
The Heretical Guards' Protection Service Library

Welcome to the DHG library, a collection dedicated to tracking and protecting entities across dimensions and realities, spanning from Earth to the realm of fiction. Our presence permeates every aspect of existence, whether in the shadows or as part of the civilian population. Our ultimate objective is to ensure the safety and stability of all worlds and dimensions under our protection. "We shall die with honor if it comes to that, but we are never gone forever." – The Dragon "Shall we dance once again?" – The Heretic

TheLastAuditor · Others
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Assigned Service: Unit 54

Date of Term Establishment: 16/8/994

Date for Contract Termination: N/A [Please note that the Unit Protection will remain active for the individual, even if the organization they were directed by is disbanded or inoperable. Other organizations consider The individual a valuable asset, and it has been agreed upon that active personnel should be present around them until the client's expiration date is fulfilled.]

Primary Directive: It has been determined that the designation of "PE" requires protection due to their reported connections with high-ranking executives, specifically with the Committee of Managers above the 50th percentile. If a Threat Level 8+ Entity poses hostility towards the client, PE must be within immediate reach for extraction. Without such an entity, standard protocols will remain in effect without interfering with the client's lifestyle. Continuous surveillance is necessary, as the level of unknown involvement is considerable.

She who loves her husband will continue to protect his goals for a better reality to all wishes. It is an honor to defend them, for it is a never-ending war zone.

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