
The Heir To Oblivion

Earth is gone. Solid planets, gas planets, and even asteroids floating through space. Everything has vanished without a trace. Everything except the fiery star that once stood in the center. The Sun burns alone in the Milky Way, its bright light shining upon nothing but darkness. However, there is another universe, on a different plane than the Milky Way. The Praesi. A light-weaved tree with an incomprehensible size, thousands of planets hanging from its branches. On each of these planets resides different races, their bodies different colors, shapes, and sizes. And on some of them, bloodthirsty beasts lurk, on a constant hunt for their next meal. Through strange and unknown circumstances, a single human has survived the destruction of the earth. A spindly teen on the cusp of adulthood, Cage. Everything has been taken from Cage, his home, his life. His family. For a long, long time, Cage was alone in a realm of darkness, his only company being his tumbling thoughts. He could not move, see, or even scream. And just when the ideas of letting go and drifting away into Oblivion seemed to overpower all the others inside Cage's mind, a voice spoke to him. The voice, the first he had heard in far too long a time, gave Cage hope—a reason to go on. Then without warning, the man is thrust into existence, landing in a universe unknown to him. The Praesi. Cage has a purpose, something to find in the long and curving branches of this new universe, and nothing will stop him. Not the ruthless armies or the savage beasts that stand between him and his family.  Even if they could stop him, Cage will not kneel in fear. No. After all, nothing can be more terrifying than that darkness. --- The first two chapters do not contain the MC, however, they do set up the universe and are very important to the overall story. I recommend everyone read them, as I believe they will increase the enjoyment of the novel. --- I do not own the cover photo. If the owner wishes for it to be changed, then it will be done.

Austin_Harrison · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Dues To Pay

A cacoon of solid darkness carries Kyro to his bed and sets him down on it gently. The darkness disperses and returns to its source in Cage's shoulder. Cage stands beside the bed, staring down at Kyro, whose chest is bare, his only clothing being the legs of the black leotard and part of a grey fur pelt that Krash and Alyra prepared. The rest of the pelt—which would cover his upper body—lies in the corner of the room.

The Rajin's blue skin is covered in a shiny layer of sweat, his hands tremble as they lie across his chest, and his bloodshot eyes stare back up at Cage. Kyro's lips move slightly, but only a muffled groan leaves his mouth before his face twists in agony. Cage barely hears the attempt at speaking over Ingen's snoring across the hall.

Cage pulls up a stool and lowers himself onto it, lips pursed as his eyes linger on Kyro. He looks out the round window on the back wall, inhaling deeply through his nostrils. The hypnotizing sight beyond distracts him from the disturbing sight beside him. If only for a moment.

When he first met Kyro, he thought of the Rajin as the epitome of strength, a warrior with unmatched skill. Cage still thinks of him in this way, but when seeing Kyro like this, paralyzed from the pain that is undoubtedly coursing through his body, he realizes that the Rajin is just a man. No matter how much Cage wants differently, Kyro will one day take his last breath.

And unlike him and his brother, Cage doesn't think that the Rajin will have a second life to live.

Cage looks at Kyro, and grey eyes stare back at him, "I'll do what I can for you," Cage says quietly, placing a hand on the Rajin's sweaty, tense chest. He closes his eyes and focuses on the fever-hot skin under his hand. Cage isn't sure this will work, but even if it doesn't, at least he'll have tried.

A moment of silence later, Cage feels Kyro's chest relax. He opens his eyes to see the Rajin's agonized expression soften. Kyro lets out a shaky breath, then his eyes close. Cage holds his hand in place, feeling the Rajin's chest rise and fall slowly. Now that Cage has relieved him of his constant pain, Kyro can finally sleep. For a time, at least.

Cage smiles lightly, standing from the stool and putting it back in the corner. He gazes at the peacefully sleeping Rajin, then turns and walks out of the room, "Maybe I'll sleep too," Cage says.

A minute later, Cage settles into the wide and soft bed in Aziral's old room, lying on his back and staring up at the mirror on the ceiling. In the clear reflection, Cage sees a pale-skinned man with thin brows, a pointy nose, rather thick lips, and visible cheekbones.

So much has changed since he awoke in that cave on Kalar, his hair is nearly devoid of frizz thanks to Alyra, his four limbs have been reduced to three, and what was once a skeleton with skin stretched over it is now a healthy, toned physique with thin but carved muscles. Cage's frame is still that of a child compared to Kyro and Ingen, but it's better. Much better.

Thinking of what has changed, Cage remembers that he still has something to do. He's been putting off the conversation, a faint fear in the back of his mind as to what will be revealed when all is said and done. But it must be done, he can't keep himself in the dark just because he's comfortable.

"Well, I'm sure you've been waiting for this," Cage whispers, closing his eyes and drifting off to a place that only he and one other have access to.


Cage stands straight, the stone platform cold under his bare feet, black eyes focused on the ones before him. Through the silence and blackness surrounding him, Cage can feel that this space is much larger than before.

The platform is wider, and what seems to be the bottoms of several columns rise in a row on either side. On the edges of the structure, walls rise a few feet, the placed stones uneven at the top. It looks as if something sliced a horizontal line across the entire structure.

Everything in this space is growing, building upon itself slowly. Including the man that resides here.

Lithi stands just before his throne, hands clasped behind his back, a smirk on his lips as he holds Cage's piercing gaze. His short blonde hair, pale skin, and black suit and shoes are all neat and clean as always. But even if he tried, Cage would not be able to ignore the change in Lithi. His presence is more real, more solid.

Cage could gouge his eyes out and bust his eardrums, and he would still feel Lithi's presence.

Lithi looks away from Cage and scans the still-building platform and the darkness surrounding it, "You've made progress," he says, nodding as if appreciative of the changes, "I am still far from fully satisfied, but patience is something I have an abundance of."

"Progress towards what?" Cage asks, his eyes never leaving the man before him. Emotions crash together in his mind like lions in a mortal scuffle. Anger for his forced servitude, fear for the future, and unease for the dooming presence of Lithi, "It has something to do with the Umbra, doesn't it?"

Lithi returns his eyes to Cage, his face returning to its usual flat expression, devoid of any emotion, "And what if it does?" he says, voice echoing through the space, "Will you stop your journey in spite of me, leaving your brother alone and oblivious to your existence?"

Cage clenches his jaw, silent.

"As I thought," Lithi says monotonously. He begins to walk forward, heels clacking against the stone, "Nothing in existence comes without a price. To speak, move, kill... create, every action taken incurs debt. And that debt will be paid, whether it be the next day, or lifetimes later. I gave you the second chance that you begged for. Now you have a debt, and I will collect what is owed, one way or another."

Cage looks up at Lithi as the man arrives just before him. He's taller now, much taller. Cage would be intimidated, if he wasn't used to others towering over him, "You won't tell me what this debt is?" he asks.

"No," Lithi says, staring deep into Cage's eyes, "You will find out on your own."

Cage grimaces, "And what if I find a way to avoid it?" he asks, nearly hissing with annoyance.

The smirk returns to Lithi's lips, "You may try," he says, putting a hand on Cage's shoulder before the man has a chance to react. The tall, spindly man then speaks in a voice so low that Cage strains to hear the words, "This hate you have gained for me will not help you against the inevitable. I have done nothing but give you everything, and you would do well to appreciate that."

"You have a strange way of asking for thanks," Cage replies. He launches an open palm at Lithi's arm, meaning to remove the hand from his shoulder. Cage's attack passes through the man's arm with not an ounce of resistance. A gap remains in Lithi's forearm for but a moment before familiar black tendrils stretch and transform to recreate the missing part of the suit arm.

"I'm not asking," Lithi casually removes his hand from its place.

Cage figured he wouldn't be able to touch the man, so he's not surprised at what just happened. He looks around the space, thinking. Clearly, this subject of conversation will lead nowhere. Cage picks one of the many questions in his mind, "Who created the murals of Earth?" he asks, looking back up at Lithi.

Lithi pauses. He turns and walks back to his throne, "Someone you will likely meet," he says.

Cage's heart lifts with a spike of hope. He watches Lithi settle into the pale throne, "Was it my brother?" he asks.

"No," Lithi responds, slumping lazily as he sits and meets Cage's gaze, "What you read in that book is too accurate for it to be him."

Cage furrows his brows, "Then why did you have Mavyl speak of the palace? If it won't lead me to my brother, then there's no need to go there," he says.

"You assume it will not," Lithi says. He pauses for a long, silent moment. Then, for the first time since Cage has met him, he speaks with something resembling emotion, "Things have been wrong since long before you and your brother were even thought of. This is different though. The powers that hold existence together have always meant to change, but not in this way. It's too early."

"What are you talking about?" Cage asks, genuinely confused.

Lithi stares daggers at Cage, "As I have said before, there are things that your mortal mind cannot comprehend," he says sternly, "This is one of those things."

"Of course," Cage says in an annoyed tone, "And what about these Splinters of Lux, is that another thing that I'm too ignorant to understand."

"You will not speak of those things. Nor will you seek them," Lithi hisses, suddenly showing another emotion. Rage. He leans forward, gripping the arm of his throne, "Assume what you like, the Palace is your only clue as to where your brother is. Focus on that."

Cage grins smugly, "Oh, did I strike a nerve?" he asks.

Lithi takes a deep breath, the emotion disappearing from his face as quickly as it first appeared. He leans back, returning to his slumped posture, "We are done here," he says, "Try not to die."

"I can't promise anything," Cage says. He isn't sure how or when, but he knows he can use this against Lithi. The man's reaction to Cage's words is more than enough evidence to prove that.

Thinking of this, Cage's grin grows, and it continues to do so even as his consciousness leaves him and he returns to reality.

When he awakes, Cage first notices the hunger. Then, he feels something on his chest. He hears a voice calling his name. Cage's eyes snap open to find Alyra above him, her silver eyes wide with terror, her hand clammy against his skin.

Accompanied by loud bangs sounding from the upper deck, Alyra's next words send him into action. Cage bolts from the bed and exits the room, still basically naked save for his pants. Alyra probably thinks his lack of hesitation to be a show of worry, which is only a half-truth.

He wants to protect the ship and those aboard, true, but he's also impatient to finally have a meal.

As of now, when I’m releasing this, not a lot of people are reading this. That’s okay though. If there is anyone reading right now though, drop a comment. Even a simple hello or thanks for the chapter would make me happy.

Either way, I thank you for reading this far. It means a lot.

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