
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 11: Start of the war

"Tobiichi-sama, preparations have been completed all of our men are now stationed in their respective positions"

Elmenhilde reported to the white haired girl wearing a pure white astral dress with a large crown of gold decorated by a white veil floating on top of her.

"Good, let me contact Lucias, you go back to your station and wait for my signal"

Tobiichi ordered before going back to the mansion to meet Kurumi's Clone who was talking with Natsumi.

"Tell Lucias preparations are done, the soldiers are now ready to start the war"

"This is going to be fun"

The clone let out a excited smile before entering the shadows appearing before Kurumi who was standing together with Lucias disguised as a guard.

"Ara so everything is set?" (Kurumi)

"Yes, according to her, everything is set" (Clone)

"... Then Kurumi, call Yami over here, after that you can go towards the residence of King Tepes and take care of the main forces of their house except for King Tepes and Marius"

"With pleasure"

Kurumi with a wide smile on her face disappeared through the darkness. After a few minutes Yami came to the gate along with Kuroka who was disguised as the wife of Lord Vladi.

"Lucias I missed you nya!"

She shouted in excitement before returning to her original appearance as she pounced on Lucias.

"Everything is ready, Yami have you already weakened the walls surrounding the Tepes Faction?"

"Already done"

Lucias smiled before placing his hands on the wall connected to the gate as he started gathering all of his mana in his hands casting two different spell simultaneously.


Lucias said as the area close to the walls started to exponentially decrease in temperature as a layer of frost started covering the entire wall surrounding the faction.

"[Chain Explosion]"

He then casted a high leveled flame spell that blows up anything that he touches and will continue to explode as long as it can detect his mana signature close to the area of explosion.

Loud explosions echoes throughout the faction, alarming all of the members as they readied their weapons and went out to find the source of the explosion.


Loud screams echoed outside the factions as thousands of vampires dressed in armor started advancing towards the territory of the Tepes Faction.

Meanwhile a girl with long straight light indigo hair wearing a yellow astral dress with blue and white ruffles covering some parts of her dress, went at the back of the army before summoning her angel.


She muttered as a giant organ appeared in front of her. Miku then placed her fingers on the keys of the organ as she started to play a song from her angel Gabriel.

"Gabriel Fantasia"

Melodic yet powerful music echoed throughout the battlefield as each and every soldiers from the Carmilla Faction started to feel a large boost in their strength and speed as they started to besiege the Tepes Faction.

"You worthless shits, stop dazing and defend the facti-"

A high ranking vampire shouted, waking the dazed vampires but before he can even finish his sentence a concentrated arrow of pure mana pierced his skull causing a small powerful explosion that killed all the vampires near him.

"W-What happened?"

The vampires asked themselves as fear gripped their hearts as all of them knew how much power was in that single arrow.


"Agreement: Indeed, that was a great shot Kaguya"

On top of a small hill close to the Tepes Faction is where two girls with identical appearance holding a giant bow together is found.

"Question: Should Yuzuru and Kaguya kill that screaming man in front of the vampires?"


Kaguya said as they both charged their next attack as light started to concentrate on the bow.

"Raphael El Kanaph"

They both chanted as they released the bow string, firing the arrow towards the screaming man killing him in an instant along with the nearby vampires.

"I wonder if Lucias will reward us later"

"Reply: Lucias will likely reward after"

"True, based on his personality he will most likely agree"

-With Kurumi-


The high ranked vampires screamed in terror as they saw their comrades get devoured by the shadows as bullets flew across the room hitting their skulls as blood splattered behind them.

"Fufufu, this is wonderful"

Kurumi muttered as she sinisterly laughed while killing all of the vampires in the vicinity.

"W-who are you?!"

The remaining vampires screamed in fear while pointing at Kurumi who had a large smile on her face facing the vampire on the ground.

Kurumi laughed in response before pale arms came out below him, pulling him into the shadow.


The vampire desperately tried to get out of their grip as he clawed the floor with his sharp claws before being completely devoured by the shadows.

"Ara, time for the main course"

She muttered as a large magic circle appeared inside the room as a man wearing a black tuxedo along with 4 more figures came out of the magic circle.

"Ara Ara, I've been waiting for you, Dreven Manthar"

Kurumi greeted the man who has a lustful grin on her face while observing each and every part of her body.

"Hmph, why do you follow such a weak human, your power and beauty is such a waste for him, why won't you join me and be my woman, I can give you everything that you want"

The man arrogantly said as he gazed at Kurumi with a confident smile plastered on his face.

"Ara, very tempting but forgive me as I have no interest in a man like you"

Kurumi smiled at the man, rejecting his proposal causing the man in front of her tremble in anger as he ordered his men to capture the lady in front of them.

"Tch, I tried to ask nicely but since you are so stupid to reject my offer, I'll just take you by force"

"Pfft- Hahahaha"

Kurumi burst into laughter confusing the vampires inside the room, but soon her laughter stopped as a large maniacal smile formed on her face.

"You are truly entertaining, Manthar-san... but you are truly brave to mutter such things about Lucias while in front of me.

Kurumi said as a giant clock appeared behind her.

"Zafkiel, Zayin"

She fired one bullet to each of the vampires inside the room. The man who saw the attack grinned in confidence as he summoned his sword and swung it towards the bullet fired by Kurumi.

The man along with his men froze on their spot as the time around them stopped.

"Your worthless pride will be the end of you"

Kurumi fired multiple bullets towards them before continuing the flow of time around the vampires, causing the bullets to pierce several holes in their body.

"Now then, time to hunt for more"

She said before entering her shadows leaving the corpses of the vampires inside the room.

-With Lucias-

"Kuroka, can you handle them?"

Lucias asked while pointing at the group of high ranked vampires standing in front of them.

"Of course nya, I became stronger in the last few weeks nya!"

Kuroka answered as she used her Senjutsu to strengthen her body before releasing a purple mist, covering the entire area.

Lucias who saw the poisonous mist didn't move and just stood still to watch the show.

'Hmm... This poisonous mist is quite lethal especially to those with no tolerance to poison, a small dose of this poison can instantly kill them in an instant'

Lucias thought as the scent of the poison entered his nose.

Like a response to her thoughts the weaker vampires immediately fell down dead as their skin turned extremely pale with a small mix of purple visible in their skin.

Kuroka quickly dashed towards a nearby surviving vampire, punching him on his chest causing his ribs to break apart and pierce his heart, instantly killing him before he could even register what happened.

Kuroka grabbed the corpse of the vampire and threw it at 3 vampires on her left causing them to momentarily lose their guard. Kuroka who saw them lowered their guard didn't waste time and immediately used teleport behind them, punching them in the back without hesitation as they felt their spinal cords break into pieces from her attack.

"Hmm? I don't remember them being so weak nya"

She muttered before creating a wheel of black flames, firing it at the remaining vampires, burning them into ashes.

"It seems like they user them to distract us while they escape"

"I got tricked nya!"

Kuroka screamed in anger as she tried to immediately rush towards the escaping vampire but was stopped by Lucias who wore a grin on his face.

"Don't worry, I have already anticipated this, and one of those vampires are the one responsible for the massacre of the children, so I sent Yami to go after them"

Lucias tried to calm her down as he hugged her waist, trying to stop her from rushing towards the vampires who tried to escape.

'Yami please be safe'

Lucias thought before disappearing together with Kuroka as they ran towards the residence of the House of Manthar.

-with Kotori-

Kotori holding her halberd along with Tohka who separated with the other 2 spirits ran towards the long hallway leading to the area where the House of Vladi resides in.

"Tohka stop!"

Kotori shouted at Tohka causing her to stop as a large energy beam was shot out in front of them, if kotori haven't warned Tohka, she could have been heavily injured from that attack.

"It seems like I underestimated you two"

A man with platinum blond hair and red eyes walked out of the hole in the wall facing both Kotori and Tohka. The man felt confused while looking at the two females that he didn't know, different from the people who he expected to come.


Tohka shouted as a large throne with a sword handle on top appeared inside the hall. Tohka climbed up the throne and grabbed the hilt on top of the throne pulling it out, revealing a large broadsword on her hand before charging towards the man swinging her giant sword down on him.

"Wait, Tohka, he must be Lord Vladi that Honjou told us about"

Kotori stopped Tohka attack as she remembered why they prioritized coming here.

Tohka immediately stopped her attack but the raw air pressure from the swing created a giant crater around Vladi who was shocked by the power contained in her attack.

" Lord Vladi, I guess you already know why we came here"

"Oh... Sorry, it seems like I have mistaken you from someone else, so I attacked you, please forgive my ignorance"

Vladi bowed his head slightly while sincerely apologizing to the two girls in front of him. He expected that the Mayor of the Tepes Faction, Marius to come to him. He despised their acts, especially how the son of the House of Manthar massacred the children that he secretly took care of in the old abandoned dormitory.

So 1 day before their attack, he switched sides and joined the Carmilla Faction along with his family. The Queen already informed him of their plan to attack the Tepes Faction, in which he hesitatingly agreed as he acted as a worm inside the Tepes Faction.

"No, we came here to escort your family to a safe place, but we need to hurry since both of us are still needed in battle"

Kotori said as 5 vampires came out of the hole created by Vladi. Kotori motioned for them to follow her.


Kotori asked as a clone of Kurumi appeared in front of them.

"I suggest that you take a different route, soldiers from the Manthar house are marching towards this place, I'll play with them a bit to buy you some time, Kotori-san"

"Then, we'll leave to you, Kurumi"

Kurumi's Clone smiled before disappearing in the halls as loud gunshot and screams echoed throughout the area.

"Let's go while she is distracting them"

Kotori said before leading them towards the opposite direction from where the screams and gunshots came from.

- With Tobiichi and Mukuro-

"Origami-san, are thee sure we are going the right way?"

Mukuro asked as they ran towards the throne room located at the center of the Tepes Faction while loud explosions and screams echoed outside the castle.

"Of course, Honjou has stated that this is where the two will stay at during the war"

"Are thee sure those gents are just going to sit back and gaze as their faction is being attack?"

"No, but Marius will advised the king to just stay in the throne room since destroying the factions is his main goal. According to Honjou he is part of the terrorist group that Lucias needs to destroy"

Tobiichi answered with an expressionless face as they finally arrived at the entrance of the throne room.

Both of them pushed the large gates as they entered the room and observed the place. The room was quite large and spacious. The only furniture found inside is a throne located at the middle of the platform.

On the throne sits a handsome man with blond hair and red eyes like Valerie behind him stands a boy in his late 20's that has the same features as the man sitting on the throne.

"Welcome, Forgotten Spirits, it's been 1000 years since I last saw your appearance"

"Muku is flattered from thy words. But thy an eyesore to Lucias. Your better off begone"

Mukuro said before summoning her angel, Michael, as a key appeared in her hands.

She then pointed the tip of the key towards Marius, firing a concentrated beam of mana towards him.

Marius was surprised by her sudden attack, but confidently smiled as he dodge the beam with minimal movement.

Mukuro's expression didn't change as she created a wormhole where the beam was suppose to hit, creating another on top of Marius, redirecting her attack.

Marius was startled by the sudden attack from above and only managed to barely dodge the beam as it burnt his entire right arm of to crisps.


Marius screamed in anger and pain as he held his missing arm.

"Let's end this quickly, I want to go back to Lucias"

Tobiichi said in a monotone voice as a set of golden feather like pillars appeared surrounding her which immediately took a circular formation where all of the tip of the pillars were pointing at the two vampires on the throne.

"Metatron, Artelif"

The pillars then gathered large amounts of mana concentrating it at the tip of the pillars before firing a beam of bright light towards the two vampires who couldn't move due to the sheer pain that they felt from the light of the beam.

"Michael, Segva"

Muku immediately followed and started her own attack, as she sealed away all of the functions of their body.

The beam of concentrated light hit the two vampires, disintegrating every part of their body at ease.

"I knew that they were far too weak for us..."

Origami sighed before facing Mukuro who had the same disappointed expression as her.

"Michael, Mal'akh"

The pillars then repositioned and folding themselves to create two wings on her back as she flew above the castle. Observing the situation from below.

The soldiers of Tepes Faction were rapidly decreasing thanks to Miku, Asia, Yuzuru, and Kaguya, many are just running away from the army since they couldn't harm any members from the Carmilla Faction due to Asia using her Balance Breaker.

"This is overkill"

Tobiichi muttered while watching the one sided slaughter of their side.

"I guess I'll help out since I have nothing else to do anyway"

Origami muttered as both Mukuro and her disappeared from their spot, appearing at the center of the battle field.

-with Yami-

"Hurry up!"

A pale man with light blond hair shouted at his subordinates as they tried to run away from the monster that instantly killed most of his men.

"You're not going anywhere... Alive"

Suddenly a monotonous voice echoed through the empty halls causing all of them to stop in their tracks and look at the source of the voice.

As they turned their heads, they saw a little girl with long blond hair wearing a gothic Lolita leather outfit with a heart shaped hole in the chest area of her outfit.

"Pfft- a little girl is trying to threaten me?"

The heir of the House of Martha mockingly said towards the expressionless Yami, but the killing intent seeping out of her contradicts her expressionless face.

"Men kill her and bring her to me, her body is a waste to not take advantage of"

The pale man ordered the men around him who had a conflicted expression on their faces as the felt the extreme killing intent coming from the child in front of them.


The man shouted in anger as he saw that his own men were not following his orders.

Without waiting for them to move, Yami transformed her hair into sharp blades as she poured her mana into them before slashing it at fast speed towards the surrounding men, dissecting them to pieces as the mana blades cut through their bodies.


The man muttered in terror as he gazed at the pieces of flesh and organs scattered around the hall as their blood created a pool below him.

"P-please w-wait, I-I can give you anything you want, j-just don't kill me"

The man started to plead for his life as he watched Yami walks closer to his location.


Yami felt her mind being clouded by anger as he looked towards the trembling man on the ground. She wanted to say something to him but couldn't since her words got stuck in her throat so she just decided to end him once and for all.

The man who saw the short opening on her body from letting her guard down due to anger, didn't let go of this opportunity and slashed Yami with a short dagger that he hid in his sleeves.

Yami who didn't expect the sudden attack raised her arm unconsciously as the dagger cut deep into her flesh, causing her blood to drench the dagger.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you fool you let your guard down"

The man maniacally laughed as he licked her blood off of his dagger.

Yami stayed silent while looking at the man as her wounds slowly recovered due to her skills that she obtained together with Lucias.

"Are you now scared, little girl~"


Yami gazed at the man like he was an idiot as she remembered her research with Lucias regarding her ability.


"Yami, you can change any part of your body right?"

Lucias asked while staring at Yami who was creating various types of weapons using her hair.


"How does it work actually?"

"My body contains millions of nanobots that allows me to use my transformation ability, basically, it is contained on each of my cells"

"Then does that mean that you can use your transformation ability on your blood?"

"... I don't know"

"Why won't you try it, it would become a very handy ability in the future"

Lucias suggested.

Yami thought for a bit before cutting her own hand with the blades on her hair, letting her blood flow down on their palm.

Yami immediately tried to use her transformation on the blood on the floor... but nothing happened. Yami tried it again and again multiple times and finally was able to succeed.

Her blood transformed into long swords as they dripped down the ground, but unlike before, she wasn't able to transform them back to its original form and permanently remained as a long sword.

(Flashback End)


The man didn't stopped laughing his lungs out as Yami stared at him like he is an idiot.

The man suddenly stopped laughing as he started choking on something while large amount of blood came out of his mouth. He started to scratch his throat from the pain before 4 pieces of blades pierced out of his throat as he fell down on the ground dead.


Yami muttered before leaving the dead bodies behind her as she ran outside the castle to help the others in battle.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MissRiascreators' thoughts