
Chapter 146: Free Provisions

"G-good morning, Angelie-san and A-akuma-san…"

Kuchi had his head bowed down as he stared at the floor.

"Kuchi! Why are you letting my sister push you around like this?! Run away as far as possible from her before your life gets ruined—"

Before Akuma could finish his warning to Kuchi, Yuurei crushed Akuma's foot under her pointed heel.

"Shut it, Onii-chan!"

"Ow! That hurt! What the hell, Yuurei?!"

Akuma raised his foot and grabbed it with both his hands.

"Thank you for your concern, Akuma-san… Although, it was my decision to accompany Yuurei-san after she invited me, so…"

Kuchi then lifted his head and stared directly at Akuma.

"You… you've grown since I've last seen you. I'll be sure to say good things in your funeral—"

This time, before Akuma could finish, Yuurei crushed his other foot with the same heel. Akuma screamed in pain once again.
