
The Helio's Bride

A princess with a twisted past. When her fate takes an unfortunate turn, she is thrown off her pedestal and into the web of marriage with the bloodthirsty king of the enemy kingdom. Faced with life and death choices, Delaney must decide whether to side with the enemy—her new husband—or her family who betrayed her. __ As the son of the sun goddess, Darius finds his life unnecessarily long and boring. Until he meets his bride, Delaney, the feisty, fiery princess who is rumored to have rejected suitors by the dozen, the only female descendant of his arch nemesis, and a demon princess. When they get married, will he use her in his quest for revenge, or fall in the trap of her charm like every other male does?

Avalorian_ · Fantasy
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227 Chs

The future of Itrusia (2)

Loretta smiled at Marlena when she saw the look on her face. "Don't be disappointed, Marlena. You are still second in line." 

The queen glanced meaningfully at her husband. "Unless something were to happen to the prince, of course." 

"Why would you say something like that?" Cassius berated. 

Marlena squinted. This entire situation was strange to begin with, and now the queen was threatening her in advance, implying she might want to do something to the prince to get rid of her competition in fighting for the throne. 

The rest of dinner was awkward with forced conversation and frozen smiles, and Marlena couldn't wait to get to her room as soon as she was done. 

She paced her room anxiously. 

"She is up to something, I just know it." She muttered under her breath—or so she thought, until she got a response.

"You know the queen quite well, don't you?" A voice came from behind the curtains.