
The Hentai System....

I'm not the author. Author - Ero Saint

Daoist758476 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

The Banquet is full of slutty women 

Even after Penny left unable to bear with Amy's constant smug smile and teasing glare, and her mother sneaked out from under the table after winking at him, Felix's night had just begun. 

Because by the time it was morning, Felix had sex with almost 3o women! 

In fact, the last time Felix had sex with so many women in a single day, was when he was within the Kaja female tribe, and all the women were begging him to impregnate them. 

Due to this, for the first time in a long time, Felix felt his dick become numb from how sex he had. 

Knowing that he had overdone himself, Felix couldn't wait to complete the mission and change his race as soon as possible. Because only then would he be able to truly have sex with women nonstop. 

Never had Felix expected that there would be so many slutty women in a single banquet.

Other than that pregnant woman, and the lady who wanted to be fucked while her husband and daughter were close to her. Felix met so many perverted women.

There was that pair of slutty sisters who wanted to be fucked at the same time, and that fangirl of his who just wanted to give him her virginity.

And that one woman who wanted to be fucked in the female's bathroom where anyone could see them as long as they walked inside. 

In fact, there were even one or two of George's concubines that he had sex with.

Having fully enjoyed himself, Felix didn't want any more action for the day and just wanted to rest and recuperate in his bed.

At the same time, he started thinking about the invitation he received last night.

Felix's original plan was to spend as long as it needed in the Cloud Continent after which he'd ascend immediately and go to the Dao Realm.

After all, only in that realm would he be able to experience what true cultivation at its best felt like.

Though that wasn't the reason he cared about. Since all he wanted to see were the beauties of the Dao Realm.

Either way, Felix never planned to stay too long in the Spirit Realm, or leave the Cloud Continent and spend a lot of time exploring the other continents.

However, with the invitation he received, Felix started thinking that going to the Nexus Empire might be more fruitful than staying on the Cloud Continent. 

Though before he went to the Nexus Empire, he'd need to finish the remaining missions. And then figure out which continent this Nexus Empire was on. 

Anyway, Felix decided that after he was done with the remaining missions, he'd go to the Nexus Empire. 


While waiting for the day of his wedding, Felix didn't spend every second of it outside just lazing around and having sex with random strangers. 

Instead, he spent how much ever possible of his time inside his palace with those women he cared for.

Every day he'd spend some time with every one of his women individually. And they all clearly loved it.

Not that they weren't happy before, but after Felix started spending so much time with them, their faces were clearly glowing from happiness.

Even Sophia who always looked content and happy taking care of Felix, looked like she was experiencing the best few days of her life.


Finally, it was the day of the wedding.

And unlike what Felix expected, it wasn't grand at all. More specifically not even a single guest was invited!

This was because after the king saw how Chris and his daughter were trying to steal Felix away from him, he didn't dare hold a huge wedding and risk the chance of having something go wrong. 

Luckily Felix didn't seem to mind it, therefore George felt that he had escaped an awkward situation.

In fact, even Amy didn't mind it, as she didn't care much about the wedding. As much as what would happen after it.

Felix putting up his end of the deal, and letting her rule the kingdom.

Due to how simple the wedding was, Felix and Amy were ushered into their marital chamber arranged inside a new mansion gifted to the duo, even before the sunset.

Sitting there Amy felt a little awkward in the clothes she was dressed in, and the sexual tension filled atmosphere.

However, she didn't just throw them off, and instead looked towards Felix who was looking straight at her lost in thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Ah? I'm just thinking what those women would do if they find out that I had a real wedding with you, before them."

Despite not knowing who those women were, Amy didn't show any interest in trying to find out. Instead, she was curious about how Felix would do what he promised her. And what she was supposed to do in exchange. 

"You didn't forget our deal, right?"

"If by deal, you mean the mutually beneficial relationship we agreed to, then no. I haven't forgotten it."

Speaking in the same lazy tone as always, Felix had managed to make Amy think that her dream of ruling the Nurenth Kingdom might never come true.