
The Heiress of Canterbury

"Money, greed, and power can change a single person, and I will not let anyone who's greedy with money and power take over," Amelia said with confidence in front of his father. Amelia Chandler, a 19-year-old girl, who will fight for her right as an heiress, will encounter a lot of challenges alongside her brother, Kei Chandler. Little by little, they will discover a secret that was buried for 10 years when Alexander Ross, the Chandler siblings' classmate, entered their life. Amelia and Kei slowly felt attached to Alexander as the days go by. The three of them have a chemistry that no one has ever seen. One day, sudden flashbacks of her altered memories showed up. She will slowly become active in finding the treasure that will uncover the whole truth but Amelia's life was suddenly in trouble. Someone will come for her life again and will do everything just to eliminate her. Her life turned upside down when a man from the past eventually show himself and claims that he is the rightful owner of Canterbury. Will Amelia be able to find out the whole truth? How will Amelia claim her place against the person she loves the most? Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All of the names, characters, places, events, and incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to a real name, place, events, or incident are purely just a coincidence. Also, this story may or may not contain some mature scenes and words and many grammatical and typographical errors, so read at your own risk.

ACistus · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Alexander Ross

"Mr. George, are you hiding something from me?" I confronted him.

"Lady Amelia, calm down at first. Why are you acting like that?" he asked.

"Did you already do a background check on Alexander Ross? You already knew something about him, right?" I asked him again.

"Okay. Let's calm down first."

Mr. George offered a seat. He left and returned with chamomile tea as well. He took some envelopes inside his briefcase and seat in front of me. He opened the envelope and his tablet as well.

"Lady Amelia, these are the things that I found out about Alexander Ross."

He finally give his tablet to me as well as the files inside the envelope. I was fascinated by the files that I saw.

"This is hilarious," I mumbled to myself.

"What do you mean, lady Amelia?"

"Mr. George. Where did you get all of these?" I asked.

"From my connections. And I affirm you it's much more credible than the police files," Mr. George explained.



"...if you're saying the truth, then this will be the first time that your informant gave you not-so-reliant information. I think this is all a lie."

"And how could you say so, lady Amelia?"

"Because I've remembered everything. And... A-Alexander Ross, he's dead!"

Mr. George froze for a moment while Kei and his father entered the office as well.

"You regained your memories!" Kei and his father said in unison.

"What do you remember?" Kei asked.

"Sweetheart, we heard it right, aren't we? You regained your memories?" father asked.

"B-but...Ms. Amelia. What do you mean about Alexander Ross?" Mr. George asked.

"As I said, he's dead! He was my friend from 11 years ago. He was killed by daddy and that's why your information is not reliable, Mr. George. I swear whoever that Alexander Ross with us now, he's an impostor."

"Are you sure about that, Amelia?" Kei asked.

"Of course! I may be altered my memories but I also saw him in my memories. Oh! And one more thing what's a treasure?"

"Treasure?" Mr. George, Kei, and his father asked in unison.

I nodded. "I remembered something that mom told me every day, 'When the moon shines brightly, the mirror will reflect it shortly. Unlock the treasure, and you will find pleasure' I think it was some sort of riddle but I don't know what it means. Do I need to take a look at every mirror? or wait for the full moon or something?" I asked them while being confused. The three of them also seem to be confused.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Kei asked.


"Well, about everything especially Alexander Ross, of course," Kei said.

"As of now, I don't know. Let's just see how will he act with us."

The next morning at school without noticing the time I went to school too early alone. Leaving Kei by himself. I just listlessly walked toward the classroom until someone called my name.

"Amelia!" I looked back and saw Alexander Ross. "What happened to you yesterday? After your session with Ms. Bonsworth, you just flew out and left me there. Are you okay?" he added.

I was just carelessly staring at his face without noticing any words that comes out of his mouth. I did not notice that he slowly moved in my direction and keeps on getting closer.

"Amelia. Why are you zoning out?" he asked me in his deep, smooth voice while holding both of my shoulders.

"Uh...w-what?" I awkwardly answered.

He tilted his face and looked at me with a confused face. He sighed first and asked again, "I asked you about why are you zoning out."

"Ahhh...ha-ha-ha...don't mind me. I think it's because it is too early."

He acted like he got my point but I know he still doubts and is concerned at the same time. We both entered the classroom. As it was too early, we are the only people in the classroom. We sat at our desks. I buried my face in the desk while my arms are wrapped around my head. I am still confused about Alexander's identity.

Who is this guy beside me? Why does he pretend to be my childhood friend Alexander Ross?

I slowly move my head and want to take a peek at Alexander's face but then I was shocked and almost fell to the ground. Luckily, Alexander caught me in his arms.

"Why are you shocked? It is almost like you saw a ghost, are you sure you're okay?" he asked again.

I did not answer him as usual but then Kei entered the classroom while we are in that situation.

"Get a room guys, we're in school," Kei said with a poker face, closed the door, and walked toward his desk.

I hurriedly sit properly on my desk so as Alexander. Kei slowly went to the empty desk in front of us.

"So, you're here this early just to meet Alexander?" Kei mockingly said.

"Stop it or I'll punch you."

"It's not what you think, Kei. Amelia's going to fall to the ground and I just catch her and then that's it, okay," Alexander explained.

"Okay, okay. You don't need to defense, Alexander," Kei said.

"Oh! Lucky there are some students now. Can the three of you come with me?" our physical teacher asked.

The three of us looked at each other and then nodded and answered our teacher in unison, "Yes, ma'am." The three of us followed Mrs. Gold to the gymnasium.

"It's good to still see early students at school," Mrs. Gold said. "Well, Ms. Amelia was always like that, but I didn't imagine that the new students were early birds as well," she added. Kei and Alexander both laughed at Mrs. Gold's comment. They were moving the balls while I am arranging the rackets.

"Mrs. Gold, perhaps are we going to use this later?" I asked her.

"Yes, Amelia. The half of the gymnasium will be for the boys and they will play basketball while the other half will be for the girls and they will play badminton," Mrs. Gold answered as she counts the shuttlecocks beside me.

After we finished the set up the net for badminton. Kei and Alexander were playing one-on-one basketball. Kei was on the defense while Alexander offenses. The two of them don't have that huge gap in terms of their agility. It was just a practice and fun game but they took it so seriously.

"They may be a pretty team if they will play basketball," Mrs. Gold whispered.

"I guess it is."

Mrs. Gold laughed with my statement and told me just to wait here since our first class is her subject. Kei and Alexander did not notice that Mrs. Gold left the three of us in the gymnasium. I was just silently watching them playing basketball until they get exhausted finally and stopped playing. The two of them are drenched from sweat and walking in my direction.

"Amelia, where's Mrs. Gold?" Kei asked.

"Oh, she left and told to wait for our classmates here."

"Okay. Wait here, I'll go back to the classroom and change my cloth. It's sweaty."

Before Kei left Alexander also asked him if he can get his shirt for him. Kei agreed and that made me and Alexander left alone in the gymnasium.

"You're a good player," I complimented him. "It was also the first time I saw Kei enjoy basketball that long. You know he doesn't have any friends from his past school. He's more likely an outcast and always gets into trouble," I added. Alexander did not answer or interrupt me. He was just quietly staring at me dearly as he listens. "And you know, there was a time where he was suspended for beating up one of his classmates because his classmate was forcing him to go with them. It's just been two weeks since Kei transferred here but he changed a lot. I am happy that the old Kei seems to be changing." I laughed a little while Alexander still stares at me quietly.

"So who do you like better the old Kei or the present Kei?" someone asked seriously.

Alexander and I turned around to see who asked the question.

"K-Kei? When did you come back?" I shockingly said.

"Amelia, I asked you a question first now you're answering me with another question. You should stop that Amelia. But as your nice brother, I'll answer you. I came back a couple of minutes ago when you started to gossip me to Alexander. You're so immersed up to the point you didn't notice me even though I waved at you when I entered the gymnasium and looked in my direction for a while," Kei explained. "Oh, and here's your shirt Alexander," he added then tossed a t-shirt to Alexander.

"Thanks, Kei." Alexander turned around and took off his shirt. Without noticing Kei and I followed him and looked at him while he was changing his clothes.

Who would've thought that I'd be able to see his perfectly fit back? But...wait. A scar?

Alexander has a long scar behind his back. Kei and I looked at each other confusingly. Then, Alexander turned in our direction and caught us that we are looking at him.

"Am I that gorgeous and I captured the Chandler siblings' attention? Want an encore?" Alexander jokingly asked while teasingly holding his shirt up. Kei laughed and hurriedly waved his hands while saying a no. However, I just blurted out what my mind says. "Where did you get that scar?" I asked. "Amelia!" Kei hurriedly shushed me. "Oh, you don't need to answer Alexander. Sometimes Amelia does get nosy. Please understand," Kei added.

Alexander just laughed. I looked confused while looking at him so do Kei. Alexander looked at me with a serious face, moved his face towards mine with an inch gap, and said, "Want to know me, Amelia? Why don't we talk about it and left Kei here."

I hurriedly stood up and almost lose my balance but luckily Alexander caught me in his arms.

"You're still clumsy, Amelia. I'm just kidding, okay." Then he helps me to stand straight. Kei approached us with a cunning smile. He whistled. "Look who's blushing," Kei mockingly said.

I pushed Alexander away from me and while stuttering and looked at Kei. "W-what do you mean I'm b-blushing? M-me? No way!"

They both looked at each other and laughed. "Okay, that's enough. Stop teasing her Kei. She might turn into a tomato," Alexander said. "About my scar..." I turned my face toward him. "...I got it when I was 10 years old. I've been pushed into a barbed wire by my bully classmates and I slid on it." Kei and I were surprised by what he said. "That's painful," Kei sympathized. I did not speak and just zoned out.

My head says it's not a barbed wire. Moreover, the scar seems familiar. I think I've seen it before.

"Hello? Earth to Amelia. Are you there?" Kei said while waving his hand in front of my face. I suddenly get back to reality and stopped his hand. "I'm here." Alexander laughed and patted my head. "Don't worry, Amelia. I am fine now," he said while putting on a lovely smile.

Why do I keep sensing a different vibe from you, Alexander? You don't look like my childhood friend. He's dead and you're alive. Just...who are you?