
The Heaven Dragon Seal Throne

Once dragons ruled over the world but now dragons are nothing more then a myth to the world. Two teenagers with two different backgrounds found themselves in the same academy tryout. While both dislike each other always seem to want to fight one is cool headed and many people respect him even when he hides his identity he is born as a genius in a powerful royal family that adore him, his three masters have always protected and people always protecting him in secret, while the other is hot temper likes prank people and always flirts and courses trouble wherever he goes, he loves liquor and he rather lazy around then work hard, for him he was adapted into a powerful family his two siblings are famous all over the world, while everyone around him call him trash up until he turn thirteen years old. While both boys are different one has lived a carefree life style and isn't scared to break the rules, he thinks differently he believes that demonic spirit beast aren't all evil, while the other party believes that if you do evil you should be punished by your wrong doing. Fa Ryu San will do anything to become stronger and he will never allow anyone close who would ruin his cultivation while, the other party Dan Heng Yu is the type of person who likes to go out and play no matter how one thinks about it is someone who trouble follows. He doesn't know who his birth parents are and the mysterious dreams he is having he never dared kills demonic spirit beast because of his belief. Can these two people truly understand each other what will the road take them? How far will these two go either to be against each other or work hard together

Gloria_Drinka_5938 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 ~Fairy Trash~

Seven years later.

There was a crowd of people who were happily cheering at the training arena where two thirteen to fourteen year old boys were fighting against each other. While the tall buff boy with light brown hair and green eyes stared at the beautiful young man whose skin was fair white, long black eyelashes, rosy lips, and his eyes were grayish bluish color with a hint of golden. The beautiful young man had a nickname which was fairy trash the fairy apart because of his beauty while the trash part was because he didn't have any spirit warrior or attribute element.

"You can do this Dan Heng Yu," Bunch of girls shouted at the beautiful young man who held on a wooden spear and spun it in the air and he jumped in the air as he slowly pointed at the buff guy who grinned happily he released spiritual energy.

"Oh my gosh Qing Li has a Spirit Wheel Ring! His third Spirit Wheel Ring is 1,000 years old!"

At this moment Qing Li spirit wheel ring appeared behind him. The spirit wheel ring showed a purple color while it shimmered a color this spirit wheel ring looked like a half a moon that created U. 

Qing Li used his new technique which came from his spirit wheel ring he called it Eagle Wing daggers. Qing Li waved his claw Dan Heng Yu jumped backwards he hissed out damn it this is annoying he is stronger then before. 

Qing Li stormed his feet which the ground started shaking the next moment he rushed straight forward he waved his wooden sword and Dan Heng Yu was able to block it but he was pushed backwards. His wooden spear shuttered into pieces and Dan Heng Yu threw it on the ground he sighed.

"I lost you are the winner."

"Don't be mad that you lost," Qing Li said when threw his hand over his best friend Dan Heng Yu. Dan Heng Yu didn't blame him at all after all it's his doing that he is known as fairy trash.

"Don't blame you, but it was a shock you have your third Spirit wheel ring not only that it's one thousand year demonic spirit beast eagle edge."

"I know mom, and dad are the one who bought it for me anyway I need to go see you tomorrow."

"Um alright man see you tomorrow," Dan Heng Yu said while he looked straight ahead and he pulled out his Louis device a holographic screen appeared he started playing a game when he saw a crowd of people. Up in a tall building you saw two people standing there. One was a eighteen years old guy with short blackish reddish hair and deep blue eyes he held on a large sword while he grinned they were flames around him as if he was a ticking bomb this person eyes felt like your soul would burn if you stare at him far to long his name is Dan Long, Dan Heng Yu brother, while Dan Long twin sister Xiao Dan stood next to her brother she had a whip her eyes were the same as her brother but her beauty was stunning she was gentling smiling but when her eyes stare at you no matter how hard you try it shuttered your spirit to fight her both twins are the proud joy of Rose Elite Academy before they even graduated both party made name for themselves. Those two people are siblings many people look at him and either feel jealous, envy, pity, or hate toward him. But Dang Heng Yu doesn't care.

"Dan Heng Yu there you are, do you think you are even worthy being siblings with the Dan Twins, if I were you I would drop dead!" Ming Mu snapped at Dan Heng Yu who looked at him and he grinned as he walked forward.

"Did I hear a dog barking?" Dan Heng Yu asked and turn away.

"Dan Heng Yu, don't be fucking arrogant! You fairy trash with no Attribute Element, or a spirit warrior fucking trash."

Dan Heng Yu shook his head when he walked forward and saw a crowd of people what is going on? Is there a fight?

At this moment he saw a flying car that was flouting on the ground and the twins were standing there waiting for there younger brother.