
Chapter 82: Summer Troubles

Once the introductions were over, Miyori and the other regular teachers had a meeting. They decided on how to divide the children into groups and which ones to assign to Angelie and Akuma. There were thirty-five children enrolled in the day care center. The three regular teachers have been tasked to take care of eleven to twelve children for the past two weeks or so. That had been taxing for the teachers especially considering how unruly kids could be at times.

Ever since summer break started, Miyori began to help out immediately, and that lessened the burdened for the other teachers quite a bit. Now that Angelie and Akuma were there to help, each of the teachers would only be in charge of about six children. There would be one group with only five children.

After a while, it was decided that Angelie would handle one of the groups with six children while Akuma would be in charge of the five-children group.