
The Hentai System....

I'm not the author. Author - Ero Saint

Daoist758476 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Golden Clover Group

"These are the very women who helped me design my house, as well as build it. The Golden Clover Group."

Nodding his head, Felix put on his best smile and said, "Leaving the duty of building my Empire in the hands of such beautiful women, there's nothing more I could ask for."

In response to Felix, the thicc woman who stood at the front of the group bowed a little. 

"You flatter us ummm... Are we supposed to call you 'Your Majesty'?"

Before Felix could say anything, Sarah who was angry towards Felix for not even welcoming her back before he started flirting, said, "Why would you, when he doesn't even have a throne to sit on top of?"

"Don't bother with her. And for the record, you can just call me Felix. All the beautiful women do."

"As you wish."

Nodding her head, the black haired woman pushed her glasses up and said, "My name is Stella, and I represent the Golden Clover Group to thank you for employing us."

"Now that the introductions are over, and Miss Sarah has already explained to us what you expect of us, I'll her right to the point. You are wasting a lot of resources."

Noticing no change of expression on Felix's face, Stella thought that maybe he was angry, and therefore hurriedly said, "I don't mean any disrespect, Felix. I'm just telling you based on what I saw right now."

"You are being too lax by giving all of the workers more materials than they need for their task, and due to the less number of supervisors there are even many of them lazing around."

"So before going any further, I suggest we first stop wasting the resources, and then increase the number of supervisors."

"The problem of resources will be solved on its own when there is an enough number of supervisors looking over every group of workers. Therefore, if you agree, my staff can start working from tomorrow itself."

Thinking for a few seconds, Felix nodded his head.

"Okay, let's do that."

"That's all I had to talk with you, for now, Felix. I'll need a little more time to completely understand all the details regarding the project."

"That's fine."

Saying so Felix called a maid over and told her to lead them to the tents and arrange accommodations for them.

At the same time, when Stella had turned around and left, Felix ignored the chiding glare from Sarah and gulped while looking at her plump ass which shook with every step.

Stella was a natural beauty who boasted an above average facial appearance, with a goddess grade body.

Her breasts were like two coconuts hanging in the air, and they moved around so much with her movement, that if they weren't covered by clothes. Felix estimated that they would hit each other and create a clapping noise.

Below that, her waist was thin and looked like it would snap if too much pressure was applied to it.

And finally the most defining part of her body, that plump and juicy ass.

Just looking at it made Felix's dick turn hard from wanting to be squeezed between them.

"Hey, Sarah...."

"Don't even think about it."

"But I haven't even said anything yet."

In response to Felix's blank look, Sarah snorted and said, "Regardless of how frustrated I am from not having sex for so long, there's no way I'd sleep with you after you just had a wet dream about another woman."

Not waiting for Felix to say anything Sarah turned around to find her daughter, while Felix didn't stop her but licked his lips towards Stella's disappearing ass.


Just like Stella said, once she employed her staff to supervise the workers, everyone began performing more efficiently, and the wastage of resources was almost none. 

At the same time, Stella came to meet him regularly and obtain ideas from him regarding how he wanted the city to be built. Because she was the one who would draw the blueprint for it. 

Felix did have a few ideas he wanted to implement like the huge empty square in front of the palace, and a few other, but most of the ideas to build the city were taken from his creative women who had a lot of ideas. 

It took Stella almost three months to get the blueprint for the Hentai Empire ready, and by now the Heavenly Array of Yin and Yang was almost ready. 

The reason for the speedup was because Stella's staff were professionals who were able to bring out the best of the workers. 

All of these days Felix hadn't yet made a move on Stella, since he needed her to focus on drawing the city's blueprint. 

But now that it was ready, and she was putting on the final touches, Felix decided that he didn't need to wait any longer. 

Going towards her tent she wanted him to review the final blueprint, Felix sent all of the maids away so that he could be alone with her. 

Entering the tent, Felix could see a huge multi coloured 3 D blueprint drawn in the air, with his palace at the centre of it, and the walls at the outermost end. 

Felix was a little surprised when he first saw it, but soon understood how it works. Turns out that Stella used her comprehension on the Dao of Light, and the Dao of Colours to draw the injects from her imagination in the air. 

At the same time, Felix saw that Stella was bending forward and was drawing the huge entrance gates to the Empire.

This was because even though Stella could just use her imagination to draw, she preferred to use her hand.

In these past months, Felix and Stella who spoke every day got quite close to each other, and knew quite a bit about each other.

And even after Stella figured out the kind of man Felix was, and what were his intentions in building the city, she didn't feel anything negative towards him.

After all, according to her, every man was perverted. But most of them chose to hide it under a facade, while Felix always showed his true self.