

" The Unruly?" someone yelled from the back.

Ryan took the mic and corrected him " Not Unruly but ZERO QUANTUM, ZQ."

Then the big screen behind them started showing an explanation about each member. Ryan being the leader. Unlike the heirs they had a leader. It appears their fans were called ZEES.

The DJ started playing their debut song. Minnie was stunned by Ryan's beauty, it was like it wasn't him. He tinted his afro hair red and made curls at the top.

Allison however was cheering more than everyone. "Go RYAN…!"

" Wait… why is Allison cheering more than everyone else?" Minnie was curious to know.

"could it be that my suspicions were right" Minnie was suspicious.

The ZQ band began singing their debut song called Killer, more like a dangerous song.

In the group all of them could sing, rap and dance.

Whales's new appearance was super eye catching. He was certain that this time Wame was gonna fall for him. After all he agreed 100% to this just to beat the Heirs and get the girl. But again there was TJ and his cool gestures that painted Whales as the bad guy.

Whales🎶 knock, knock who is it?

Its ur dearest death served in a silver platter.

Killer, Assassin, they no resist

But with passion I'll be ur dearest lover.


Then came in Ryan with his rap verse. Minnie could not help it but cheer more than everyone although Allison was overpowering her.

" Wame that girl is cheering more then me! isn't the heirs enough for her?" Minnie whispered.

" she's just supporting his classmate." Wame replied as she noticed Whales eyes all over her. TJ too was also over her. She couldn't understand why Whales suddenly changed, he was nice to her and now that gaze!

"hi.. sorry to ease drop but Allison is a pseud. She pretends to be innocent." Kelly whispered to Minnie.

Throughout the performance, Aladdin kept a close eye on Reneilwe. He didn't want her to get away. He had finally found the girl that once pleased him. He watched her as she danced with her waist.

Aladdin couldn't stop himself. He left Allison and approached Reneilwe from behind and engulfed her in his arms.

Reneilwe was scarred, she wanted to seeq the idiot that hugged her from behind. Before she could turn her face to see this person. He turned her around and she faced him.

" Aladdin!" she exclaimed.

" Yes…I'm listening" Aladdin muttered to her while starring into her eyes.

" leave me dude!…what the heck?" Reneilwe tried to escape but he held her tighter. Now their noses brushed against each other. Aladdin gripped to her waist more as he pulled her closer.

" how can I stay away when you are this exciting?…think twice darling "

" Aladdin stop everyone will see!"

" I don't care…ain't their business. " Aladdin didn't care at all but thanks to the dimmed lights they were not that visible and most concentrated on ZQ.

" What do you want Aladdin..like I said I don't like you!" Reneilwe whispered.

" I want you to myself…" After that qoute he forcefully slammed his lips against hers and kissed her.

Reneilwe tried to let loose but he held her tight. She retorted to a more painful way.

" ouch!" Aladdin grounded in pain after realizing that Reneilwe bit his underlip hard that it was bleeding.

Finally Reneilwe escaped his clutches. " The f**k? .. you just bit me hard"

" now…rich boy, please stop chasing after me ok.." Reneilwe laughed.

" it's our first hickey…I won't give up till I take you to my place.. revenge for this " Aladdin smiled and wiped the blood off with his thumb and bit his underlip with a mischievous glare.

" jeez! I thought Tefo and Kin were bizarre but turns out you are the worst."

From a distance was Andile she was really jealous and envious of Reneilwe. She just liked Aladdin for some reason.


The heirs were stunned by the new boy band. They knew that now competition was tough.

Michael came in.

" Boys…this means war…" Michael said.

" maybe it's not bad as you think!" Khali said and smiled upon remembering something that happened last night.

" Dude! Those boys are after us!" Tefo alerted them.

" whatever I don't care…" Nelly sighed. " I hope Minnie is happy, her boy is an artist now" he muttered.

" Do you think Wame will date TJ, since he's a musician?" Kin popped a question from nowhere.

Everyone turned to look at him. Did he just think about Wame or what?

" Sorry just thinking out loud" Kin apologized. He had been acting weird.

" Guys…I think I should just spend tonight with Wame. She had always loved me dearly."

" NO!"

Khali, Kin and Tefo exclaimed at the same time.

" why?" Nelly asked.

" she's sick from pneumonia!.." Kin said.

" and she's.. ahh yes…she's really weak you know…she's my mom's patient" Tefo added.

" yeah Nelly..she's also innocent..don't you dare"Khali added.

" relax guys I was just kidding with y'all…" He laughed and they prepared to go on stage.


"yeah!" the crowd yelled as they waited for the Heirs next performance. JANEX came in and made some noise.

" Are you feeling e'm guys?…is it hot or not?".." Cause if it is then..these heat has surpassed my mind's boiling point…mind blowing!!!!" she spoke into the mic and everyone made a noise.

Suddenly lights dimmed a little and a big chest fell on stage from above. A crane had dropped it. It opened and the heirs came out of it. This time in black attire.

They were super hot. The crowd was screaming so loud. As they expected their other surprise that had dropped on stage.

Tefo as suggested by Kin addressed the crowd this time. he held the mic and breathed. People screamed after they noticed something new.

🗣️" OMG!..Tefo has got a septum piercing!!!!" some girl yelled.

True, he had a septum piercing (nose) that no one knew about. The piercing really fitted in with him..

" Flower kisses! Can I hear you!" he pointed the mic at the crowd and the crowd complied.

He was wearing black ripped jeans with an oversized shirt. He wore all his earrings. He placed a band around his head and his curly buns hid it a little.

" Alright…we are gonna sing the next song together ok…" Tefo spotted Wame in the crowd.

Tefo spotted Wame in the crowd. He wished for her to face him. Everyone was kind of confused seeing him closing his eyes mouthing something.

🗣️ " OMG! What is Tefo praying for?.. please tell us" Most people shouted.

🎤 " Do you guys want to know first?..well I was taking a short prayer…so that She came atleast look at me cause she's lost somewhere."

The heirs didn't expect that. Today Tefo had a lot of confidence for a guy who always refused to address the crowd.

Everyone started wondering who this girl is. They looked around. Wame turned to look upstage when she heard Tefo's confession. Her eyes landed on Tefo's gaze, she looked behind to see if Lone was present. Surprisingly there wasn't any girls behind her.

" Don't look behind I'm looking at you!" Tefo said on the Mic. Everyone's wondering eyes were all over the place.

" is he…talking about me" she wondered. She looked around.

" please don't look away…you are breaking my heart" Tefo continued to say.

Wame gave in and looked at Tefo although she wasn't sure he meant her. His scrutiny engulfed Wame that she couldn't look away.

Tefo flashed a cute smile at her. Wame could feel the pure emotions of the smile. Her mouth hanged agape.

" Thank you!" Tefo mouthed and pointed Wame.

Wame unexpectedly smiled back at him. Her cheeks went warm. Tefo really made her feel special. She never knew Tefo could be super cute.

Everyone followed Tefo's eyes and finally saw Andile and Wame standing next to each other. They didn't no who he was really looking at.

" Thank you guys..she finally looked at me…I hope next time you'll get to see her,"

"Who is he talking about?it can't be Lone because her eyes are always on him throughout." Nelly muttered to Kin.

"you know how Tefo loves to flirt…maybe he's flirting with the audience."Kin replied.

" That's not fair.. that's my job"

" Tefo is in love this time..and it's not Lone" Khali whispered to the others.

The beat played and Tefo opened it with his rap of their song Missed call. His eyes were still locked on Wame's when he began.

Tefo🎶 listen babe,I'm sorry ain't even part of my intensions

Keeping u waiting to a no show

Fueling that mind with intoxicating thoughts

It ain't fair I know

I know

It seems he rapped the verse with so much emotions. Tefo moved back making way for the king of appeal, Kin.

He was wearing a black long sleeve ripped skipper, a black cargo pants along with some super high boots spray painted with shades of silver. The look fitted well with the blonde hair

🗣️" yeah!! We love you!" the crowd made a loud noise for Kin. Some girls were fainting at the back.

🗣️" I'll die for you Kin…please date me!" red-haired girl yelled while on the ground.

🗣️" Kin..my hair is tinted blonde too..please..look at me the way Tefo looked at his girl offstage."

The others did their choreography as Kin rapped. He spotted Wame starring at him. He maintained the eye contact and rapped.

Kin 🎶I've been unfair

Missed calls is what I do now

Little did I know you find assurance in ma voice

I know , I know

You like this…

He paused and the beat went on. He continued and turned around. The skipper was ripped at the back revealing his mystery tattoo. It was a medium size wings tattoo.

🗣️" Ohh god …Kin has a tattoo at the back….!"

🗣️"psych this concert is f**king cool!

Fans went on.

Wame was dazed, she didn't understand how someone can just be so perfect. He was brave enough for that. She held her cheeks and exhailed.

As for Andile, " So if I didn't stop him last night then ..I could have seen it?" " what am I thinking…but he's just too cool.." Andile slapped herself. Kin flashed a smile at her direction.

🎶God damn shawdy madness is ur theme

But u ain't got no competition in ma heart

Cauz you're my queen🎶

He ended with a wink to the crowd. They all danced some smooth dances as Khali sang.

Wait there was something new a about him too. He had an industrial piercing?

🗣️" OMG!..this is crazy.." someone yelled.

Khali🎶 babe don't u worry

I'm only one call away

Your daily dosage at your service

Enough to brighten your days

Hold you at your darkest🎶

He was decked up in a black Gucci, two piece. A three k quarter trouser and it's top.

Lalisa and Onalerona giggled more as he sang. Aiden noticed his sister's reaction and smiled.

While starring at the crowd, Khali met Aiden's smirking face. He winked at him and Khali was shocked.

" What is he doing?" Khali said inwardly.

Nelly came in with his super sexy black designer overall with one arm out. His face blossomed as he faced the crowd with a smile. He began singing the chorus. The crowd sang along.

Nelly🎶Damn missed calls , missed calls

You got me worried

Pick up, pick up

I said I was sorry

Don't do me like this

I said I was sorry.

Nelly went down stage and moved around Infront of the crowd. He felt their hands as he sang the chorus again. Girls went crazy and some fought to hold him.

He saw Minnie somewhere trying to get through. He walked within the crowd and everyone made way for him. He dragged Minnie's hand to the front as he sang.

Minnie was really happy. She danced with him to the song while the others upstage danced.

Ryan couldn't even make her feel special Like that but Nelly did, the biggest player to exist.

Tefo came in to rap the last verse. The concert was super great.

The heirs performed their last song called Friends.


ZQ watched their performance at the VIP spot.They were trying to learn from the Heirs about stage movements.

Whales laughed after Nelly suddenly grabbed Minnie and danced with her.

" Ryan! Nelly just went down to get your girl. You are so lame… Nelly is a player and if Minnie is not careful, she'll cry."

" Just stop talking Whales. I'm never letting Nelly get to Minnie." Ryan replied.

" TJ! How is it going with that girl?" Atlang asked.

" Not so easy…Tefo keeps on interfering!" TJ yelled. He was just tired of Wame not considering him.

Whales looked at the performance and a thought hit him. " maybe ..these guys are just not so bad!" he thought inwardly.


The concert came to a wrap and the artists had to go to their respective hotels. The guards escorted each artists. Whales bumped into Khali.

" Sorry dude" Both said.

" Sorry..please forgive me" Khali apologized.

" Don't worry I just buried it…but I'm glad we got to discover something in the process" Whales said.

Well it all happened at Allison's party. Khali and Whales had a chat in his room and Whales told him about his love for Wame. Then Khali did something unexpected.

Aiden and another guard came back for him. Aiden dragged Khali. Each member was escorted to their room by one guards.

The heirs where under tight security unlike ZQ. Lone caught up to them. She was determined to spend the night with him no matter what. They got in their Vehicle and went to Acacia Hotel.

While on the way Tefo got a call from his mother. He picked up the call.

" Hello mom!" he cutely smiled with an upbeat mood.

" I'm glad you're happy Nimo but please…take care of Wame,she's still unwell and she came all the way there to support you guys… "

Tefo was shocked. " Why mom? I'm not her bodyguard…if she isn't well then she shouldn't have come!"

" Tefo!.." she exclaimed "Incase you change your mind. I've put all the necessary things in your bag. A thermometer, some painkillers and antibiotics and other staff."

" Don't bother telling me. I don't even know where she is!" Tefo hanged up and rolled his eyes.

" what did aunt say this time" Kin asked.

" she actually told me to take care of Wame…". He laughed " I'm not her bodyguard "

" I wonder what I would have done if my mom asked me…" Kin smiled.

" Kin..don't hide it. You want to do it…just call up Aunt and tell her you'll do it" Nelly teased him.

Kin noticed Khali's mood. He was starring outside the window. He seemed lost. Kin poked him. " Khali! Where are you lost?"

He retrieved to Earth and fastly answered. " Yes…Kin!" "so Tefo who was that Lucky girl?"

" No body!" Tefo said.

" yeah ..tell us, do you have a new crush?" Kin asked.

" Guys stop. My girlfriend is literally in the car behind ours." Tefo adjusted his position on the chair

"ohh.. someone is going on a room date." Nelly said. " And Khali don't forget what I said Earlier" Nelly winked his eye.

" Gosh Kin…I feel oppressed. I should definitely get a tattoo." Tefo said.

Kin laughed. " Well…that proves just how cooler I am Canadian." Kin thought about Wame and smirked.

They finally arrived at the Acacia hotel. The car behind also parked and the body guards and Lone came out. They walked in and every member got a body guard to look after them.

Tefo and Lone went to his room. He requested not to be disturbed and his bodyguard went to chill at the hotel club. Tefo remembered his mother's words and felt a little confused. He Shaked off the thought and faced Lone with a smile. He had prepared a dinner date in his room.


Khali arrived by his room. His assigned bodyguard was really bothering him. It was non other than Aiden. He stopped at the door and saw Aiden's smirking face standing by his door.

"Are you gonna stand there the whole night?.." Khali asked. " does Lisa know you are here with me?"

" Well…no. What about you . I thought Wame was your girlfriend?" Aiden asked.

" Black suits you well…I've always seen you in black….gothic" Khali changed the topic.

Aiden laughed and looked at his ear. " I think your industrial piercing is super cool and gothic..you must be pain tolerant " " and again don't change the topic….Where is Wame?"

" well she …."Khali hesitated to speak and Aiden completed his sentence.

" She's not your girlfriend?..I knew that you were trying to show off. Wame is actually my sister's best friend. I Know her but she doesn't know me" Aiden laughed.

"Alright! You got me dude…I guess I'm stupid for not moving on" Khali sighed.

Aiden extended his hand and held his chin. He raised his face to face him. " well if you want to forget her then…I have a solution" he smirked and gently rubbed his lips with his thumb.

Khali was shocked. Did Aiden just do that to him. Was he really queer or Khali was getting the wrong idea.

" What the heck!"Khali exclaimed and opened the door.

Aiden stopped him and held his chest. He took Khali's palm and placed on his heart.

" such a perfect coincidence!" Aiden whispered.

Khali pushed him away and got in his room. He locked the door and leaned on it as he breathed. " Why am I suddenly scarred?" "why do I still remember everything he was wearing at the party "

His phone biped and he saw a text from Nelly. As expected, he was on about laying and staff.

"dude.. tonight…I'm counting on you"-nelly

" This is weird….I'll just relax" He breathed in and out as he closed his eyes. After some breaths he decided.

Aiden was guarding the room as he stood there like a statue. He was really bored. In a blink he felt a hand drag him in Khali's room.

Khali was fast to grab him, close the door and push Aiden against the door. Aiden smirked and looked at his eyes.

" When did you become queer ?" Aiden asked.

" I don't no…. but what about you?" Khali asked back.

" Bi." Aiden replied and turned to push Khali against the door. Aiden didn't waste anytime and kissed him. Khali responded to the kiss.

Aiden moved to his ear and whispered. "Got any rubbers?"

Khali smirked and bit his underlip. He took a few out and showed him. " Nelly can really be useful sometimes" he thought.

" So many…never knew you are bitchy like Nelly…pervert"

Khali chuckled and pushed him the couch. " Shut up Lisa's boyfriend and comply"

Aiden lied on the couch looking up at him as he removed his skipper, revealing his smooth skin. He swallowed and traced his fingers on his medium sized abs and starred at him with a desperate gaze.

I mean who thought the quiet Khali would end up in such a position with his ex girlfriend's boyfriend. Let's say he's real flashy.

His phone rang and he couldn't hear it as it fell down. It was a call from Nelly. Nelly knew that his advice paid off he continued with his game night with his fan girls at the outdoor.


Kelly said something to irritate Allison. " Tefo took Lone to his room. I'm so jealous " she laughed.

" Me too " Andile replied.

Allison looked at them with her eyesides and grimaced. She walked away from them. The party was still on.

" I honestly hate that wanna be. She's always acting the victim." Kelly rolled her eyes as Allison left.

" so she loves Tefo?… I gotta say she's so pretty. It Tefo doesn't like her then I guess it's thumbs down for me" Andile joked.

" you could say that but he's really not like that. He just hasn't fallen in love yet" Kelly said.

" ps he's super scarred of girls. He always acts confident when flirting but he's scared when things get serious "

"Really!" Lalissa exclaimed.

Wame was feeling a little dizzy. She acted fine and smiled.

Reneilwe wanted to go home but the buses only departed when the concert ended. She wanted to go because Thato was not. gonna spair any of them especially Wame.

Just before she could think more JANEX made an announcement. " sorry guys but a curfew has been set by the government and Francistown is under lockdown.. dangerous criminals escaped jail. You'll have to stay here until tomorrow at 9am, some will stay in the bus…some at the near by hotel called THABOLOLO…Acacia has been restricted for the artists but you can try book a room."

Reneilwe looked Around and saw Aladdin coming her way. Andile was standing next to her.

Counted in sophistication, Aladdin made way to them. He was walking in slow motion according to the lenses of Andile. He stood Infront of them and smiled. He took off his jacket.

Andile grinned while Reneilwe was shocked.

" since it's Cafew..you'll need a place to stay and it's cold"

Andile giggled and Reneilwe froze as she gazed at him.

Aladdin placed the jacket around Reneilwe's shoulders. " let's go…" he dragged her along.

After about three feet he remembered something.

" Andy..hi! I hope you don't mind me stealing her " Aladdin looked away and matched off with Reneilwe.

Reneilwe never got to experience real love in her life. She didn't believe in love at all. She never did.

As for Andile. She stood there shuttered, a tear escaped her left eye. She felt hurt and empty. she had got someone she loves and he was snatched just like that.

After walking a long distance Reneilwe removed her hand from Aladdin's. Aladdin turned to look at her.

" Why?" he asked.

" you saw back there…Andile likes you and she's my cousin. Why are waisting your time.." Reneilwe asked.

" I don't have a connection with her…I have with you"

" But…we met once that too in the past! I ditched you. Please leave me alone , it was just a simple one night stand ok..and I wasn't in the right mind!" Reneilwe said. She didn't believe in love because of a deep secret that broke her everytime, the same truth that forced her to go to that hotel session and she meet Aladdin.

" well…for me it wasn't just a simple one night stand….I remember that night. You told me to hold you because you needed someone to"

" please let me hold you forever " Aladdin's eyes were tearing up.

" Aladdin…you won't want me this way in future if we go on…I don't love you okay..please leave me " she yelled in a shaking voice.

" Then I want to wait for you to love me, I want to teach you to love me. When I heard dad saying I had to come, I wasn't delighted but when I checked Kelly's IG. I saw you and I knew, I had to come…for me it wasn't just a simple meeting…."

Reneilwe broke into tears. She was just flattered and confused too. She just couldn't cope. Aladdin saw her and hugged her tight.

" I want to make you believe in love and I want you to be mine okay and I won't give up"

" I guess you never give up" she said in his his arms.

" never!" Aladdin said and she raised her face to look at him. Before she could say or move away. Aladdin held her soaked cheeks and bent to kiss her.

The kiss had many emotions. Reneilwe could taste his care and concern. She just stood there shocked. After the kiss, Aladdin dragged her into his arms and tightened the hug.

" I love you!" he muttered. " I thought it was just a simple meeting but I couldn't stop thinking about you all those days in Canada…"

" Don't lie..you probably had a few chicks." Reneilwe said.

" A few?.many! To be honest I only thought of you" he grinned.

" Such a pervert! And you think I'll love you?" it seems she was back to her normal self.

" but I'll make you mine for sure…let's go to my car…I've booked a room at Acacia"


Andile broke into tears Infront of Wame , Lalissa, Minnie, Onalerona and Kelly.

" I can't believe I'm such a fool. I fell for Aladdin but he likes Reneilwe!" she said hopelessly.

"What?…" Kelly exclaimed. She remembered the moment she shared with him last night.

" Aladdin likes her..how..but …he.." tears shadowed Kelly's eyes. For some reason she didn't know why.

" yeah…he gave her his jacket and dragged he away…I met him at the party and I fell for him but now it's her!"

" What the f**k…so that White boy likes Reneilwe?" Minnie exclaimed, probably super shocked.

" well, it all goes to a love triangle…maybe just be happy for them." Wame advised.

" Guys I think I've found like too…Khali. Ever since he gave me a ride home..I could stop thinking about him." Onalerona revealed.

" What?.." Lalisa exclaimed. " well I guess destiny is playing tricks because Khali has always remained my faves and now that he's my PE mate…I'm delighted too"

" Tf! This is crazy!" Minnie said. Her friends were tangled up in messy love polygons.

" As for me I think that Allison girl might cause problems." Minnie said.

" we know how Nelly likes you..don't hide it" Onalerona said.

" What about you Wame?" Lalissa asked.

Wame felt a little pain in her stomach and grinned to pretend she was fine. " I don't know at all…there are so many roads Infront of me but I can't seem to find the one for me…I guess I'm destined for confusion." she sighed.

" Wame are you okay?" Minnie asked her.

" yeah " she grinned.

" Wame has the heirs and ZQ….she's caught up in the middle of two bands. Kin and Tefo….just can't let anything happen to their precious Wame…so cute" Andile added.

" yeah. I remember that day when Whales insulted WAME saying no boy would date her, then Tefo stepped forward and said" Andile started mimicking Tefo. " maybe I do! " Andile held her cheeks.

" so cute!" Lalissa said.

" that's not all, Kin took care of her when she was sick!" Minnie added.

"Too bad she likes Nelly " Andile revealed.

"Nelly?" they exclaimed.

" this is not real..he's a playboy" Kelly said.

" so Wame and Minnie like Nelly, Interesting." Onalerona added.

" too bad Maghan isn't here!" Kelly said "or she'll be like Kin is mine…" Kelly said and laughed. "girls let's go to the hotel….I booked a room Incase I return late…" they all went to the packing lot.

Wam walked behind as she felt a little sick. She trudged at the back. She passed the ZQ quantum and saw Ryan and Allison talking. She just passed but when she head Tefo's name she stopped and listened to them behind the quantum.

" Allison! I just got a call from Rebaone" Ryan said.

" so ?"Allison asked.

" Tefo is in danger!"

" but how?"Allison asked.

" No time to explain,just go and stop him from drinking anything because it will be poisoned!"

Allison's. Heart skipped. She couldn't bear the fear. She had to stop her love in time. " but..their lodge is far from here and I've seen Kelly leaving with our driver!"

"Allison. I want to do a good thing for once please go and save him….run!"

WAME felt so weak after learning that truth. Tefo's life was really in danger. " I gotta go save him…too" she was trembling in fear.

" I can't imagine him gone away from me!" she cried and went to the parking lott.
