
Chapter 1


"They are coming brother."


"I can hear them sister."


I make a long sword and shield from ice.


They broke through the door my sister throws 3 fire balls into the old door killing a dozen enemies with each blast a knight covered in aura charges out of the flaming doorway and I charge at him.

He comes at me with a over head slash but I slam my shield into him first then drive the tip of my sword into his neck and then I slash right cutting off another enemies sword arm. I punch him with the edge of me shield then ram my sword into his gut before he could recover. I jump back dodging a slash aimed at my head then I slam my shield into the new aggressor and cut his head clean off.

'3 knights 7 seconds, I can do better.'

While I wait for the enemies to put out the flames I look behind me just to see the pathetic coward for a baron my sister and I protect.

"Why do serve him again sister?"

"Because studying magic is expensive and we're as broke as they get."

I steady my breath as I size up my new adversary. 7ft tall, muscles like a gorilla and more scars than hair.

My sister launches a fire ball and it explodes in his face, then I charge in for an over head slash but he barely blocks it with his halberd. I punch his gut with my shield then blasting him with an ice spike at point blank range. He drops his weapon to hold his stomach before I cut off his head.


I hear my sister scream so I turn around to see her held down by 2 men in black and rage flares throughout my body but before anything can be done I duck then pivot on my right leg slash up and drive my blades tip into the mans neck killing him instantly.

I pull out my sword and rush at my sisters captors who where still in shock. I manage to kill one but as I'm about to kill the other I run out of mana making my sword shatter when clashing against the enemies blade. He Spartan kicks me into a pillar knocking the wind out of my lungs. Before he could finish me I throw a smoke bomb at him then I shove a dagger into his neck killing him.

Exhaustion over takes my body and the last thing I see is my sisters tears then darkness.


..k. .p

w..e u.

"Wake up!"

Cold water poured onto my face I sit up disorientated but alive. My vision clears and I quickly realize 3 things. Firstly my hands, feet and neck are chained with anti-mana shackles. Secondly my sister isn't with me and lastly this place, where ever it is, isn't the barons dungeon.

"Get up prisoner" said the guard as he opened up my cell.

I stand up barely. My stomach still sore from the kick.

"Follow me prisoner."

The guard led me past other cells with many prisoners I new from the barons service and many more that I have never seen before. After I leave the prison and nearly going blind from the sun. Did I mention that there was barely any light in the prison. Anyway after a good 20 minutes of walking I enter a hall with many other prisoners in chains. I spot my sister easily with her fiery red hair. I kneel next to her before asking "So who is the lord of this place and what is our punishment?"

"You're alive!" she shout with delight.

"Shut it" shouted the guard who led me here.

I whisper to her "Of course I'm alive I promised I'd stay by your side didn't I?"

She whispered back "I didn't see you in the cells so I thought you where dead." She started to cry silent tears after that.

After giving her a minute she whispered "I don't know the lord of this place but she is at least a rank 4 mage with 4 rank 6 warriors protecting her. She is supposed to determine our punishment in this hearing."

"All rise for the countess!" shouted a guard as a woman in a black silk robe walked in flanked by 2 guards in black plate armor.

We all stood as the guard shouted and went back to our knees when she took her seat on her 'throne'.

"Rise when called upon" shouted the same guard.

"Baron Knell" said the countess icily.

The Baron stood with trembling knees. The countesses gaze cold as the winter breee.

"You are charged with rebellion, heresy, murder and theft of crown taxes. How do you plead?" her voice emotionless and cold.

"Guilty countess." the baron replied.

"As you have admitted to your crimes I strip you and your family of their land, titles, and wealth while you shall be hanged at high noon tomorrow."

"Thank you for your mercy countess." said the ex-baron.


---3 hours later---




"Your crimes are aiding in rebellion and hmm." the countess stopped half way then going silent looking at the list of my crimes.

"Is this accurate?" the countess asked her advisers.

"I can't personally vouch for his kills for the siege milady but I can vouch for his kills in the final battle" spoke a beast of a man.

"General Groll are you sure you wish to support this report?" asked the countess with a little skepticism.

"Yes milady I do" replied the General.

"Okay then your crimes are as follows, aiding in rebellion, assassination, slaying 3 black guards and 327 soldiers. I sentence you to death by execution" said the countess.


"Yes General Groll."

"May I make a suggestion?"

"Yes you may" replied the countess more than a little annoyed at the constant interruptions an curious at what the old mans suggestion might be.

"He has proven to be a capable soldier and assassin as stated in this report" says the old general before handing it to the next man.

"And your point is General?"

The old an turns to me and asks "What rank are you boy?"

"Rank 1 mage" I replied with pride.

My reply had more than a few mages and warriors gasping in shock that my rank was so low in comparison to my alleged kill count.



"I having personally seen his skill in combat and that when the baron had clearly lost he still chose to fight proving that he is 'loyal' even in complete defeat. He is young, talented in battle and 'loyal' to his lord."

"Get to the point General" said a mage standing next to the countess.

"Fine Lenar. I propose he be made one of milady's contract mages and be groomed as a future asset to the countess" said the general.

I was more than a little surprised the old man would want me to be a contract mage i.e. a personal mage of the countess. That is an honor for any rogue mage like my self. I thought he would make me a slave again. Yes I used to be a slave.

Silence pervade hall as everyone took in what he had just said. The countess looked at me then closed her eye's and what I assumed she was thinking it over, at least I hope she was because the only other option was death.

"What do you have to say mage Vaal." asked the countess.

"I'm not gonna lie I would like to become your contract mage but my sisters life must be spared. Thats all I ask for in exchange." I said much to the shock of the crowd.

"You have no right to make demands!" shouted Lenar with rage but I saw greed hidden in his eyes.

So the mage wants to be a contract mage. I could use that to my advantage.

"Who is your sister?" asked the countess amused at my request and again to the shock of the crowd.

I tap my sisters leg with my foot. "She is countess."

"Your name is?"

"Valery countess." Valery replied.

"You both are too weak to be my contract mages so in the mean time I will keep you both in house arrest to determine if either of you is skilled enough to be contract mages. You will also train with the apprentices and lesser mages to be more useful to me in the event either of you can't be contract mages. Do you both agree?"

I look to my sister and she to I. I nod at her and she to I.

""I agree my countess"" we spoke at the same time before bowing.

The countess waves her hand and guards remove the shackles binding us. My mana flows through me once more. My sister, ever the monster she is, draws all the mana in the room towards her. The guards and mages prepare to attack so I create my sword and shield ready to fight them off but the countess orders the guards to stand down. The mana in the room calms down just as fast as it was stirred.

"You broke through?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yes brother."

"Congratulations Mage Valery on your advancement" said the countess as she looked at all those before her "already proving my trust in the both of you was not misplaced."