
Chapter 8: The Broker

[24A, Seletar Hill Drive - Jackie's residence]

Jackie was feeling rather elated after receiving news on the meeting with Tech Venture Capital. She fixed herself a gin and tonic and was going to enjoy a soak in the tub.

She undressed and only had a towel wrapped around her torso when her phone rang. She instinctively reached for her phone to answer the call but hesitated when she saw the caller’s name appear on her screen.

*Oh, shit! Arno Pieterson... What timing! Now, do I pick it up?*

But she knew she couldn’t avoid him and reluctantly answered the call.


“Jackie, my dear. I hope I’m not intruding. Can we talk?” the heavily accented voice filtered through the phone.

“Oh, hi, Arno. What’s up?”

“Well, I was just wondering if you...”

“Arno, I’ll need a little more time before I can revert to you. Can you give me another two weeks?”

“No, no, Jackie, that’s not the reason I called. I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tomorrow?” he said, pausing a moment before pressing on, “Let’s just say, I realized I may have been a little too harsh on you the last time we spoke.”

“Ah, I see... I’m afraid I’m going to be pretty busy tomorrow. Maybe we could meet next week?”

He sensed that she was avoiding him.

“How about Friday night, then? You know, it’s not all about business. I found a perfect little spot for a fine dinner. You’ll love it.”

But Jackie remained uncomfortably silent for what seemed like an eternity. She hated having to make excuses, but she just had a strange feeling the emerald deal would crop up again.

Besides, she just was in no mood to see Arno at this point, not with the meeting coming up.

*I can’t wait till Friday comes. I hope Henry gets that date locked in with TV Capital. This sure sucks!*

“C’mon, Jackie. Forget about the emeralds, if it’s not what you want, so be it,” he coaxed, becoming more persistent now. “I’d like to see you again, that’s all. Tell you what, I’ll fetch you on Saturday, 7.00 pm., okay?”

“Arno, I…”

“Don’t say no, please,” he pleaded.

Again, there was further silence, but she was wavering.

“You’re making it very hard for me to say no to you, Arno.”

She finally gave in.

“Well, dinner it is, then.” She could hardly believe she’d just agreed to the date.

“How does Italian sound to you?”

“Yes, Italian is fine.”

“Perfect. I look forward to seeing you again, my dear.”

“See you on Saturday, Arno. Good night.”

“Good night.”

She sighed as she immersed herself in the bubble bath. The truth was, she found Arno attractive, and had it not been for the deal, she’d probably have already gone out on a date with him.

He was a suave, strapping hunk of a man. With his blond hair and blue eyes, he certainly had many admirers.

But for all her confidence as a businesswoman, she was a novice when it came to affairs of the heart. She never had a serious relationship before and it had always been about her career first.

*What am I getting myself into? Am I just going to be another conquest to him? Hm, there’s only one way to find out, I guess.*

* * *

[Jackie’s residence, four days later]

The week passed by quickly, and it was soon Saturday.

Jackie found herself excitedly scouring through her wardrobe for what to wear. In the end, she picked out a black Alexander McQueen mini dress, Balenciaga clutch, and matching stiletto sandals.

She tried the dress on and twirled gracefully around as she looked into the mirror. She smiled coyly, happy with her choice.

*This should do it!*

She then put on an oval-shaped vintage Longines Symphonette with thin black straps and matching silver-gold shell earrings and necklace.

*Perfect! Now, what should I do with my hair?*

She let her long hair cascade over her shoulder before she decided she’d do her hair in a sleek low bun.

She looked at the time: 6.30 pm.

* * *

The auto-gate opened and Jackie sauntered out stylishly, looking ravishing in her revealing mini dress.

She sucked her breath in when she saw Arno getting out of his Audi A6.

He looked sharp in a light wool jacket and matching pants with a Hugo Boss tee underneath. His blond, textured hair was swept back casually, leaving a fringe over his brow.

“You look beautiful, Jackie,” he complimented as he walked toward her and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

He then opened the car door for her and couldn’t keep his eyes off her thighs as she daintily maneuvered into the passenger seat.

To most men, she came across as cold and aloof. She had exquisite tastes and carried herself with sheer class. Most men felt intimidated.

But to a confident and self-assured guy like Arno, it made for a thrilling chase. He could get any woman he wanted, and there were plenty dying to share his bed. But he was enamored by Jackie’s exotic Eurasian features and slender, well-limbed body. She had style, and more importantly, she was successful.

“So, where are we going for dinner, Arno?” she asked, breaking the ice.

“Ristorante Buono Terra. You’ll love the food. Chef Gianni is a good friend of mine,” he crowed, emphasizing his relationship, “and he has a wonderful selection of fine wines. I’m sure you’ll love it.”

“I’m sure I will,” she responded courteously.

* * *

[Ristorante Buono Terra]

After a twenty-minute drive along the Central Expressway, they arrived at the Italian restaurant -- a charming colonial bungalow cozily tucked along Scotts Road.

The restaurant’s entrance was on the far right of the chateau, and as they walked through the entrance, the walls were stacked with an impressive selection of wines.

The maitre d’ immediately approached them and greeted, “Welcome, Mr. Pieterson. Your table is this way.”

He seated them before presenting the menu.

“May I recommend the degustation menu, Sir? We have scampi in a saffron sauce, oxtail ravioli with black truffle, slow-roasted lamb loin in a herb crust, and for dessert, chocolate wafer sigaro with passion fruit and coconut ash.”

Arno checked for Jackie’s preference, gesturing with an open hand and tilting his head slightly.

“Yes, that sounds lovely,” Jackie said.

“Would you like to start with a white wine, Madame?”

“I would prefer a sparkling wine.”

“Excellent choice, Madame. May I recommend the Antica Fratta, a classic from Lombardy? It has a delicate floral fragrance and leaves a wonderful palate of fruits and roasted nuts.”

She raised her brows appreciatively.

“Yes, that sounds wonderful. Thank you.”

“And, I shall have the Pinot Noir and Moscato d’Asti for dessert,” Arno said.

When drinks arrived, Arno raised his glass.

“A toast to the most beautiful woman here tonight.”

“I don’t necessarily agree, but I won’t argue. Let’s drink to that,” she quipped, giving him a charming smile.

“I really mean it,” he said before he brought the rim of his glass to his lips.

She glanced at him as she sipped her wine, but quickly looked away as his blue eyes locked onto hers.

* * *

The carefully curated menu was quite a gourmet experience, and Jackie was thoroughly impressed with the food quality and its presentation. The wine complement made for an especially fine and satisfying dinner.

“Thanks for the lovely dinner, Arno,” she said as she settled into the passenger seat, her face slightly flushed.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Jackie. It’s been a while since I had such a good time. We really must do this again. Say, why don’t we have a nightcap?”

“Oh, no, Arno. I’ve had quite a bit already. It’s been ages since I’ve consumed so much wine in one night!”

“I was thinking of my place…”

He leaned over and kissed her on the mouth.

She found herself unable to resist, and her tongue responded eagerly. She felt his large hand stroking the inside of her thigh, and her hips quivered uncontrollably. She knew then; she was powerless to say no to him.

* * *