
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 15: Lucias Vs Justice

(3rd POV)

"So master... What a should we do now?"

Lily asked Lucias who was observing the 5 doors that appeared in front of them as soon as they entered the gate.

He pulled Lily and tried to enter the door together with her but a invisible wall blocked their path.

[Only one person can enter the door]

A system notification rang inside his head, explaining the phenomenon that happened.

"... Let's split up, each of us will take a door, I'll give you all healing pills just in case something happens"

"Isn't it a bit dangerous to split up on enemy grounds master?" (Lily)

"We have no choice, we can't enter as a group, only one person can enter per door"

"So one trial per person, huh?" (Tiamat)


"Then we should prepare first before we go in, we don't know what is behind each door so we need to be ready for any kind of situation that might occur" (Tobiichi)

"This is kind of exciting" (Azazel)

"I am going to give you all a bottle of recovery pills, it can heal any wounds and replenish your mana and stamina"

Lucias said before giving each a bottle containing 12 pieces of green pills before opening his status shop and buying 2 skills that might help him fight the unknown.

[Skill: Identify has been bought] (500 Shop Points)

[Identify (lvl maxed) - Identifies any skills used by an opposing figure towards the caster of the skill, no matter their gap in power (consumption: 1,000 mp/sec)]

[Skill: Phantom Steps has been bought] (500 shop points)

[Phantom Steps (lvl maxed) - Passively increases agility by 50%. Mastery of an unreadable footwork that can manually control the center of gravity of the caster (consumption: 1,000 mp/sec)]

"Then everyone pick your door"

All 4 of the girls nodded before they randomly picked a door of their choice while Lucias chose the remaining door.

"Everyone be careful, I don't care if you clear your door or not, be safe, that is your main priority"

"Understood" (Tobiichi)

"You don't need to worry too much, Lucias-kun" (Azazel)

"Just come back alive Lucias I can handle myself" (Tiamat)

"Be careful as well, master" (Lily)

"Then let's go"

All of them entered their respective doors, leaving nothing but an empty hall way behind.

- With Lucias -

[You have chosen Justice's Trial]

[Test of skill is under process]

[All stats have been temporarily modified to match Justice]

"Thank goodness"

Lucias sighed in relief as he felt a significant increase in his raw power. He tried testing his strength by kicking the air and was surprised that he was able to perform 10 high kicks in quick succession in a matter of seconds.

"This feels great"

[Thermal Magic has been temporarily sealed]

[Primordial Flame Magic has been temporarily sealed]

[Primordial Ice Magic has been temporarily sealed]

[Primordial Darkness Magic has been temporarily sealed]

[Primordial Oceanic Magic has been temporarily sealed]

[Mana Manipulation has been temporarily sealed]

[No attribute Magic has been temporarily sealed]

[Increased proficiency in all weapon types skills]

[Player have temporarily unlocked [Peak Swordsmanship] Skill]

[Increased proficiency in unarmed combat skill]

[Player have temporarily unlocked [Peak Martial Arts] Skill]

[Trial will start, please get ready]

The voice stated as he took out a pair of gauntlets that he obtained from a drop of a lvl 400 Rock Giant in the past.

[Gauntlet of Hercules

Grade: Unique

The first weapon of Hercules as a child, due to the his will to get stronger the gauntlet manifested some of his desires as a child.

50% Increased Attack Speed

80% Increased Attack Damage

Creates a shockwave in every attack

Durability: 1,200/1,200]

[Justice's Trial has started]

[Task: Break the mask on Justice's Belt]

As soon as the voice disappeared a figure suddenly fell down from the ceiling, breaking the floor and creating a large creator below it as a cloud of smoke covered his sight before facing Lucias who was standing at the entrance of the room.

As the clouds of dust disappeared a figure of a girl is seen in the middle of the crater. She is a short demon girl with pale skin, a black arrow-tipped tail, andsilvery-white hair. She has a short pony tail on the back of her head, tighten with a red bandana. Poking out of her hair are two small black horns that are rounded at the tips while wearing sunglasses that covered her eyes.

She wore a black tie with two silver clips attaching it to her red shirt. She wears a black suit jacket, which she wears, unbuttoned, around her shoulders, and fingerless gloves on her two hands with metal tags attached on her wrist with the letters HPJ written on it.

Lucias searched for the mask that the task wants him to destroy to finish the trial, which he surprisingly found hanging from the waist of her metal belt. He then casted appraisal on her and to his expectations, he couldn't see most of her status due to their gap in strength, his original strength.


Race: Ancestral Demon

Sacred Gear: None

Title: The awesome demon

Job: High Persecutor

Level: ???

Hp: cannot be determined

Mp: cannot be determined

Strength: ???

Intelligence: ???

Endurance: ???

Agility: ???

Luck: ???

Charm: ???

Skills: ???

Status: Semi-controlled

"Sorry about this boy, even if you're helping in free us, I can't hold back due to my Semi-controlled state, but at least I won't kill ya"

Justice stated as she punched his right fist to her left palm, creating a massive shockwave due to the sheer strength that is contained in punch.

"I'll try not to kill you, I'll just break most of the bones in your body if you can't handle it, and the seal will register you as defeated"

"Thanks for the consideration... I guess"

Lucias smiled wryly while bending his knees and lifting his hands up to his face while facing the casual looking Justice.

"Then let's start shall we?"

Justice smiled before disappearing in her spot. Lucias immediately felt her presence behind him, so he turned his body around while dodging her punch that almost hit his face.

The ground behind him cracked from the sheer air pressure produced by her single punch.

"Not bad"

Justice muttered before kicking Lucias on the stomach that sent him flying across the room until he crashed into the wall, creating a large creater on the stone wall.

[Skill: Force Manipulation has been identified]

[Force Manipulation (lvl 92/100) - Grants the user the ability to multiply or divide the force of her attacks or any projectiles/attacks around her]

[Skill: Shock Manipulation has been identified]

[Shock Manipulation (lvl 87/100) - Grants the user the ability to manipulate the shockwave produced by her attack at will]

"It's a good thing I don't feel pain from this"

Lucias muttered before activating his panthom steps and covering his body with enhancement magic to make himself more durable and able to resist being blown away by her attack.

"Not bad, not many people can survive that even if they are as strong as me"

She then increased the strength on her legs as she pressed it on the ground, breaking it in the process before launching herself to Lucias, aiming her fist at his head.

Lucias titled his head to avoid the punch, causing it to hit the wall behind him, breaking the entire wall behind him, she quickly manipulated the shockwave of her attack to hit Lucias at the back causing him to launch forward towards Justice.

His face buried itself to her large breast as he crashed at her body.

"If you want my body, you can have it after you help us break free from here"

Justice said with a grin on her face before grabbing his head and smashing it to the ground.

'I can't even land a hit on her!'

Lucias thought as he used blink above her to get out of her grip. He then punched her on the head with all of his strength causing her face to crash onto the ground as a large crater was produced from the large amount of force transferred into her head as it smashed onto the ground.

Lucias immediately blinked away while feeling confused from her actions since she could've have decreased the force of his attack using her skill.

"Why didn't you reduce the force of my attack?"

Lucias asked due to curiosity to Justice who was standing up with a large smile on her face.

"Pfft- Who wants that? It's much more fun doing it like this"

She laughed before launching herself towards Lucias preparing to punch him at the side of his head. Lucias tried to move his head to dodge her attack.

Justice quickly retracted her fist before quickly taking advantage of his lowered guard to punch him at the side of his waist.

Lucias immediately used the force generated from her attack as it connected to his waist to increase the force of his punch as he upper cutted her chin with his left hand.

[Skill: Counter acquired]

[Counter (lvl maxed) - Returns the same amount of force and power of the attack towards the user back to the attacker]

Justice was launched high in the air before she spun her body, landing on the ground on her feet as she immediately charged towards Lucias.

She quickly placed her hands on the ground as soon as she got close to him and spun her body around, connecting a powerful kick into his gut as Lucias tried to use counter, grabbing her foot, pulling her up before smashing her body to the ground with the same amount of force contained in her kick.

[Skill: Strength Amplifier has been identified]

[Strength Amplifier (lvl 79/100) - Grants the user the ability to momentarily multiply her raw strength, depending on how much the user wants to multiply it and how much the user's body can handle]

As Lucias let go of her foot, Justice placed her hands on the ground before performing a sweep kick on him causing him to fall on the ground before she repositioned herself to perform an axe kick on his stomach burying him into the ground.

She then launched a powerful hook on the location of his head, causing the shattered ground to break into pieces as the wind pressure spiked around her due to her strength as dust covered the area around them.

Slowly the dust subsides revealing an empty space under her fist as she heard a voice behind her.

"Is it ok, if we break this place, won't the building collapse at this point?"

Lucias asked while pointing at the destroyed room caused by their fight.

"Meh, it's ok, I don't live here anyway"

Justice nonchalantly answered before rushing towards Lucias, tightening her fist as she performed a straight punch aiming for his face.

Lucias reacted by connecting his fist with her own as he used counter on the force of her fist, creating a powerful wind pressure around them as the ground below started to break.

After the impact of the attack Lucias was launched into the air before rolling on the ground until he crashed onto the barely standing wall causing it to collapse on him while Justice directly crashed on the wall on the opposite side, destroying it in the process.

"Fuck me... Isn't that mask destroyed yet?"

Lucias cursed before removing the debri that fell on him before standing up wondering why the mask hasn't been destroyed yet when their fist destroyed the entire room. It should have been destroyed due to the shockwaves and force of their attacks towards each other.

"We'll that was fun!"

Justice shouted in joy as she separated herself from the wall. Her sunglasses destroyed, revealing her pure grey eyes as she walked towards Lucias who was covered in dust and sand.

"I have high hopes for you boy, especially since you passed my test"

Justice proudly stated while lifting the mask that was on her belt. The mask unlike before had several cracks spread around it while some parts are already chipped off, slowly more parts started to fall until the remaining ones broke into pieces as it fell on the ground.

[The seal on Justice has been destroyed]

[Status is returned to normal]


Lucias shouted in relief as he dropped down on the ground, relaxing his tired body.

"The mask was destroyed when I was launched at the wall, I didn't notice that it was on my butt when I crashed on the wall"

"What is that thing made of? It could have been destroyed when we were exchanging fist"

Lucias asked with a tired smile on his face while looking at Justice who had an amused smile on hers.

"I don't know, I just received it when I was sealed here"

Justice laid down beside him, admiring the view of the destroyed room that we caused during our fight.

"Damn, I missed the taste of pancakes"


"Yeah, back in the days, a human named Helltaker offered us pancakes and alcohol in exchange we have to join his harem"

"How can pancakes exist back then, I though you were sealed for millions of years"

"According to him, its his own creation, also the technology in the underworld back then is quite advance... I guess? Since electric appliances has already been produced by those smartass demons in the past, but for some reason they all suddenly disappeared along with their inventions before we were sealed inside here"

"That's quite interesting"

"Of course it is"

"Then did you agree with joining his harem?"

Lucias asked her with a curious expression on his face.

"Yeah actually, but only Malina, Pandemonica, and Zdrada stayed with him, while we tried to search for the missing demons. But unfortunately for us, we were captured and sealed by that dude in here for a few millions of years. After that many beings tried to free us but none of them succeeded, some tell us stories about what is happening outside before Cerberus killed them"

"So what happened to him?"

"According to them, the 4 stayed in the underworld and created a... loving (?) family before they died in the Great War"

"...Sorry for your lose"

"Don't worry about it that was a thousand year ago, for some reason Helltaker was able to obtain the ability to remove the aging function on his body and was able to live along with the 3 until the Great War"

"He seems like a nice guy"

"He was a pretty okay guy, I guess"

She said as a nostalgic smile formed on her face before she stood up from the ground, stretching her arms towards him to help him stand up from the ground.

Lucias took her offer and grabbed her hand as she pulled him up from the ground.

"Well, we still have to free the others, so we can relax after all of this, since I am helping you now, the other trials should be easy"

"Well, Azazel is helping us, I just don't know which Ancestral Demon she faced"

"Azazel is helping you? I guess it's possible since I can feel that she's interested in your mana"

"... Is it really that obvious?"

"Of course, you didn't even hide your aura and mana, like you're telling the world about your ability, but don't worry only beings as powerful or more powerful than me can sense it"

"Thank goodness, I don't want to be swarmed by strangers everyday"

Lucias sighed in relief while Justice grinned at him before walking towards the door that appeared after the test was completed.

"Shall we go?"

She asked while looking back at Lucias who immediately followed her back.

"Let's go"

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