

Synopsis: Kidnapped at birth, Hadiza was thrust into a hard life of survival training. The ones who fail vanish. Will she survive and escape from the organisation that bound her? Will she regain her freedom?

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Chapter Four

Two classes later, there was just one class left, which was karate, which was the general class for everyone. Given that their current majors are different, Hadizah was getting ready to leave class and look for her pals in their class so that they could go together. Before Tina switched to hacking and Belle to poisoning, they all concentrated in marksmanship. Belle underwent the first change. Hadizah had always found the classes to be dull ever since they had all split off. She wanted to switch majors, but every time she went to see their headmistress, she was told to stick with her current one because she didn't know anything about computers or chemicals.

Belle yelled out "Hadizah"; she was dressed ingloves, a hat, a lab coat, and spectacles. So that she could find Hadizah easily, she stood at the entrance to her class. Her hand was on their door. When she noticed Belle at the door, Hadizah, who was loading her bag at the time, looked up and grinned. She hurried to meet her after packing the last of the load into her bag.

Hadizah greeted Belle with a friendly shoulder bump. Belle grunted, squeezing her face. Don't you know your hand hurts?" she snapped angrily.

Hadizah retorted with a smirk twitching at the corner of her lips, "I'm only playing with you. Belle shook her hands negatively while glancing at them. It was the last thing she wanted to do was argue with Hadizah. She was so exhausted that all she wanted to do was skip the final class and go directly to bed to fall asleep like a Koala.

She declared, "I'm skipping the last class." She paused and anticipated Hadizah's customary objection, but to her astonishment, Hadizah simply gave her the thumbs up.

"How did you read my mind? You are a genius. She confessed, "I still haven't mastered the last technique they gave us in last lesson. The two of them then fell silent. When Hadizah asked, "What of Tina?," she broke the stillness as they were almost at the hostel gate. " she asked. This caused Belle to pause because she hadn't told Tina about their strategy to determine if she was interested.

Hadizah responded, "Let's go get her." They both ran over to Tina's division. By the time they reached her department, they were both panting from their steady jogging and running to get there. When they got there, Tina was talking to one of their teachers. They had to wait till she was done speaking with the teacher.

Tina's expression was one of shock because she had never thought that her pals might visit her section. If she chose the hacking department, they had previously pledged never to come see her, but now they were coming to look for her. As soon as she finished talking to her teacher, she lowered her head as a sign of respect. Belle and Hadizah moved swiftly.As soon as the teacher turned away, she turned toward their pals.

"Surprise! Surprise!! Surprise!!! "Tina murmured, casting a doubtful glance their way.

Hadizah responded, "I didn't want to come, but Belle dragged me here." She avoided staring at Tina's face by focusing on the walls. Belle's mouth dropped as she realized Hadizah had lied to her.

"Are you through with whatever it is that you're doing?

", Belle enquired.

Tina said with a folded arm, "Yes, I'm done for the day.Belle got right to the subject, saying, "We are both thinking of skipping karate class and we were wondering if you could join us." Tina made a mouth movement.


Tina pretended to be astonished. So, if you wish to miss class, what are your plans? ", she inquired.

Hadizah stated, "We intend to break into the hostel." She was still looking through their division. "Why is your department run in such a way? She was leery of this location. She sensed something about this specific section that she was unable to identify.

What is wrong about this room?

Belle questioned, unwilling to hear Hadizah's complaints.The air in this room is... I can't.." She was about to say something when Tina cut her off. "Hadizah," Tina called as she drew nearer and stroked Hadizah's back. It's alright. There is nothing in here, and the only reason you are concerned is because you despise this department. I am aware of the department's prior history, and I prefer working here to practicing my shooting. Please be pleased for me, Tina begged, her voice cracking. Unshed tears were suddenly streaming into her eyes.

When Belle noticed how her pals were acting, she cleared her throat to make them respect her. "Karate class is starting soon, but I don't want to make us go. If you two", as she blew the hair out of her eyes, she added, "Prefer to, you can go on, but I won't attend.

Tina said, "Let me go get my luggage," and she entered a room, leaving the two of them alone.

So, after we sneak in, what are we going to do?

Belle pleaded with Hadizah to cheer up because she has been in a bad mood ever since.

"We all have sleep plans. What else are we able to do? "They could not do anything to draw the warden's notice, and the girl was saying they should do something once they get in there, so she appeared as if she was gazing at someone mad.She said, "We can play some cards."

"So what happens to our sleepover plans?

" she asked while she played with her fingers.

Belle said gently, "We can do it in the evening," because she didn't want anyone to overhear her.

She stated, "I have a training in the evening, so I pass. Belle, who had been cheering up, abruptly turned discouraged after hearing what was said. She expressed her dissatisfaction by pouting her mouth. A little while later, Tina showed up in front of them with a bag, and they started to depart.