
The Heavenly love forbids

The protagonist, Carola Winnie is ready to give up everything for her duty but not her love, who can't love her. with flaws and misunderstanding and the past will the alpha love her truly or will he be too late?? love has magic... it is a novel which recreates new form of love...

YoungAutumn_2003 · General
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19 Chs

Day1: in the city of light,conquering alpha's home

His home was of art, simple yet beautiful

the design were of the ancient Greek although his house was shining sort of.

It was a breathtaking moment.

" let's go " he said

a maiden with few soldiers was standing, she smiled,

" that's sister Emily " he whispered, " my mother has gone to thunder God shrine so sister has to welcome us"


seeing her from close she was beautiful even with freckles.

I bowed to her, she looked kind," as heard of your beauty " and bowed back.

I smiled

she held my hand lightly and spoke a chant and told me to step inside.

I did.

I looked around, the house it was bigger than I expected.

the interior of the house was classic Greek.

"this is your servant,shen and sima "

two dwarfs like human was standing, one that wore red clothes and other a blue.

" I am shen" said the red cloth dwarf," this is my sister sima "

I smiled at them.

I looked Steve, he was already gone.


how could you leave me alone ?

" shen! show your master her room" said Emily," if you need anything, please let me know"

I nodded

I was taken to a big,empty room.

"madam, your room" said when

I sat on the bed,"don't call me madam...just call me carola"

" we can't call our master by their name " said sima

I pulled her noses and said,"how about calling me sister ? "

" sister carola " said sima

I smiled, " help me arrange all the things "

those two dwarfs were really funny, they told me funny things about flora city..

how they came to serve this family ?

" I certainly feel bad for master alpha " said sima

" why? that jerk is arrogant...who would want to take care of him?"

" he wasn't like that before ... he became like this because of na.."

shen shouted," awww'!!"

we both looked at him,all my books felt on him .

I went to pick him up and spoke,"be careful"

" sima, go get some medicine, shen has hurt his foot "

I looked at the books and arranged them to a corner.

A letter fell down a book, I took and opened it.

it read,

"Dear winnie,

I didn't have the courage to come up to you and say this things, maybe after reading this letter you might hate me or hate yourself but truth is truth.

you have hurt me, deeply.... The wound opens everyday... everyday.

you knew, how I felt about you but you still chose Steve over me. The way I love you do you think he will love you that way?

I always wanted to ask you this,

wasn't I good enough for you ? or did you sacrifice yourself for the greater good?

you called me that day, I thought you were coming to me for giving me an explanation for your sudden marriage but it turned out that you came to show me that I am no one to you that I am worthless...

Do you think that I will give up on you ?

after seeing you get married to him, I thought why did you save me that day on the island if you were going to kill me anyways?

I hope you can be happy with him, but if a day comes that he is not worth for you, I will take you away.

next time, we meet please come alone. I do not want to end up hating you.

LEO.. "

I gulped,

OH LEO!! I wish I could give you an explanation before...




sorry for the late update..