

Lonnie_Wilson · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: What Once Was

The look on her face was priceless. If looks could kill her glare would of melted me like butter in the sun. She pulled the purse off her shoulder and retrieved 2 folders, opening the first, she began reading. Never once taking her eyes off me " Corporal Andrew Holmes USMC. Enlisted May 22 2006. Dishonorably discharged December 24 2014 after altercation with USMC Colonel Jeremy Weasley concerning PFC Anthony Holmes. The rest of the information is redacted."

At that moment she looked at the other folder, her expression becoming more quizzical. " Lance Corporal Mark Winslow. Enlisted August 18, 2009, and medically discharged Dec 25, 2014. The rest seems to be redacted." Folding them up and tucking the folders into her purse I breathed a sigh of relief. ( Is that all? Wow, even they don't know what happened) " I need your help. We can't talk here, I don't know who could be listening. Meet me here, tell the man Ariel sent you." As she finished talking she swirled on her heels to leave.

Marks curiosity got the better of him for a moment when he asked" How do you know we will show. That we even are these people?" She stopped dead in her tracks before turning to us. with an honest smile she said " What do we have to lose. And Mark....." She stared curiously at me for a moment before turning away simply saying " We will talk soon..." And just like a flame she was gone.

I was so fixated on what she was saying, that I didn't notice the card she slipped Aeon till she had left. He held it up and started laughing. What I saw made me freeze, it said MACHELLOS. This sudden urge to run filled my body. My fist clenched, teeth bared, I must of looked demented. It was only that sound that woke me. That high pitched whine, getting stronger and louder. I clutch at the side of my head, as if that is going to help, but to no avail. I can feel blood start down my nose. I feel my face only to discover it's coming from my eyes. The colors of the world slips away, and are replaced with sensations I can't even explain.

By this time Aeon is shaking me with all his might. As I start to gather myself I had a thought, ( WE NEED TO RUN). I grabbed his arm yanking him forward as we roll away just in time to see a strange site. It was almost as if the very fabric of space was opening, like a play at a theatre. First a foot, then two, then five, all the while a purple light filtered thru followed by a gust of red mist.

No sooner had it appeared it was gone, leaving us staring at the now hole where we had just been sitting. The wall resembled a stencil outlying the event we had just witnessed. The fear on Aeons face said it all, he did know something. Standing up we both started running aimlessly thru alley after alley till it felt like we had no choice but to stop for fear of our lungs collapsing.

" What the hell was that? What is going on?" The panic in my voice sounded like that of a child awaiting the swing of a belt. Aeon stared at me, a wisdom beyond his years shine in his eyes. Aeon was debating whether to tell Mark or not when he saw it. Now it was Aeons turn to freeze, staring at the dumpster less alley of MACHELLO'S, a sharp chill running up his spine. The shiver did not go unnoticed, making me look around realising the same thing he did.

After a moment, Aeon composed himself enough to start towards the back door. Hand raised in mid knock he stopped upon hearing my voice. " What if its a trap? It's all to easy! First she shows up, then that.... thing, and now we are right where she wanted us." After a short pause he went to knock only to have the door swing open to reveal Albert. Upon seeing me he yelled inside " Dad it's Mark." As his father stepped outside he went in leaving the door to slam shut, echoing thru out the alley.

For a moment we just stared at each other till Darnell said " Ariel found you didn't she? I'm sorry I told her to follow you, she could really need both of your help." Aeon nodded to Darnell as he took out his phone. After dialing some numbers he simply said " Yes, both of them" Hanging up the phone he knocked on the door. When it opened the smells of the kitchen hit them like a ton of bricks.

Aeon went inside without any hesitation, leaving the other two men in the alley. With a sigh Machello stated " She is honest. This is not a trap, or trick, she really needs your help. When you are ready knock and Al will let you in." Inside he went leaving me alone at last. With no time to lose I bent down pumping the tounge on my shoe in a sort of rythm. PUMP PUMP PUMP . . . PUMP PUMP . . PUMP. A quick tug after the last pump sent a clicking noise in my ear, followed by that blood boiling voice.

" ITS BEEN 24 HRS SINCE LAST CONTACT. HAS THE SITUATION CHANGED?" The voice was clear and demanding. Fighting down the venom in my voice I responded. " Target is still unaware, however I have hit a snag. Ariel showed up, she wants to take us some where" ( He don't need to know where. Don't ask don't tell.) The last thought made him laugh inwardly.

Following a short pause the voice responded " DON'T LOSE SIGHT OF THE TARGET. ARIEL WILL BE DELT WITH SOON. STAY ON MISSION, YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU FAIL." With that there was a click followed by silence. The anger was to much at this point. ( One day soon I will save her and he will die. Even if I have to rip his throat out myself.)

With a sigh I gathered myself before knocking on the door. Albert opened it with one hand while pointing down a long hallway with the other. Being a four star restaurant MACHELLO'S kitchen was immaculate. Even upon leaving the kitchen the smell followed me to the room he had pointed out. I opened it to find Aeon with a coffee, gulping it down in-between mouthfuls of food. As much food as was there you would think an army was coming to eat.

I sat down next to him and tried to ask some questions. But, between the food and the drink all he could do was shake his head. Seeing it was pointless to continue, I started to dig in. The only sound being heard was smacking and slurping as we ate our fill to the point of bursting. After a sigh of relief Aeon began to speak " I don't know what is going on. I know you have questions, but I don't know how to answer them. I don't know what she wants or what we could do to help. I only know we can"

Seeing the look on my face he began to explain only to be interrupted by the door flying open. There stood Ariel, face as red as her hair, gasping for air as she slammed it shut behind her. Turning franticly she looked at us then ran across the room to the thermostat, waving off Aeons questions before he could even voice them. " There is no time. I wish I could explain and give you time to think before you answer, but that's a luxury we can't afford.

I have to leave, but I still need your help." Looking to us she calmed herself and said " This is your last chance to get answers. Leave with me or stay here and wonder. The choice is yours, but know this there is no turning back. You have 45 seconds to decide." With that she turned the thermostat in a unique fashion stopping here and there with almost no rhyme or reason, till the wall moved back to reveal stairs leading into a seemingly endless abyss.

She flew inside without looking at us. Without hesitating Aeon was right behind her leaving me alone once again. After my shoe routine I was greeted by another click. " They are on the move, what should I do." Silence greeted me while I waited for an answer. " DON'T LOSE SIGHT OF ANDREW. ARIEL... IS NOT YOUR CONCERN. BREAK AWAY WHEN YOU CAN ,BUT DON'T LEAVE HIM ALONE WITH HER. IT WOULD RUIN EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO DO. RADIO SILENCE STARTS NOW, RESUME AT 2155."

As I stepped inside, the wall started to close drawing my attention. Upon turning around I was met with cold steel against my neck. Enough pressure was placed to send I trickle of blood down my neck. Hitting the ground with a sickening PLOP. Staring at Ariel holding the knife we both glanced down to see not blood, but a sick purple drop barely visible in the poor light.

Anger filled her eyes as she turned to a frightened Aeon. After pushing me past him we started walking. I'm smart enough to know when to shut up, so I walked in silence while trying to find a way out. Aeon went to speak only to be stopped by Ariel saying " now is not the time. We can talk later, and no I'm not going to kill him.... maybe. I need to think."

Aeon, clearly worried, walked closer to me. He knew I could handle my own, but wanted to be near by just in case. As if reading his mind Ariel grabbed his arm pulling him back, so as to have me lead with him bringing up the rear. Seconds turned to minutes before she finally spoke. All warmth and tact left her voice as she asked " What are you. Why can't I hear you? And another thing, what's with your blood? The only time I have ever seen that.... " She trailed off lost in thought.

Carefully, I began to answer " As far as I know I'm human, I have no idea what is going on. I'm only here for him." Having seemed to upset her I decided to ask some questions. ( It's not like I can make it any worse) " Your the one that came for us. What did you mean by ' Why can't I hear you?' I haven't been talking, well not since you brought out your little friend."

" I can manipulate the mind. Making it tell me whatever I want with little suggestion. I guess you could call me a mind reader." The last answer put a brief smile on her face before returning to her calm, cold demeanor before continuing. " Aeon is clear as a bell, where as all I can get from you is white noise. Couple that with your purple blood, and now you know why I'm worried." (Purple? Blood is red not purple, what is she talking about?)

And there it was, like a truck hitting me head on. I remembered. The alley, the men, all of it. Thinking back, nothing made sense. Was it not a dream? ( NO. IT HAPPENED JUST AS YOU REMEMBERED. SHE WONT UNDERSTAND WHAT'S HAPPENING.) The voice made me jump, thinking he broke radio silence. Upon seeing that no one heard anything I let out a sigh of relief. That action was not lost on Ariel, but she said nothing as the floor leveled to reveal a dimmly lit Hall way. ( SHE CAN'T HEAR ME. ONLY MY HOST IS WORTHY ENOUGH TO SHARE MY MIND. ANYTHING YOU THINK I WILL MAKE SURE TO KEEP BETWEEN US. THERE IS A LOT WE NEED TO DISCUSS BUT FOR NOW DON'T PISS HER OFF. I WOULD HATE FOR HER TO END UP LIKE THOSE THINGS IN THE ALLEY.)

Forced to comply, I walked in silence while trying to gather my thoughts. After what felt like an hour we had reached or destination. A huge, solid bank door stood before us as she ordered me to sit. Walking to the door, she slide a panel to reveal a green laser. After scanning her eye she placed her thumb to the laser and recited " Athena Harmony Holmes." The door started to rise up as I heard Aeon, anger in his voice like I had never seen, start yelling " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

Ok in all fairness I know this is not very action packed but it won't be till after this chapter. I had to establish back story and characters roles. There will be more captivation so bear with me. Also, currently 300 views on the first chapter so far. thank you I really wasn't expecting it. Hope u like the cameo Moody. I should be able to release a chapter at least every other day. I hope you enjoy this chapter better then the last

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