simp for my own fiancée... That's why I'm summoning all versions of her from the Throne of Heroes"

Lucias said before letting out a dry laugh as he dazedly stared at the magic circle in front of him.

"Don't tell me you're going to summon another alter version of me?"

Artoria asked while pointing at Artoria (Lancer) who was watching them without any emotion visible in her eyes.

"... Don't jinx me, of course I won't"


"I'm not doing this on purpose..."

Lucias said as he pressed the summon button with a nervous expression on his face but froze when the magic circle didn't light up as he expected.

[The player has successfully summoned Artoria Pendragon (Alter) of the rider class]


"... Dont say it..."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MissRiascreators' thoughts