
The Hentai System....

I'm not the author. Author - Ero Saint

Daoist758476 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Sarah Gilmore

Despite unwilling, Zila listened to Felix's words and went to live in the Hentai God's palace, as Felix went to finish the last job he had in the college.

Since the first time he saw the college's headmaster, Felix had sensed that she was someone special, and she had many similarities to two people he knew.

But since he was enjoying his time with Zila every day, Felix couldn't bring himself to go and find out more about the mysterious, but alluring headmaster of the Ethereal Dao College. 

However now that Zila was living inside his private space, and he was ready to leave the college, it was time to meet the headmaster. 

Unlike the other head teachers of each mountain who occupied the first cave of their respective mountain, the headmaster didn't reside on any of the Dao Mountains. 

Instead, she lived on top of the only artificial floating island inside the Ethereal Dao College, which had been used to serve as the living residence of every headmaster since the time the college had been built. 


Looking up from the top of Chaos Mountain, Felix could see a tiny dot floating in the sky. 

Grunting from how far the island was, Felix prepared himself for a long flight as he started flying towards it. 

The time Felix took to reach the island was much longer than Felix expected. In fact, he who had set off in the morning, reached the mountain when the sun was about to set, with his whole body covered in sweat. 

"Hufff..... Damm it! I should've just taken.... Haaa.... Zila's help...."

Originally Zila did offer to take him up there, but Felix felt it was beneath him to take help when he was so strong now. 

Unfortunately, the pride and confidence didn't last long, because by the time it was afternoon, and the sun was up high in the sky, Felix's whole body was sweating like crazy. 

Luckily Felix had a profound understanding on the Dao of Space, due to which he managed to reach the island before it was midnight. 

The floating island had a wooden cottage on it, and the ground was covered in lush grass, and there was a small pond nearby. 

Dragging his tired feet on the floor, Felix stopped in front of the cottage and used his fist to knock on the door. 

It didn't take long for footsteps to sound from the other side of the door, and Felix saw the headmaster open the door. 

"You took your own sweet time to come and meet me."

"Haa... What can I say.... Huff..... Your island is just so.... Hhuuuu... Faaarrrr..."

Raising an eyebrow as she noticed how Felix's clothes were wet from his perspiration, the headmaster couldn't help but say. 

"Oh my, you look like you just took a bath with your clothes on. Come here, I'll bring you something to drink."

Using a hand to support Felix who looked like he would faint at any moment, the headmaster shut the door behind them and helped him into the living room.

Once Felix sat down on the sofa, she disappeared and reappeared with a clear glass filled to the brim with a blue coloured liquid.

Just looking at it Felix could feel the coldness originating from it, and a deep thirst for it filled his throat.

"Try this out, it'll replenish your spent liquids."

Not holding back, Felix took hold of the cold glass and didn't even take time to appreciate its taste, as he gulped it down completely.

The next moment Felix felt a cold sensation fill his stomach and spread outwards to every part of his body, making him feel refreshed as if he just took a cold shower on a hot day.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Though I feel like I owe it to you, since you travelled so far for me."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh please, you don't have to put on an act anymore. We're all alone."

"Uh huh..."

"I mean you did ascend a whole realm, and join the college, just so that you could meet me."

"I did?"

Looking at how confident the headmaster looked, Felix started doubting himself by thinking that she was speaking the truth.

"Wait... You're asking me? Does that mean you're not sure?"

"Sure... About?"

Seeing that Felix wasn't kidding around, but was genuinely lost from what she was saying, the headmaster took a step back as she looked like she was seriously thinking.

"How could you not know? The both of us are destined to be together! All of the signs point me towards you!"

"What signs? And why do you look so much like a pair of sisters I know?"

While the headmaster didn't explain about the so called signs to Felix, she did, however, pay attention to his second question. 

"A pair of sisters? Are their names Sophia, and Selena?"

"Yes! But... How do you know that?"

"Because I am their mother."

Once the headmaster said those words, Felix paused for a few seconds and just looked at her.

Shaking his head, he said, "That can't be possible. Those both said that you were dead. And Selena even claimed to have seen you die right before her eyes."

"Let me guess, I was lying on my death bed with a pale face and suddenly stopped breathing after which my body started disintegrating and disappeared."

"Yes. Those were the exact same words!"

"That's because, I'm Sarah Gilmore, their mother. I made it look like I died, and took the chance to ascend."

"I see."

Now it was Sarah's turn to frown as she figured out a few things from what Felix spoke, the next moment she looked upwards and screamed, "You didn't tell me I'd have to share my fated one with my daughters!"