
The Heiress's Revenge: A rise from the ashes

Like a phoenix...Lisa rose from the ashes, ready to burn down everyone that had wronged her! A forgotten heiress, brimming with vengeance must make her great comeback and take back everything that rightfully belongs to her. Lisa must navigate the vicious webs of betrayal, heartbreak and temptation to get back to the top. ***excerpt*** "Are you coming with me or not?" His oh so familiar chilled voice with an edge reached her ears and Lisa shivered. She knew she was totally screwed. Lian Que was going to take her with him, whether she wanted to come along or not. He was merely feigning the decency to ask. About a couple of months back, she could have sneered at him and turned her back but clearly, she was in no position to do that. I'd appreciate you trying out my book and offering your support and encouragement. Thank you in advance.

Asha_Nova · Urban
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100 Chs

A hard choice.

Lian sighed in relief as his dark grey eyes carefully inspected the woman that was lying in the chair next to him.

A hint of emotion flashed through his cold eyes as he lifted his hand and tucked a few strands of her dark chestnut hair away from her face.

She was still as beautiful as he remembered and he wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms but he knew too well that she couldn't let him.

Not after what he had done to her.

Lian knew that she was still mad at him and she had all the right reasons to be. He had left her after all.

Six years ago, he had been the happiest teenager because of her and after a year of dating and getting to know each other, Lian had left her hanging at prom.

Clearly, he had not had much of a choice in the matter because his status interfered with everything but that did not excuse the fact that he had just left her and disappeared without a trace.

Lisa had been hurt and when he had shown up two years later, she had looked at him with a blank stare before she turned her back and left.

Lian knew he had messed up and even after clearly getting the message that she no longer wanted anything to do with him, here he was, helping her even though he knew that he was one of her least favorite people.

It was clear she had moved on, started dating and yet he was still stuck, unable to open up to any other woman that was not her.

Lian still wanted her and an opportunity had presented itself.

She was at her weakest and he was going to make sure that she saw that he was going to stand by her side. He did not plan on leaving again.

Lisa stirred in her sleep, suddenly feeling cold and her breath hitched once her eyes flew open.

The car had stopped moving but that was not what startled her.

Lian's unfathomable grey eyes were pinned on her. She shivered as she looked away.

His eyes were fiercely magnetic and the last thing she wanted was to risk getting lost in them again.

"Why did we stop?" She asked to clear the heavy atmosphere.

"I did not want to wake you up?" He replied and Lisa rolled her eyes inwardly.

How very considerate. If only he had been much more considerate before he had left her.

She watched his broad back muscles flex through the thin white shirt that he wore as he climbed out of the car and Lisa gulped.

Lian had grown and become much more masculine and heart throbbingly handsome. He was literally a walking temptation and she prayed she did not get tempted.

Her door opened and Lisa skeptically looked at his outstretched hand. She wasn't sure she wanted to touch him.

"I can help myself out of the car." She refused his offer but a shiver ran down her spine when she looked up at him. The expression on his face was enough to let her know that he was not going to relent.

"Take my hand, Lisa." His smooth voice reached her ears and she bit down on her lower lip as she took his hand. The last thing she wanted was to irritate him, at least not until he answered all her questions.

She masked her face with indifference as he helped her out of the car.

His hand was so warm and the tingling sensation that swept through her body at the contact was enough to make her snap her hand away from him.

Lisa was terrified, he was the only man alive that managed to make her feel things like an unquenchable desire just from his gaze. Even Johnathan did not have such a strong effect on her.

Lisa gulped softly as she admitted the trouble her heart was in just by holding this man's hand.

She couldn't afford to let anyone into her heart again. Lisa didn't think she could survive another heartbreak and that was enough reason to give her some immunity to Lian Que's charm.

Her attention was brought back to the man before her when she felt his hand on her cheek.

She looked at him, confusion dancing in her big hazel eyes. Lisa was frozen.

Why was he touching her!?

"Don't bite your lower lip when you are around me Lisa." He warned, his deep hoarse voice wreaking havoc in her mind as his thumb grazed her chin before tugging at it and releasing her lower lip from her teeth.

A light blush covered her cheeks as she stepped away from him.

Lian's eyes turned a few shades darker as he looked at her. Her flashed cheeks, pink luscious lips and pale complexion tempted him greatly.

She was seducing him just by being herself!

"It's cold out here. Follow me inside." He said as he put his hands inside his pockets in order to avoid holding her hand and tugging her behind him.

Lisa exhaled softly as she watched his retreating back.

She knew the challenge to stay unaffected by this man was going to be so much harder than she had initially thought.

He had brought her to a nice looking two storey house and Lisa was more impressed with its appearance once she stepped inside.

A warm glow filled the interior and reflected off the soft cream coloured walls that were decorated decently with a few portraits.

There were no signs of anyone else in the house and that slightly worried Lisa.

She knew she could have a hard time rejecting Lian's charming advances once he decided to tempt her. He was that dangerous!

Lisa watched him light the fireplace before he turned to face her and tugged at the top two buttons of his shirt, unbuttoning them.

His metallic grey eyes were pinned on her hers as he said something that made Lisa's heart metaphorically skip a beat.

"Come here, Lisa." He offered her an invite in a low, nearly seductive voice and Lisa could feel her head lightly spin as she took slow yet steady steps towards him.