
The Heretic Sword God

The Heretic Sword God, The One Who Betrayed All, The Thousand-Faced God, The Jester's Blade... These were all names given to one person by the masses; Khoru. But, that's too far into the future. Let's start at Khoru's beginning, his start on the path to both supreme and unparalleled strength, and godhood... Khoru, originally someone from a distant planet known as Kale Planet, perished and reincarnated on another planet. In his next life, Khoru realized that there was a drastic difference between the two worlds. This world had supernatural powers. The people of this world could awaken supernatural beings known as 'Martial Spirits' at the age of 12. Not only would these beings aid people in their cultivation, they could even provide people with magical items or abilities. Khoru just so happened to be born into a small noble family in Yellow Apple Town; The Ghostly Blade Family. They were a noble family full of sword fanatics. It was said that each member of the family would awaken a weapon type, almost always a sword-type, Martial Spirit. They were all extremely powerful as well. So now, not only did Khoru have to survive in a supernatural world where death was as common as eating, he also had to live up to the expectations of his overbearing family... And even worse, he was born as the illegitimate son of one of the supreme elders of the family! Fear not though, because Khoru won't fold under pressure so easily! = = = = = [Cover does not belong to me, I only edited it a bit.]

WhimsicalSoul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Town Competition (4)

The shock-waves of violent Spirit Qi raged and ate each other continuously until nothing was left. Neither attack managed to damage the opponent, thus making it a massive waste of energy.

"Damn! What the transformation was disrupted yet it's still so strong? Where did these people come from? I don't think I can reach the top 5 if everyone in this competition is this strong." Khoru felt a bit hopeless when he saw the power they demonstrated.

He knew he could compete with them and possible engage in a stalemate, but he was a bit anxious. It would be near impossible for him to come in the top 5 if everyone was like Yu Xiang and Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan suddenly moved again, lunging towards Yu Xiang with Feng Xun Bane in hand and slashing forward, bestowing an impending sense of doom upon Yu Xiang. Her pupils shrank and she quickly ducked, just barely managing to keep her life.

Feng Xun Bane swung over her head a left a lingering humming sound and ringing in Yu Xiang's Ears. She grimaced before twirling the yo-yo string around, wrapping the yo-yo around Feng Xuan's leg.

He was caught off guard and tried to free himself but the string was wrapped tight. Plus, the red light dying the string made him feel intense pain and slowly begin to lose control over his left leg.

He gritted his teeth, grasped Feng Xun Bane, and slammed it into the ground between him and Yu Xiang. He got lucky and stabbed direction into the string of the yo-yo and nearly snapped it apart with the enhanced Feng Xun Bane.

Yu Xiang could feel her mind tearing apart as the string began to rip. She quickly released Feng Xuan and gained distance before he could attacked. Unbeknownst to her, Feng Xuan immediately attacked afterwards, appearing in her face instantly with Feng Xun Bane flying towards her.

She threw her hands in the air, trying to block Feng Xun Bane.


The great-sword slammed into her arms, fracturing if not breaking them completely. Her face turned ashen as she ran away with all her speed. Her expression became one of pure anger as she stared into Feng Xuan's eyes, who were equally as furious.

They both shouted at the same time.

"Ancient Yo-Yo Battle-Art: 14 Rings of Decimation!"

"Enhanced Wilderness Great-Sword Art: Savage Bear Strike!"

Yu Xiang's body glowed vibrant with the color of chaos as her yo-yo was imbued with a crazy power that seemed to crush the ground below it.

Feng Xuan's alongside Feng Xun Bane were shrouded in a wild and primal green energy that represented nature and its wilderness. The ground below both Yu Xiang and Feng Xuan was utterly crushed as they rushed at each other.

Yu Xiang whipped her yo-yo around the entire stadium as if she were weaving a ring of destruction. Her yo-yo slowly increased in space as after-images began to appear, acquire power of their own, and become copies of the original yo-yo.

Feng Xuan let out a savage roar as the hologram of a grizzly bear appeared around his entire body and he swung Feng Xun Bane around the entire stadium. It's power had increased once more and the entire stadium was swept up into a giant green tornado.

Yu Xiang didn't back down though, her infinite yo-yo copies created 14 different destructive rings that encased the entire tornado and seemed to suppress it like chains. The tornado had no room to rage on or destroy anything else.

Khoru watched the entire spectacle with shocked eyes, unwilling to believe what he was seeing. The closest he could get towards such a powerful move had to be when he used the first stroke of his sword-art while his swords were fused.

'Will I even be able to get into the top 10?' Khoru hopelessly questioned.

The battle went onward until both powers began to wane and dissipate. After both the tornado and the rings disappeared, all could see that Yu Xiang and Feng Xuan were both just a single move away from losing consciousness.

Sweat covered both their bodies. It was obvious that they both used their ultimate moves just now, betting on the chance that it'd defeat their opponent.

When they saw each other still standing, reluctant to fall, madness overwhelmed them both as they rushed towards each other. Yu Xiang sluggishly swung her yo-yo by the string like a lasso and Feng Xuan sluggishly swung Feng Xun Bane around.

When both weapons hit each other, Yu Xiang and Feng Xun were sent flying back a few meters. They crashed into the ground with loud thumps and barely managed to lift their heads to look at each others.

"Argh! J-Just concede already!"

"Not until I triumph over you!"

Before the two could struggle to get back on their feat, the man from earlier who officially announced the town tournament suddenly appeared in the middle of the stadium.

The stadium itself was recovered back to perfect condition after he waved his hand and Spirit Qi flowed. He looked at both of them as he spoke, "This match will be counted as a tie. Someone help these two back to their seats."

His words made both of them grit their teeth in disappointment. They leaned on the servants that came to help them as they made their way back to their seats.

The entire crowd remained silent for an extended amount of time before everyone jolted up and roared excitedly.

"Did you see what Yu Xiang did?! What type of battle art was that? I've never heard of it!"

"I feel like I know that battle art from somewhere but I can't remember!"

"This battle was truly amazing!"

"What the hell did I just watch? Those two are truly monsters! What stage are they at in foundation building?"

Meanwhile, Khoru remained sitting down and went over the memories of the entire match in his head, trying to discover every weakness regarding both parties in case he'd have to fight either one of them in the tournament.

'I won't have any room to play around in this tournament. I have to try my absolute best just to secure a spot in the top 5, much less number 1.'