
The Heiress's Comeback

Being adored by one's parents and hoping to achieve something that could bring them happiness, a child sacrificed their carefree personality and chose the path of books and knowledge at an early age. Without looking back to see how those they thought were their parents were, in truth, only pushing them from behind. Esme, a prodigy from an early age, excelled in everything, unlike her sister, who, though adored by both parents, always lagged behind. Finally, after saving the company from debts and restoring it to its former glory, Esme looked back at her parents in hope of recognition but... "You are not even my daughter, you pathetic fool." "Hehe, Sister, how about I take your fiancé?" "Um, you see, Esme, I love your sister." "Tch, insect, how dare you reject checks whenever I, your mother, asked for money!" Those words lingered in Esme's mind before she lost consciousness and woke up inside a prison. "What are you doing here, Aron?" Esme looked at a handsome young man seated in a wheelchair, gazing at her with amusement. He was her sole business competitor, and now, he was visiting her in prison. "Nothing, just came here for a proposal, Miss Esme..." Let's see what awaits the journey of an heiress who was wrongly accused of being fake, betrayed by her fiancé, and had to seek support from her business rivals.

K1ERA · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Chapter 5- Shocked

"You think this is a game?" Helga's voice was a low, menacing growl, her grip on his collar tightening. "Do you have any idea what's at stake here?"

Aron winced slightly, his composure momentarily slipping as he looked up at her. He managed to smile, a hint of his earlier playfulness returning despite the situation.

"Helga, wife, there's no need to get violent," he said, his tone now laced with a mixture of amusement and affection.

Hearing his words, Helga's anger surged. She used even more force, pressing Aron down until he was completely pinned to the table, his body almost glued to the surface. The impact sent another wave of papers fluttering off the edge.

Esme watched the scene unfold with an indifferent glaze in her eyes. She calmly rolled her pen between her fingers, the only movement betraying her composed exterior. "So why the hell did you send those men to kill me?" she asked, her tone cold and even.

Aron, despite his compromised position, managed to smile, a hint of innocence creeping into his expression. "What do you mean? I am not the one who sent them..."

As he tried to continue, Esme gave a small nod to Helga. Helga responded immediately, pushing Aron harder against the table. A pained groan escaped his lips.


"You're correct that you didn't send them directly," Esme acknowledged, her eyes narrowing. She pulled a small spray bottle from her pocket and tossed it in front of him. "But why did they have this bottle?"

The bottle rolled, revealing a yellow lily drawn on its surface. Aron's forced smile faltered, a guilty expression flickering across his face despite his attempts to hide it.

Helga's eyes locked onto the bottle, and her expression became even more furious. She leaned closer to Aron, her voice dropping to a dangerously cold tone. "You'll sleep outside for a week," she declared.

Aron's eyes widened in a mix of surprise and dismay. "Helga, wait..."

But Helga's expression remained stern and unyielding. "No excuses," she snapped, releasing her grip slightly but keeping him pinned. "You brought this upon yourself."

Esme's gaze remained steady, her face betraying no emotion. "Tell us everything," she commanded, her voice a steely calm. "No more games."

Aron swallowed hard, the severity of the situation sinking in. He nodded slowly, the bravado and playful demeanor finally stripped away. "Alright," he said, his voice subdued. "I'll talk."

Helga released Aron, who straightened up, adjusting his collar and attempting to regain his composure.

Tears glistened in his eyes, their origin unclear, as he turned to Helga. He moved towards her, arms outstretched for a hug, but she put her hand up, pushing his face away.

Despite her resistance, he persisted, his grip on her waist firm, while she looked at him with a slightly disgusted expression.

"Wife, it's not my fault. It's all this wicked woman's doing," he declared, pointing a finger at Esme.

Esme's surprise was evident as she glanced at Aron, her eyes indifferent, silently questioning, "What the heck?"

Aron, undeterred, continued with a wronged tone, "Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary, but this wicked woman," he pointed again at Esme, "doesn't give us any vacation. Because of her, we haven't even talked properly for two days."

Esme's expression shifted to one of dumbfounded disbelief. She was slightly surprised that such a fool even existed. "Are you serious?" she finally said, her voice flat and incredulous.

Helga's expression shifted, now mirroring Aron's accusatory look towards Esme, as if she, too, saw Esme as guilty and responsible for their plight.

Esme sighed, rubbing her forehead in exasperation, feeling the weight of their combined gazes on her.

Finally, in a tone of helpless resignation, she said, "Fine. I give you guys one week vacation."

Aron's face lit up with relief, and even Helga's stern expression softened slightly. Esme, however, remained impassive, her eyes rolling slightly as she contemplated the absurdity of the situation.

"Thank you, miss stone ," Aron said, his voice earnest yet teasing. He glanced at Helga, who nodded in silent agreement, though her expression remained cool.

Esme waved a hand dismissively. "Just make sure you come back ready to work. No more excuses."

Helga's face softened slightly as she sighed, though her irritation was still evident she turn to look at Aron but this time it was a professional look.

"Aron, this is not the time for such complaints," she said, pushing him back slightly but not completely breaking his hold on her waist.

"But, wife..." Aron began, his voice trailing off as he saw the unyielding resolve in Helga's eyes.

"Enough," she said firmly, her voice brooking no argument. "We have more important matters to deal with."

Aron's shoulders slumped slightly, but he nodded, finally releasing his grip on Helga. He turned to face Esme, the tears in his eyes drying up, replaced by a look of resigned acceptance.

"Alright," he said, his voice softer. "I'll tell you everything. Just... please, no more pushing."

Esme's gaze remained steady, her face an impassive mask. "Good," she said. "Start talking."

Taking a deep breath, Aron straightened further, his playful demeanor giving way to a more serious expression.

"As you said, I have investigated and found that there were a total of three people involved in the company budget theft."

His voice faltered for a moment, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

He looked down, gathering his thoughts, before continuing in a more somber tone.

"The evidence points clearly to their involvement, and I've documented everything for your review."

Esme's indifferent gaze sharpened, her interest piqued by this sudden shift in the conversation.

"Who are they?" she asked, her tone now serious.

Aron met her eyes, his own filled with a newfound resolve.

"I'll provide you with all the details and evidence," he promised, his voice steady.

But a slight hesitation appeared in his eyes. It didn't escape Esme, who instantly sharpened her gaze. She leaned forward slightly, her voice taking on a serious edge. "Who. Are. They?"

She knew that if Aron was this serious, it could only mean that these people were not simple, and they must have a connection to her for Aron to be so hesitant. Her heart pounded as she braced for his answer.

Hearing her demand, Aron lowered his head, his eyes closing as if to muster the courage. "Mr. and Mrs. Vallahé," he said softly, the words heavy with implication.

As soon as the names left his lips, Esme's eyes widened in shock. Her grip on her pen loosened, and it slipped from her fingers, clattering to the floor with a loud, echoing sound.

She stared at Aron, her face a mask of disbelief and betrayal, as the room seemed to close in around her.

Helga's eyes widened in shock, her hand instinctively reaching out to steady herself as she took a step back.

Her heart raced, unable to believe what she was seeing or hearing. A mix of emotions surged within her, from disbelief to confusion and a touch of fear.

With a trembling voice, she whispered, "I... I can't believe it." Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of her realization. Helga's movements were hesitant, as if unsure of how to process this sudden revelation.

She clenched her fists, trying to steady her shaking hands, but her emotions were too raw, too overwhelming. The world around her seemed to blur for a moment as the reality of the situation sank in.
