
The Heiress's Revenge: A rise from the ashes

Like a phoenix...Lisa rose from the ashes, ready to burn down everyone that had wronged her! A forgotten heiress, brimming with vengeance must make her great comeback and take back everything that rightfully belongs to her. Lisa must navigate the vicious webs of betrayal, heartbreak and temptation to get back to the top. ***excerpt*** "Are you coming with me or not?" His oh so familiar chilled voice with an edge reached her ears and Lisa shivered. She knew she was totally screwed. Lian Que was going to take her with him, whether she wanted to come along or not. He was merely feigning the decency to ask. About a couple of months back, she could have sneered at him and turned her back but clearly, she was in no position to do that. I'd appreciate you trying out my book and offering your support and encouragement. Thank you in advance.

Asha_Nova · Urban
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100 Chs


Lisa's entire body involuntarily tensed up as her mind replayed his words. She knew that he had meant well but she was still shaken.

Lian Que had probably thought of taking her to meet his family except that it was something that they never got to do. Not while they were together because he had left her shortly before she had gotten a chance to meet his parents.

His statement had indirectly reminded her of that time when he had left her.

Lisa vividly remembered all the time that she had taken to nurse her broken heart and then, she certainly wanted to be as far away from him as she could.

"I am feeling tired. Could I go and get some rest." She murmured softly as she tore her gaze from his.

Lian Que's fine brows furrowed into a small frown as he looked at her.

She was pale and she looked like she could lose consciousness at any moment. He wanted to ask if she was alright but it was clearly evident that she was not fine.

He knew that her current state had something to do with his last few words.

Lian was at a loss.

"The house keeper will show you to your room." He said softly as he loosened his arms around her.

Lisa weakly stood up and climbed off his lap before taking slow and wobbly steps away from him.

She still needed a little more rest after her past traumatic months and being in such close proximity to the man behind her had made her a little weaker. Not physically but emotionally.

Lisa fell back into the soft mattress once she was inside her assigned room and she fell asleep shortly after.

The door to her room slowly opened a few hours later and Lian Que stepped in.

His eyes were sharp and alert in the darkness of the room as he gently fixed her position and tucked her into bed.

He stood by her bedside, gazing at her with gentle eyes before he eventually leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Lian Que came off as cold, dangerous and a total tyrant to the rest of the world but he was the complete opposite when he was around this woman.

He loved her and he was going to patiently wait for her to come around. No matter how long it took her.

It sounded strange even in his thoughts but, Lian had decided that he was going to be patient.

He slowly shut the door behind him on his way out in order not to accidentally wake her up.

His room was just opposite hers and after taking a long shower, he lay in his bed and difted off into a peaceful slumber because his day had been eventful.

He had found Lisa, the missing half of his heart.

The next morning, he woke up early and left for work after briefly checking on Lisa.

She was still asleep and he felt at ease after instructing the house keeper to take very good care of her.

His schedule for the entire day was packed because he had taken a day off from work.

Lian was well aware he had to make up for lost time at work and then get back home and see Lisa.

The faint smile that adorned his lips at his thoughts disappeared as he stepped out of his car and made his way to the entrance of the large building that had his office at it's top floor.

The official headquarters of the Que group of companies consisted of a very large skyscraper and it's light blue glow was pleasant to the eyes.

Members of staff briefly stopped what they were doing and greated him with friendly smiles. He replied with a nod and an occasional handshake before he got into the lift and went up to his office.

His assistant, Sam was already waiting for him inside his office and the short, slightly shabby brown haired man was pacing the floor, moving back and forth. He was clearly distressed.

"Sam, is everything alright?" Lian asked once he stepped inside the room and Sam stopped moving and looked at his boss.

His big forest green eyes seemed to relax as he hurriedly approached Lian.

"Thank the heavens you finally here!" Sam exclaimed in relief as he went ahead to give Lian an overview of everything that had happened at the company and everything that needed his immediate attention.

"Let's get to work then." Lian said as he sat behind his desk and leaned back a little, mentally preparing himself for the work load that he had accumulated.

By mid afternoon, Lian was quite tired from attending meetings for most of the day and as he paused his work for a lunch break, his thoughts automatically drifted to the one person he wanted to see soon.

He thought of Lisa and he did not hesitate to call his house keeper to ask how she was doing.

Lisa had woken up that morning feeling much better and well rested.

Breakfast had been served when she made her way downstairs and she had tried to persuade the housekeeper, Nana to sit and eat with her but the old lady had politely turned her down.

Eating breakfast or any other meal alone was something very strange for Lisa and she could barely eat more than a few mouthfuls.

She was curious on Lian Que's whereabouts but, she did not ask Nana about him because she didn't want to admit that she wanted to see him soon.

After breakfast, Lisa had asked Nana to show her around the house and the old lady had enthusiastically agreed to be her tour guide.

She spent most of the morning moving besides Nana who was happily narrating and pointing at various portraits, telling her everything that she knew about them.

Lisa hoped that she could have at least half the energy Nana had but she just couldn't bring herself to be as vibrant and excited even though her surroundings looked like a beautiful landscape painting.

Something within her faintly dreaded that her new, comfortable reality could soon go down the drain like everything else had in her past.

It sounded ridiculous but after all that she had been through, there were chances of it happening.

By lunch time, Lisa had finished the tour around the big house and she was feeling quite hungry but then again, as she sat at the huge dinning table alone, her appetite greatly reduced.

She could barely eat much and in the middle of her meal, she saw Nana disappear for awhile to answer a phone call.

As Lisa slowly fumbled with the small serving of food on her plate, not planning to eat it anytime soon, the door to the dining room flew open and Lian Que stepped in.

Lisa was a little surprised to see him much sooner than she had expected.

Why was he here?

She silently wondered as she watched him make his way towards her.