
Chapter 5: The Cigar Lounge, Part 2

The discussion soon became tense, as Ralph had expected it would be, and he nervously swirled the glass of whisky in his hand after a generous sip.

“Reginald wanted me to tell you this in person. Now, I know you’re committed to your fledgling business and all, but with Dad’s demise, we need stability,” he said, his eyes shifting between the two men.

“Stability? Explain…” Bob responded.

“Well, the Group Chairman, Tan Sri [1] Taib has been putting a lot of heat on the businesses under our portfolio, and the plantation side is not performing as expected,” Ralph said.

When he saw the frown on Bob’s face, he hurriedly added, “And as you know, they hold a chunk of the voting shares. Reginald fears our family’s interests might be compromised, and in the interim, it’s best for all parties.”

Ralph tried to maintain his composure. He puckered his lips like a girl’s first kiss and sucked gently on the punched head of the seven-inch Churchill. Then he blew out a wispy puff of fumes.

“Hell, Ralph… there’s something very unmanly about the way you smoke a cigar,” Tengku mocked, unable to help himself. “Anyway, is this proposal from Tan Sri, or did it come from Reginald?”

“Err, they discussed it in a special meeting, and all parties agreed to it,” he replied, ignoring the jibe. His eyes darted to Tengku, then back to Bob. “The board has agreed in principle and they will pass the resolution in the coming meeting. You’re to take Dad’s place on the board.”

Bob didn’t reply, and Tengku Muzaffar kept his own counsel.

Seizing on the pause, Ralph added, “Grandfather wants to see you tomorrow, Bob. Reginald will meet you there at 9:30 am.”

“Mm.” Bob nodded stiffly. He already had a good idea where the trouble stemmed from.

* Stepmother’s greed and ambition will tear this company apart. And to think I had left this all behind when I embarked on my own business*.

Since the unexpected passing of his father, his stepmother has been making her presence felt. With her son’s support, she had pushed her candidates to key positions in the plantation group, and their operations felt its effect within months.

“Excuse me, Sir.”

The sommelier approached Ralph, bowing slightly as he presented the tray, and said, “Your bill, Sir. And the lady conveys her thanks. This is her card.”

*Veena: Fashion Consultant. Hm, this is getting more interesting…*

“Keep the bill running. I shall be out shortly,” he instructed, without looking at the sommelier.

“Bob, Tengku, I shall leave you two with your cigars and drinks. I have to meet an old acquaintance.”

And with that, he hurried out of the private room.

“An old acquaintance?” Tengku scoffed, flashing a wry smile after Ralph left the room.

Bob grinned, then got back to the matter at hand. “Well, what do you think, Muz?”

“I’ll say that Tan Sri Taib is one of the foremost plantation guys in the country. If he’s concerned, then you better pay attention,” he replied with a wry grin.

Then he casually drew a puff before he added, “I would think leadership is sorely lacking and I don’t see *him* or even Reginald, for that matter, having any influence over the plantation heads. It’s a disaster waiting to unfold. You’re needed back there, my friend.”

“Well, looks like I have a full day tomorrow. Let’s finish this off, and shall we call it a night, then?” Bob said and raised his glass.

“As you wish.”

* * *

“Veena, I presume?” Ralph struck a debonair pose with the long cigar between his fingers.

“Hi! Well, I’m honored you could make time to join me, kind sir. You look like such a busy man,” she said fawningly and reached out her hand. “I didn’t get your name.”

“I’m Ralph Tang, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I must say, it was quite a pleasant surprise to see such an angelic presence when I walked in here.”

He offered her a gallant smile, oozing with charm.

“It’d be nothing short of sacrilegious if I didn’t offer to buy you a drink. I do apologize I couldn’t personally come over earlier.”

Veena giggled infectiously and feigned a flirting frown.

“Now, aren’t you the honey-tongued one! I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“Only if they’re as beautiful as you are,” he quipped as his eyes pored over her lightly tanned, silky-smooth skin.

She could easily pass for a top model with her exquisite looks, slender figure, and immaculate dressing sense.

She wore a green *Issey Miyake* pleated dress with a plunging halter neckline and bareback that revealed a generous portion of her skin. She sat confidently with her long legs crossed and slanted, teasingly exposing parts of her supple thighs.

It was more than Ralph could take, and he was intoxicated by her sweet floral fragrance. Soon he was cozily edging ever closer to her, touching her forearm with every word he spoke. His signals were unmistakable.

* * *

Bob and Tengku glanced over at Ralph as they walked out of the private room. Bob looked impassively at his step-brother, then turned away without saying a word.

Tengku, a cabinet box of cigars under his arm, nudged Bob and gestured over to Ralph with his chin.

“Hm, look at him… just look at him. When it comes to this, he’s in his element, isn’t he?” he uttered with a smirk. “That brother of yours… *kaki kongkek lah* [2].”

They both chuckled as they walked out of the Grand Trinidad.

When they got outside the hotel lobby, Tengku Muzaffar said, “Take the board position, Bob. Marjorie is capable enough to manage the day-to-day affairs on our end. That’s my advice.”

When Tengku’s driver arrived in his BMW 740, they shook hands before they parted.

A second later, the car valet ran up with Bob’s key and he handed the young man a crisp 50-Ringgit bill.

“Thank you, Sir.” The valet beamed and gave him a salute.

* * *

“Veena, let’s head somewhere else for a drink, shall we?” Ralph whispered raunchily. “The night is still young, my dear.”

She furrowed her lovely brows ever so coyly, fluttering her eyelashes.

“I’d love to, but a girl needs her beauty sleep. Got an early day tomorrow,” she said as she playfully tapped his nose with her forefinger. “Anyway, I’m sure a guy like you would not have any problems getting a date on short notice.”

He decided to play it cool. He still had a move or two up his sleeve. He called for the server and pulled out his Citibank Ultima card. “Make it quick,” he snapped.

The server returned shortly with the receipt and he tossed a 200-ringgit tip on the tray.

“Impressive! I like a big spender,” Veena cooed.

A while later, they were at the hotel lobby entrance, and Ralph knew it was now or never.

“Let me send you home, at least. My car is right over there,” he said, pointing to his *Diablo red* Vantage, one of only seven in the country.

“I drove,” she said, passing her chit to the car valet when he came to hand Ralph his keys.

When her Mini Cooper arrived, Veena gave him a peck on his cheek before she got in.

“Will I see you again?” He looked somewhat deflated, losing what was left of his composure.

“You’ve got my number…”

The Mini zoomed off, leaving Ralph feeling disheartened.

He turned around and noticed the young valet hurriedly looking the other way. He glared at the young man and stomped toward his Aston Martin.

* * *

Veena touched her screen and took the incoming call on speakerphone.

“Hello. You met him? Is it done?” the voice demanded.

“Of course, I did. Yes, soon… very soon. I’ll call you again when it’s done.”

After ending the call, she blasted the car stereo and smiled cunningly, looking pleased with herself.


[1] “Tan Sri” - a title bestowed by the King upon recommendation by the Malaysian government. The recipient, Taib, was conferred the honor PSM (Pingat Setia Mahkota) which carried the title.

[2] “Kaki kongkek” - fornicator in the Malay language.

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