
The heavenly combat demon

Damon_Knight_7735 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 1, The Dark age

In the year 2044, the Earth faced an unprecedented catastrophe as 12 meteors plummeted from the heavens, causing widespread destruction and claiming the lives of over 3.5 billion people across the globe. This catastrophic event came to be known as the beginning of the dark age.

The impact of the meteors was devastating. Cities were razed to the ground, infrastructure was decimated, and ecosystems were disrupted. The loss of life was staggering, and the survivors were left grappling with grief, trauma, and the overwhelming task of rebuilding their shattered world.

In the aftermath of the meteor impacts, the world plunged into a state of chaos and turmoil. Governments struggled to maintain order and provide essential services amidst the widespread destruction. The global economy collapsed, leading to widespread poverty, unemployment, and scarcity of resources. Basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter became luxuries for many.

The dark age was marked by a breakdown in communication and transportation systems. With the destruction of satellites and communication networks, the world became fragmented, and isolated communities emerged. Travel became treacherous, as roads were destroyed, and air travel became unreliable due to the lingering effects of the meteor impacts.

As the survivors grappled with the immediate aftermath, they faced additional challenges in the form of environmental changes triggered by the meteor impacts. The meteors released vast amounts of dust and debris into the atmosphere, resulting in a prolonged period of darkness and altered weather patterns. This led to crop failures, exacerbating the scarcity of food and causing widespread famine.

However, this was not the end, just when humanity had recovered from this event. The 12 meteors released an unknown gas that enveloped the entire earth.

Soon unknown energy enveloped animals it started to slowly transform and mutate the animals, before becoming terrifying monsters.

It wasn't long before humanity, which pushed to the brink of extinction, that is until awakeners appeared.

Awakeners, humans that awakened to an unknown energy that was stored within their bodies, with this energy they could utilize numerous different types of abilities.

This energy was later dubbed as combat energy.

The awakened humans, now possessing these extraordinary abilities, become a beacon of hope for humanity. With their combat energy, they possess the means to fight against the monstrous creatures.

It has been over 300 years since then and humanity still fights against these monsters.

People live in extremely technological, transparent glass domes known as Zones, to protect humans from monsters and the polluted air from the outside world.

Each zone is at the very least as large as a small country

These Zones are technologically advanced, designed to support human life and provide the necessary resources for survival. They are self-contained ecosystems, equipped with advanced air filtration systems to purify the contaminated air. The Zones also have sophisticated agricultural systems to grow food within the domes, ensuring a stable food supply for the inhabitants.

The combat energy possessed by the awakened humans plays a crucial role in the ongoing fight against the monsters. With their abilities, these individuals are the frontline defenders of humanity. They have honed their combat skills and developed various strategies to repel and eliminate the monstrous threats.

Over the course of 300 years, humanity has made progress in understanding and harnessing combat energy. Research, training centers and schools have emerged within the Zones, where individuals can learn to utilize their abilities and receive specialized combat training.

Despite the significant advancements made within the Zones, the outside world remains a dangerous and inhospitable place. The monsters continue to roam freely, and the polluted air and devastated environment pose constant threats to those who venture beyond the safety of the Zones.

However, humanity has not given up hope. The awakened individuals, along with the collective efforts of survivors within the Zones, continue to strive for a better future. They work to expand the boundaries of the safe Zones, gradually reclaiming and rebuilding the devastated lands outside. The ultimate goal is to eradicate the monsters and restore the Earth to its former glory.

In the ongoing battle against the monstrous creatures, humanity has developed advanced combat mechs, known as combat Mecus, which are powered by the pilots combat energy.

However, only the Royal guards of each Zone are authorized to operate these Mecus, and each Zone possesses a limited number of them.

Year 2346


Two bullies were beating up person in the high school bathroom stall.

"Say that again you forgot to ask your dad for money again, it seems I'm being to soft on you"

They continue to be them up until he was completely drenched in blood and passed out. It was only two hours later, when another student want to use the bathroom to did they discover him, he was immediately rushed to the hospital.

It wasn't long before he woke up, he name was Eon Bain age 17. for Eon, this was a common occurrence.

Just like usual he would stay in the hospital for one to two days and be released to go home, and as usual, no one was home, his mother died, when he was 10, she was a cop that died on duty. And that's for my father he is a factory worker, who works almost never stops working, eon hasn't seen his father for nearly 2 years despite living in the same house.

Eon played video games for a couple hours in his room, before he heard the doorbell ring.

"Who could that be?" Eon immediately went downstairs to open the door. When he open the door, he was immediately greeted by two police officers.

The police officers stood at Eon's doorstep, their expressions serious and professional.

One of them, a middle-aged man with graying hair, spoke up.

"Good evening, young man. Are you Eon Bain?" he asked, his voice authoritative yet gentle.

Eon nodded, feeling a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Yes, I am. Is there something wrong, officers?'

The officer exchanged a brief glance before the other officer, a younger woman, spoke up.

"Eon, we are sorry to say your dad has been-..has passed away"

Eon's heart sank as he processed the officer's words. His father, who he hadn't seen in years, was now gone. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over him, mixing grief with a tinge of regret for the strained relationship they had.

"I….. I don't understand. What happened?" Eon managed to utter, his voice trembling.

The older officer sighed, his expression filled with empathy. "There was an accident at the factory where your father worked. It was a tragic incident, and he didn't survive. We are deeply sorry for your loss."

Eon's mind raced as he tried to comprehend the news. A flood of memories and unanswered questions overwhelmed him.

He couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different if he had reached out to his father sooner, if he had tried to mend their fractured relationship.

The younger officer spoke softly, her voice filled with compassion. "Eon, we understand this is a difficult time for you. We are here to offer support and assistance. If you have any questions or need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

Eon nodded, his eyes welling up with tears. "Thank you, officers. I... Iappreciate your help."

The officers provided Eon with some information about his father's accident and offered their condolences once again before they left. Left alone in the doorway, Eon felt a profound sense of loss and emptiness.

In the following days Eon did not attend school and simply wallowed in self misery.




The persistent ringing of the door bell interrupted his melancholic thoughts. Reluctantly he opened the door, revealing a woman in her early thirties standing on the doorstep. She had long, wavy brown hair and a warm smile on her face.

"Hello, Eon," she greeted him kindly. "My name is Dr. Katherine Reed. I'm an assistant of your grandfather, i'm here to help you pack, and make sure all the legal matters regarding your father's death are as smooth and fast as possible"

"My grandfather, huh, yea since my dad is dead I guess, he's my legal guardian now" thought son to himself.

"May I come in?"

"oh, ah, yeah, sure"

Eon stepped aside, allowing Dr. Reed to enter the house. She carried a small briefcase with her, which she placed on the nearby table.

"Thank you," Dr. Reed said with a gentle smile. "I understand this is a difficult time for you, Eon. I want you to know that I'm here to support you in any way I can."

Eon nodded, appreciating her kind words. He gestured towards the living room.

"Please have a seat," he offered. "Can I get you anything? Water, perhaps?"

Dr. Reed politely declined. "No, thank you, Eon. I'm fine. Let's focus on the matters at hand."

As they settled in the living room, Dr. Reed opened her briefcase and took out a few documents.

"I have the necessary paperwork here regarding your father's death," she explained. "We need to go through them together to ensure everything is in order. Additionally, we'll need to discuss your future arrangements and any immediate needs you may have."

Eon nodded, his attention focused on the documents in front of him. Dr. Reed patiently guided him through each form, explaining their purpose and assisting him in filling them out.

As they worked through the paperwork, Dr. Reed took the opportunity to learn more about Eon's situation and offer guidance.

"Eon, I understand that losing both your parents is incredibly difficult," she said gently. "But remember, you're not alone. Your grandfather cares about you and wants to support you. He has arranged for you to stay with him, and he's eager to meet you."

Eon sighed, a mix of emotions swirling within him. "I... I don't even know my grandfather. My dad never talked about him much."

Dr. Reed nodded understandingly. "It's understandable to have questions and concerns. I encourage you to keep an open mind and give your grandfather a chance. He has expressed a desire to be there for you, and he can provide stability and guidance during this challenging time."

Eon pondered her words, realizing that he might find some solace and support in reconnecting with his grandfather.

Once they finished with the paperwork, Dr. Reed closed her briefcase and looked at Eon kindly.

"I'll take care of the legal matters and ensure everything proceeds smoothly," she assured him. "In the meantime, I'll help you pack your belongings and make the necessary arrangements for your transition to your grandfather's home."

Eon nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the grief. He appreciated Dr. Reed's presence and assistance during this overwhelming time.

"Thank you, Dr. Reed," he said sincerely. "I don't know what I would do without your help."

Dr. Reed smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Eon. Remember, you're not alone in this. We'll navigate through these challenges together, and I'm here to support you every step of the way."

In the following days, eon packed all his belongings and was ready to leave

After packing his belongings, Eon stood in his now nearly empty room, feeling a mix of sadness and anticipation. He would be leaving the house that had been his home for so long, leaving behind memories both good and bad. But he knew that this was a necessary step in his journey toward a new chapter in his life.

"Meow, meow meow" Ferguson, the cat, Eon's most treasured pet and best friend.

"Yeah, Ferguson, I'm sad to but we can't wallow in self misery, forever"

"Come, on Ferguson, it's time for us to leave"

Dr. Reed had arranged for a Ark car to pick Eon up and take him to his grandfather's home. As he stepped outside, he took one last look at the house, feeling a surge of emotions. He closed the door behind him and walked towards the waiting car.

Inside the Ark car, Eon's mind was filled with thoughts and questions. He wondered what his grandfather would be like, what kind of relationship they would have.

To be continued…

An Ark car is simply a flying car