
The Heiress's Phoenix: Love of the Tycoon

At the glittering Devereux Mansion gala, Ophelia Devereux's life unravels when accused of being an impostor by her step-sister, Clarissa, and stepmother, Eleanor. Stripped of her identity and fortune, Ophelia vows to rise from the ashes. With Margaret, a former detective, she builds a financial empire, uncovering family secrets along the way. Reconnecting with Alexander Blackwood, her childhood love, Ophelia faces a web of betrayal and deceit. As her empire grows, Ophelia's enemies multiply, resorting to sabotage and manipulation. But with each challenge, Ophelia's resolve strengthens. However, a shadowy figure emerges, threatening Ophelia's hard-won success. As danger looms, Ophelia's fate hangs in the balance. Will she emerge victorious, reclaiming her legacy as the phoenix rising from the ashes? Or will she be consumed by the flames of her enemies' schemes? "The Heiress's Phoenix" is a gripping saga of betrayal, redemption, and the unyielding spirit of a woman determined to forge her own destiny, no matter the obstacles in her path.

Tangent34 · Urban
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12 Chs

The Unexpected Union

The next morning, Alexander and Ophelia made their way to the marriage registry council. The grand building stood tall, exuding an air of authority and importance. As they walked in, Ophelia couldn't help but notice how everyone seemed to recognize Alexander. Staff members greeted him warmly, and the paperwork for their marriage was processed with remarkable speed. Within half an hour, they were husband and wife.

Ophelia looked at the marriage certificate in her hand, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and disbelief. Alexander smiled down at her, his eyes filled with warmth. "Ready for lunch, Mrs. Blackwood?" he asked, his tone teasing.

"Absolutely," she replied, feeling a surge of happiness at the sound of her new title.

They went to a chic, upscale restaurant where Alexander had already reserved a private table. The setting was intimate, with soft lighting and elegant decor. As they enjoyed their meal, Alexander brought up an important matter.

"Ophelia, I've prepared some gifts for your family. Would you like to see them before we head to the Devereux house?" he asked, his tone casual.

Ophelia's eyes widened in surprise. "Gifts? Alexander, our marriage is the biggest gift for them. You don't have to give them anything else. If you've already bought them, why not give them to me instead?" she suggested with a smile.

Alexander chuckled. "Consider it done."

After lunch, they made their way to the Devereux mansion. The imposing structure stood as a testament to the family's wealth, with grand columns and meticulously manicured gardens. A large, ornate gate guarded the entrance, and as their sleek Mercedes drove through, the opulence of the estate became even more apparent.

Inside, the house was a display of extravagance. Expensive artworks adorned the walls, and luxurious furniture filled every room. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings, casting a dazzling light across the marble floors. It was a place where money was visible everywhere.

As they stepped out of the car, Ophelia took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. Thomas, now discharged from the hospital, was at home. The surprise of seeing her with a man, especially Alexander, was evident on everyone's faces—particularly Eleanor and Clarissa.

"Ophelia," Thomas said, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and confusion. "Who is this?"

Before Ophelia could answer, Eleanor stepped forward, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "What's going on here?"

Ophelia took a step closer to Alexander, her hand finding his for support. "Father, Eleanor, Clarissa, I'd like you to meet Alexander, my husband."

The room fell into a stunned silence. Eleanor's face paled, and Clarissa's eyes widened in shock. Thomas looked between Ophelia and Alexander, trying to process the information.

"Husband?" Thomas finally managed to say. "When did this happen?"

"Today," Ophelia answered, her voice steady. "We got married this morning."

Eleanor's shock quickly turned to anger. "Married? Without telling anyone? How did this happen so suddenly?"

Alexander's presence commanded the room. "Ophelia doesn't need anything from the Devereux fortune. My wealth alone is enough to buy ten such empires."

Eleanor's eyes flashed with desperation. "What about the shares, Ophelia?" she asked, her tone tinged with urgency.

"What shares?" Thomas demanded, looking at Eleanor and Clarissa. 

Ophelia took a deep breath and explained. 

"Eleanor and Clarissa approached me to transfer my shares to them. They wanted me to sign away my control of the Devereux empire. But now, since I'm married, those shares legally cannot be transferred without my husband's consent, and we have no intention of doing that." 

Eleanor's face turned red with rage, while Clarissa looked like she was about to faint. Thomas, on the other hand, seemed to be processing the information slowly, his expression shifting from confusion to anger. 

"You tried to force her to transfer her shares?" Thomas's voice was low but filled with fury. 

"How could you do that behind my back, Eleanor?" 

Eleanor's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, unable to find the words.

Clarissa, however, managed to stammer, "We were just trying to protect the family business!" 

"Protect it by stripping Ophelia of her rightful inheritance?" Alexander's voice cut through the tension, calm yet authoritative. 

"That doesn't sound like protection to me. It sounds like greed." 

Thomas turned to Ophelia, his eyes softening. "I'm sorry, Ophelia. I had no idea they were pressuring you like this."

It was clear that he had no idea what plotting Eleanor had done behind his back. 

Ophelia held her ground, her voice calm but firm. "Mark approached me two days ago," she added, her gaze never wavering. "He said you and Eleanor wanted me to transfer my shares, with the only condition being that I get married. So, I married Alexander."

Eleanor's face contorted with fury. "How could you be so greedy?" she spat.

Alexander's imposing aura intensified, silencing Eleanor. "Ophelia is merely asking for her own share. She deserves at least this much. Compared to the wealth I can provide her, Devereux is nothing. If it makes her happy, she will get those shares. If you refuse, I will ensure she is seated at the next board meeting as a stakeholder."

Eleanor ground her teeth in anger, realizing the futility of her resistance. The wealth and influence of the Blackwood family were unparalleled in Europe. How Ophelia had managed to marry Alexander Blackwood, the only son of such a powerful family, was a mystery to Eleanor and a source of seething jealousy for Clarissa.

Clarissa, unable to contain herself, sneered. "I heard you were supposed to marry Jack. Why not him?"

At the mention of Jack, Alexander's eyes darkened. "You can keep that playboy with you. Anyway, you two are already dating, aren't you? All those cruise trips and everything last month?"

Thomas looked shocked, and Eleanor's face turned a deeper shade of red. She had specifically instructed Clarissa to stay away from Jack, knowing his reputation. Clarissa, now exposed, dared not speak again.

Alexander continued, his voice icy. "Ophelia is my precious wife. Nobody has the right to raise their voice against her. I brought gifts as a token of goodwill, but given your attitude, I don't think you deserve them."

As they prepared to leave, Alexander wrapped his arm around Ophelia's waist, pulling her close. The gesture was possessive, protective, and it infuriated Eleanor and Clarissa even more.

When they reached the car, Thomas called out to them. Despite his recent illness, he looked at Alexander with a softness that touched Ophelia's heart. "Please take care of my daughter."

Alexander's demeanor shifted instantly. The dominance he displayed before melted away, replaced by genuine respect. "Of course, sir. You have my word."

Ophelia watched this exchange, her heart swelling with emotion. She saw how protective Alexander was in front of Eleanor and Clarissa and how gentle he was with her father. It made her realize the depth of his commitment and care, and she felt a newfound appreciation for the man she had married.