
The Heartless Magician's Fate (GL, Cultivation)

Meet Han Abrial Chae-young. A reckless demon, a badass blade fighter, and a total shitshow by probably most of the Empire of Gongkua's standards. After being imprisoned in her parents' house for eighteen years and finally breaking free, her first goal is to, um...well, go straight back to the house. She has to, ok?! It's in order to rescue her best friend and (technical) servant, Finley, who's still stuck there, and for whom she doesn't feel anything except total platonic non-romantic non-sexual attraction (starts coughing violently cough COUGH). In the Empire of Gongkua, Abrial will have many adventures, meet enigmatic people, cultivate the art of magic, and slowly experience the unfolding of a mysterious fate that has shrouded her from even before birth. A mysterious fate involving the one and only murderer of millions, the cruel and heartless Emperor of Gongkua — the one who's wanted Abrial dead from the very beginning.

wintry_duckling · Fantasy
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223 Chs

Sexy Interrogation Lady?!

A short time later, Abrial returned to consciousness.

Painfully, she blinked her eyes open.

Ouch…her head hurt. A lot. She blinked and looked around, frowning from the pain and confusion.

She seemed to be surrounded by fabric walls…the walls of a tent? The strong scent of earth pressed in from all around, thick as fresh rain. The light here was mild and mostly came from what was probably sunlight filtering in through the fabric walls. Bamboo mats lined the ground. Polished wooden cabinets on either side of her.

Abrial raised a hand to rub her head, which was breaking out in a splitting headache.

Or rather, she tried to raise a hand.

To her shock, her arm wouldn't budge an inch! She looked down incredulously to find that she had been restrained to a chair.

But instead of being restrained with rope, she had been bound with vines.

She spluttered in disbelief.