
The Hentai System....

I'm not the author. Author - Ero Saint

Daoist758476 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Money is there to spend it 

As Felix made his way towards the main door, while most of the people were waiting for the auction house to open and invite others in, there was no limit to the number of men sneering towards him. 

"What do you think the auction house will do to this fool?"

"My guess? They're going to hit him until he dies. Let's see if he still looks pretty them."

Of course, there were even a few women that walked ahead to stop Felix and inform him about the details, but before they could he had already stopped in front of the gate as the guards took action. 

"Halt! Don't you know that the auction house isn't open yet? Are you trying to provoke the Golden Circle Auction house punk?"

"Humph! How audacious are to even try and enter the auction house when we haven't invited you?!"

"I'll show you how big the skies are you puny shit!"

Just as three of the four guards looked like they would start attacking Felix at any moment, something unexpected happened. 

It wasn't the fourth guard who took action, but the individual who was placed outside to take care of the public. 

Stepping forward she waved her sleeve as all three of them were covered in flames and disappeared before they could even make a sound. 

"Who do the three of them think they are? Daring to disrespect an honoured guest of the Golden Circle Guild, humph, I would be killed if I didn't kill you."

"Indeed! Lady Nana is great and magnanimous to kill those fools with her own hands."

As soon as the woman known as Nana killed the three guards without batting an eyelid, the only remaining guard started sucking up to her since he had been waiting for this chance from the beginning. 

When Felix was walking towards the entrance, he wanted to make a move first and impress Lady Nana, but after seeing how her eyes grew wide after seeing Felix, he didn't make a move and waited to see how the situation would play itself. 

And indeed his bet turned out to be successful, because the boy turned out to have some special status or relation with the Golden Circle Guild. If not there was no way Lady Nana would've killed three guards on her own. 

Ignoring the remaining guard that was trying to flatter her with endless compliments, she rushed towards Felix and bowed deeply. 

"I apologize for having you see this honoured guest. To make up for it we are willing to offer you a 5% discount on everything you purchase today."

Everyone that heard what Nana said was stunned at how she wasn't only apologizing, but how great of a compensation she was giving Felix. 

While 5% might not seem like much, when considering how costly each of the items would be at today's auction it would be a huge loss for the auction to give up on 5%. After all, the auction only took 7% of the sold goods value. 

Given how even the cheapest item was expected to be sold at thousands of High Grade Spirit Stones, it could be said that Felix received a huge gain from what just happened. 

Nana, on the other hand, was afraid that maybe Felix wouldn't be satisfied and want for more, but her authority only allowed her to give this much of a concession. 

Luckily Felix nodded his head letting her breathe a sigh of relief, immediately she once again bowed. 

"Thank you for showing magnanimity honoured guest. Please follow me as I guide you to your assigned room."

After that Nana pointed towards the remaining guard and said, "You take care of this place."

Hearing those words the guard felt very happy and understood that he was bound to obtain a gain of one kind or other.

Going ahead Nana considered herself quite lucky to have spotted the invitation card in his hands, due to which she could get the chance to guide him to his room and serve him. 

Given how only those respectable guests of the Golden Circle Guild were given these invitation cards, Nana estimated that he would purchase a great number of items from the auction. 

And since the women who served the guests received 1% of all the money the guest spent, Nana felt that she would definitely earn a huge income today. 

Walking in front of Felix as she took him to the higher floors, Nana puffed her chest at the obvious jealous glances she received from the other attendants. 

Luckily none of the attendants were allowed to fight each other, or steal one guest away from the other. If not given how there were so many attendants who were stronger than her, she would've lost Felix to someone else already. 

Directing Felix to the top most floor, she brought him to a room and opened the door waiting for him to enter it. 

By now Felix had already seen how every employee was looking at the invitation card in his hands, and understood that it was due to this that he managed to receive such good treatment. 

Thinking that Christy's status was bigger than he expected, Felix entered inside the room which looked small from the outside but was actually capable of housing at least a hundred people. 

Sitting in the middle seat of the sofa which was closest to the glass that let him look at auction proceedings, Felix summoned every single one of his women. 

The next instant Nana was stunned at how so many women suddenly appeared out of nowhere, but she relaxed seeing that none of them were employees of the auction house.

As for how they came here, or who they were, that wasn't something she should poke her nose in.

"Buy whatever you want from this auction, there's no need to hold back at all. This is my gift to you."

Listening to Felix all of his women cheered happily, while Nana was also very happy because this just meant she would earn a lot more commission. 

The next instant a race took place as Sophia and Eliza managed to snatch the seats beside Felix, while the remaining women could only pout and sit in the seats behind them.

Looking at how excited all of his women were, Felix felt that earning money truly was to spend it. Only by spending it would one obtain happiness, and not by saving it.