
The Hentai System....

I'm not the author. Author - Ero Saint

Daoist758476 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Plan failed

Since no one even dared to breathe loudly, Zila was pleased with herself and took a step forward as she noticed Felix giving her a weird look. 


"Nothing. I'm just looking at you in a new angle."

"A good one?"

"A great one."

Chuckling a little, Zila took Felix's hand and rested her head on his shoulder as the two of them continued walking ahead. 

There were no rules about prohibiting relationships between students and teachers, therefore they didn't need to hide their relationship. 

Not like Zila would've cared to hide it, even if there was a rule. 

It didn't take long for the crowd to forget about the ugly death, and they went back to spectating the ongoing challenges. 

After all, deaths were quite common in the Dao Realm as well. And all it took was one wrong word to be killed. 

Soon Felix reached close to one of the arenas, which according to the girl he asked, was where Hector was waiting for him. 

As Felix came close murmurs filled the group of newcomers, and few juniors who came here to see how strong the first ranked Felix was. 

Looking around Felix saw a familiar face, it belonged to the same one who everyone was talking about before he climbed the Stairs of Dao. 

Understanding that he was the one who sent him the challenge letter, Felix freed his arm from Zila's grasp and gave her a quick peck on the forehead. 

"You sent me a challenge betting someone called Phoebe as stakes. Come up and let's finish this fast."

Saying so Felix ignored the commotion, and calmly walked onto the stage while Hector had a blank look on his face. 

The crowd on the other were all pointing at Hector and cursing him. This mainly included all the males who were enraged at him. 

"You bastard! How dare you treat my goddess as an object!"

"Who do you think you are to put Senior Phoebe as stakes!?"

"Stop acting like you own her asshole! She never even held your hand!"

"Wait until she hears about it, there's definitely going to be a show to enjoy."

Recovering from his shock since he didn't expect Felix to publicly say those words, Hector understood that his plan failed. 

In the letter, he wrote that the winner gets Phoebe, but all men do that to sound cool. 

Unfortunately, the crowd didn't think about it like that, but instead looked at Hector with disdain for making Phoebe seem like an object he could give away. 

And not surprisingly even Phoebe who just walked up felt the same way. 

Over the past days Phoebe was thinking that maybe she was being too harsh with Hector who was tirelessly pursuing her. 

He had good looks, talent, a proper background, so what else could she want? 

Unfortunately, once she heard about how Hector put her as stakes for his challenge with Felix, all of the positive emotions disappeared and were replaced with negative ones.

"So that's the real you, Hector?"

"Phoebe? NO! I didn't mean it like that, I was just... I only want... "

"Shut up Hector, I can't believe I was actually thinking about accepting your proposal."

"You were? That's great! And I can explain about the challenge... This is all a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding!"

"Humph! Who cares if its a misunderstanding?"

Walking past Hector who looked like he was about to cry any second, she stopped below the stage and pointed at Felix.

"I don't care what that idiot wrote in his letter, but if you kick his ass, I don't mind sleeping with you."

As Felix raised an eyebrow, the crowd once again turned rowdy from Phoebe's deceleration as they started asking if they could be the one who'd defeat Hector.

Hector, on the other hand, looked wide eyed at Phoebe and then at Felix with boundless rage within them.

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists hard out of anger towards Felix for ruining his plans, Hector stomped his way towards the arena.

After that, he didn't waste a single second as he loudly roared and rushed at Felix.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Showing his worth as a genius who joined the Mountain of Elements, Hector ran with lightning swirling around his legs which boosted his speed vastly.

Before the spectators could even blink their eyes, Hector was already right in front of Felix with his arm raised up high and covered in blazing flames.

Not holding back at all, Hector punched straight at Felix's head wanting to disfigure it.

Seeing how Felix hadn't reacted in the slightest until now, everyone thought that he was a goner.

However just as Hector's fist was an inch away from Felix's nose, it stopped in mid air as if it struck a wall.

"Such high understanding on the Dao of Space!"

"But... Didn't he join the Mountain of Chaos?"

"He did.... Look!"

Looking at where the person was pointing, everyone saw Felix raise his finger covered in a grey cloud and flicked it at Hector's forehead.

The next moment a huge boom resound ed and encompassed the whole mountain following which everyone saw a grey cloud flying not too far above then with great speed.

Only on closer inspection did everyone see it was an unconscious student who looked to have been hit by an overbearing attack.

"That's it?"

Back at the arena those who had waited for so long in hopes of seeing a bloody match between Felix and Hector, were all disappointed and once again cursed Hector for talking so big and losing so quickly.