
Chapter 129: Promised Action

The weekend came and it was still dedicated to exercise and practice for the temporary Idol club. After the girls finished their early morning run and jog up and down the shrine stairs, they rested on the benches of a nearby park.

As the four other girls were sitting down and catching their breath, Kirei bought bottled sports water from a nearby vending machine. She then handed out the drinks to each one of the girls as she stood in front of them.

"Ah! That hits the spot!"

Sanaka let out a joyous scream as her thirst was quenched.

"I don't think I've been exercising this much since… forever."

Miyori wiped her sweat with a towel as she weakly smiled.

"I'm just glad I've been introduced to exercise when we helped that first-year last term. Or else, I'd collapse the first day we started!"

Sanaka turned toward Miyori to complain.