
The Hentai System....

I'm not the author. Author - Ero Saint

Daoist758476 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Evangeline Silverfyre

"With how great you seem, you won't be satisfied with just this Spirit Realm, right Young Master? So how about we become partners, and in return, I'll help you look after this realm, while you can continue your adventure?"

"Oh... And why would I do that? I can choose anyone I want to look after this realm, so why would I choose to become partners with you, Shadow Dragon?"

"Because I'm sure we can come to an agreement that satisfies the both of us. And please, call me Evangeline."

Winking once more at Felix, Evangeline got off from the chair and sat on top of Felix's lap with her legs on either side. 

Breathing on each other's face, the two looked into each other's eyes as they had already come to a mutual understanding. 

Evangeline would out her body as the price for a partnership, and if Felix accepted the deal, he could do anything with her body. 

"Indeed your body is tempting enough for me to give you the Spirit Realm, but I won't be satisfied with just that. I want you to be mine, forever."

Saying so Felix used his hands to squeeze her ass. Moaning seductively, Evangeline smiled. 

"The price for obtaining my body forever, isn't cheap Young Master. Even the Spirit Realm wouldn't be enough for it. Are you sure you still want it?"

Being used to people always trying to obtain her allegiance and loyalty, since she was a Shadow Dragon, Evangeline wasn't willing to serve Felix forever. Even if it meant that she could have the whole Spirit Realm to herself. 

"Oh, and what do you want?"

Raising an eyebrow Evangeline slid further forward until her breasts were pressed against Felix's cheek. 

"I want... A Shadow Dao Embryo."

Hearing those words Felix could agree that Evangeline's greed truly had no limits. 

Putting aside how impossible to find a basic Dao Embryo was, she wanted a Shadow Dao Embryo! 

Evangeline who had always asked for this from those that wanted to buy her, she knew that Felix would also give up since what she wanted couldn't be found so easily. And even if someone did find it, they wouldn't be stupid enough to give it in exchange for obtaining a Shadow Dragon. 

However unexpectedly Felix nodded his head, and said, "Sure."

"But before I give you the payment, shouldn't I test the goods first?"

Licking his lips from anticipation, Felix couldn't help but praise the system for always giving the right rewards. 

[Main Mission 3.5 - Shadow Dragons are a rare species of the Dragon Race. Not only are they very strong, their talent in the Dao of Shadows in literally the best in the world. 

They are capable of blending with any shadow regardless of how small it is, due to which they could serve as the best assassin or the best bodyguard.

Take the best assassin/bodyguard with you, and be prepared for anything that might happen in the future. 

Rewards - 10000 SP, removal of one more seal on your constitution, Shadow Dao Embryo.

Failure - One seal will remain forever on your constitution. 

Time limit - 3 Months.]

Never having expected Felix to accept her conditions so easily, Evangeline started thinking if Felix didn't understand her.

She was asking him for a Shadow Dao Embryo! 

Even when she was in the Dao Realm, she hadn't heard of a single new Dao Embryo being discovered. However it indeed had been a long time since she left the Dao Realm, so maybe a lot of Dao Embryos came into existence?

Shaking her head at how impossible her idea was, Evangeline Silverfyre narrowed her eyes and studied Felix's face.

It didn't seem as if he was lying, but if he gave her a Shadow Dao Embryo wouldn't she have to serve him for all eternity?

But a Shadow Dao Embryo was truly worthy enough for her to pledge her loyalty.

A Dao Embryo was a special existence that no one knew how it formed. But in simple terms when anyone uses a Dao Embryo, their body would be completely destroyed and reformed with pure Dao.

As for a Shadow Dao Embryo, if Evangeline uses it, her body would be made from the purest Shadow Dao. Due to this not only would she be able to cultivate many times faster, but her comprehension on the Dao of Shadow would also definitely reach the apex.

Breathing harder, Evangeline started thinking if she should accept and give in. After all not only would she obtain the Shadow Dao Embryo she always wanted, the one who she'd serve would be a very handsome man as well.

Thinking for a few second Evangeline decided to accept the deal, since she might never receive such an opportunity ever again. 

"Of course. As the one who wants to purchase me, you definitely deserve to test the goods first."

Twisting her body Evangeline got rid of all her clothes which turned and melded into shadows, "What do you want to try first... Master?"

Tempting Felix to taste her body, Evangeline showed off her charms while still sitting in his lap.

As for the idea of Felix cheating her, such a thought never entered Evangeline's mind. It wasn't because of naive trust or any such thing, but it was from her instincts which never once failed her.

And the aura of two terrifying Dao Beasts from Felix, which made her believe that he must've made some similar kind of deal with them.