
Chapter 103: Make Believe

"We did it, Mimi-san! Everyone was stunned, of course, in a good way! And to top it off, you made that lecherous Kiba-kun faint!"

Sanaka grabbed Mimi's hands and jumped up and down on the sand.

"I d-did it, right? E-everyone noticed me… So, can I change now?"

Mimi slowly turned her head toward Sanaka. Her eyes were on the verge of tears.

"No. Definitely not. You'll wear that for the rest of the day!"

Sanaka drew her face closer and squinted her eyes at Mimi.

"M-mimi! W-what is that you're wearing?!"

Hana pointed at Mimi. Sanaka heard Hana and backed off to let Mimi confront her sister.

"Hana-nee… I declared war, didn't I? This is what I was willing to do to get everyone's attention and not just be in the background—"

"You… you made Kiba-kun faint! He didn't even have a reaction anywhere near that when he saw me…"

Hana glared at Mimi for a brief moment. She then quickly knelt down beside Kiba and checked up on him.