
Chapter 194: Investigative Reporting 3

The following weekend morning, the Help club members indeed met inside the park near the train station and hid behind a thick bush. They crouched down while facing each other. They could easily see the benches surrounding a water fountain if they raised their heads a little.

"So, guys. Remember the plan. We're going to wait here hidden until Akuma and Ijou-san show up."

Sanaka adjusted the sunglasses she wore on her face.

"Sure. Also, we're just here to gather intel. So, do your best not to be seen, got it?"

Kiba did the same with his own sunglasses.

"Honestly, I am intrigued as to why a girl would ask that Demon Lord out. I want to confirm for myself what she sees in him, or if she has some sort of psychological issues…"

Mimi also had sunglasses on. She held the frame's temple.

"I guess we are all of the same mind. But something has been bothering me…"

Sanaka then cleared her throat.

"Yeah… What are you doing here, Angelie?"