
The heavenly sovereign

Sam was a orphan taken in by the sectmaster of a declining sect.after being injuired by his enemies in a ambush,he passed down his throne to the 14 year old sam before his death.inorder to revitalize his declining sect and avenge his master,sam walks on the martial road to become a heavenly sovereign,one whole rules the heaven. Follow sam on his journey as he expriences dangers,friendship,love and betrayal as he transverse through the vast martial world hunting for treasure,faceslapping pompous young masters and annihilating his enemies

Irig_Mumin · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Returning to the Heavenly martial sect

Nepmartial continent was divided into five different cultivation region:the nothern mountainous region,the wild woodland of western region,the dry wasteland of the southern region,the mild eastern region and the center of cultivation world,the central region.

The heavenly martial sect was located at thr far northern region of nepmartial continent.the heavenly martial sect was established thousands of years ago.During the prime days of the heavenly martial sect,it was one of the overlords of the nepmartial continent with numerous peak cultivators and millions of disciples.

like yin come after yang,sadness comes after happiness.The heavenly martial sect started to decline after enjoying thousands of years of prosperity and prestige.They failed to groom a talented and powerful successor for the sect.One generation after another generation passed without grooming excellent disciples.They produced numerous cultivators with high cultivation level due after poring their endless resources accumulated through the thousands of years.

After searching for genration after generation,the heavenly martial sect groomed one excellent disciple .They poured their endless resources on him and gave him the best cultivation technique and treasures.That disciple didnot dissapoint them as he grew stronger and stronger.He defeated geniuses after geniuses from different sect and became famous in the whole Nepmartial continent.Just as the sect was hoping to rise with that excellent disciple,he was killed after falling victim to the scheme of a genius from the another overlord sect of the eastern region,the capital martial sect.

This started the conflict between a overlord and a former overlord sect of the Nepamartial continent. Using this conflict as the spark,the capital martial sect conspired with other sects of the nothern region to launch an all out war against the heavenly martial sect.After expending resources and lives of many elders,protector and disciple of the sect, the surviving members managed to retreat to their ancestral land to prevent the sect from facing total annihilation.

The lands,bussiness,treasure and cultivation technique of the heavenly martial sect was seized and divided among the attacking group.Only the main treasures and cultivation technique that the surviving group took with them to the ancestral ground was saved.If not for their apprehension towards the hidden cards that the sect might have in thier ancestral ground,Heavenly martial would have been annhilated.

In the present day,Heavenly martial sect can be considered a third rate power at best.But due to their prestigious history and connection,they could still create some minor uproar in the martial world of the Nepmartial continent.

Inside the Heavenly martial sect

The teleportation formation inside the transport station of the heavenly martial secret suddenly lit up with a blinding light attracting the attention of the whole sect.The disciple guarding the teleport formation was surprised.He had been in charge of protecting the teleportation formation for more than fifty years but it was never used.

'The person coming to our sect using the teleportation formation surely must be bigshot from some place.most people definitely couldnot afford the essence stone required to use a teleportation formation privately'.That disciple thought.'Wait could this be my opportunity to climb higher.I must impress this bigshot to latch onto his thigh to see bigger heaven'.

That disciple from the sect went forward to greet the so-called bigshot.A youth was standing on the teleportation formation.The youth was tall with skinny features.He had a long black hair which was tied neatly.He had a pale face and could be called fairly handsome bit not to the extend of captivating attention of people when placed among the crowd.The most unique feature of this youth was his deep immeasurable eyes and the small sword shaped silver earring he had on his left ear.

The gaurding disciple flashed his best smile and bowed to the youth."Sir,I am Reynolds,the disciple of Heaven martial sect in charge of this teleportation.How should i address you,sir?"

"Sam Desvons"

Sam replied leisurely without even looking at Reynolds.

While Sam was looking around attentively,Reynolds was startled.

Sam Devons....Sam Desvons....isn't it the name of the young sectmaster of our sect.

He quickly got on his one knees and bowed after realizing who he was talking to.The future sectmaster of the Heavenly martial sect.This title alonedemanded respect from all the member of the said.He said louldy.

"Disciple Reynolds greets the young sectmaster.I welcome your safe return."

Sam nodded acknowleding his greeting.He leisurely wark towards the innerzone of the sect.He walked on the familiar path breathing the familiar air.He watched the dicples training in the training areas,chatting in their abode.He started to smile without knowing as his mood turned better.

Memories of the past started to surface in his mind.The first time entering the sect with his master.After adopting him, a orphan,the previous sectmaster brought him to the sect.He was so nervous yet excited at the same time.

"How nostalgic."He murmered to himself.

As sam was enjoying the scenery of the sect in a leisurely manner,the news of his return to the sect started to spread like wildfire inside the sect.By the time he reached the innerzone of the sect,the whole sect was in turmoil due to his return.

Whenever the disciples saw him they would greet him by bowing their head.

"Greetings young sectmaster".

"Welcome back to the sect,young sectmaster".


Sam slowly walked towards the innerzone of the sect.He finally stopped infront of a large majestic halls.


An old wooden board with 'HEAVENLY MARTIAL HALL' written in a crude manner with childish handwriting was placed infront of this majestic looking hall.The old board and the majestic hall had a "rotten fish in a jade plate" feel to it but the bold and powerful word gave a imperial power to the board like its was meant to be placed here.

'The person who wrote those words must be insanely strong'.He thought after looking at the board.

A few white heared men along with middle aged men were waiting infront the hall.A handsome looking youth was among the group too.After seeing sam they smiled as they all slightly bowed to sam.

"Protector Daisuke greets the young sectmaster"

"Protector Ziga greets the young sectmaster."

"protector Mo greets the young sectmaster"".

"Elder coren greets the young sectmaster."

"Elder Adilet greets the young sectmaster".

"prime disciple Gilde greets the young sectmaster".

Sam looked at the people infront of him to remeber their faces.All of them had a powerful aura radiating from their body albeit hidden.Sam faintly smiled at the elders and protector.

"Greeting elders and protectors.Are all the other elders and protectors inside the hall?"He asked.He turned his head to look at the young man among the group as he nodded his head slightly as a greeting to him.

"yes ,all of them are inside the hall waiting for you.please".protector Mo politely gestured for him to walk inside the hall.

Sam pushed the door as he walked inside the long walkway of the hall.

"This is the heavenly martial hall.The important matter of the sect and decision are made here after the discussion among the elders and protector.All the decision reagrding the destiny,progess and survival of the sect was made in the heavenly martial hall after the establishment of the sect."Protector Mo introduced the hall to sam while walking.

Sam looked around the hallways.The walls of the hall and the large pillar supportingwas made using the refined gold essence.They hall had a indestructible feel to it.After looking carefull one would notice faint shimmering runes flowing through the wall of the hall and pillar.They were further reinforced by defensive formation.

At the end of the hallways was a large door.Protector Mo pushed the door as he politely signalled for sam to walk inside.

A large red carpet was placed on the ground.The red carpet was connected to a staircase at the top of which was a large imperial thrones with the carving of a dragon around it.The dragon was coiled aroung the throne which gave it a more imperious look.

Beneath the throne were two large jade jade chair with the carving of a white tiger at the back of the chair.Beneath the two chair where sixteen chairs with eight on the either side of the red carpet.One side of the jade chair had the carving of qilins on its backs while the othe side had the carving of a Vermilion bird spreading its wing.

The status of the people in the room could be clearly distinguished according to their seat.the dome of the hall was made up of a transparent metal as the walls were reinforced with a sound isolation formation to prevent others from eavesdropping.

After entering the hall,Protector Mo along with other protectors took the seat on the jade chair with qilin carving while the elder took their seat on the jade chair with vermilion bird carving.The seat of the elders and protector were determined according to their strength. The stronger one would take the seat closest to the throne.

Sam looked around and saw that each of the seat was occupied by a person.Just as he started to walk towards the throne,he felt a heavy supression boring down on him.

Sam halted his footstep as he looked at the people sitting on the throne.

'They are testing me with this suppression'.he thought.

He slowly started to walk towards the throne as the suppression beacame more heavy the further he went.However this meager mental suppression had no effect on sam who was used to the mental suppression of the sword and saber created using the killing intent it accumulated after years of murder.

Sam slowly climbed the stairs and stopped infront the throne.He looked at the throne.This throne belonged to his late master but now that he inherited it,he will have to bear the responsibility tgat came with it too.

The elders and protectors were surprised at his lack of reaction to their mental suppresion.But noone said anything.

After a while,sam slowly turned around and looked the person sitting on the white tiger seat.He was uncle gaton who took care of him after his master's demised.The other white tiger seat was empty.Gaton smiled and nodded at him.

After getting the apprroval of uncle Gaton,he turned his eyes towards the other people on their seat as his body started to radiate power as his blue eyes became sharp.With that he sat down on the throne leasurely as he rested his arm against the armguard.He put his chin on his one arm as he looked down at the people on the seat beneath him.

It looked like the throne was his,this hall belonged him and they were at his place for a visit.After ascending the throne,he looked like he owned the place,the world and the whole heaven.He was the master of the whole universe.His leisure posture and his sharp eyes started giving imperial pressure.The sword earring on his left ear started to buzzing as it radiated power.It looked like it would penetrate any being on earth should it oppose the person on this throne.

The people inside the throne were shocked by his sudden transformation. Before they could get over their astonishment,a leisurely voice sounded inside the hall.

"Who is opposed to me ascending this throne?"