
The Disease

Dear journal-

I don't necessarily have a disease but its mostly a embarrassment disease, I don't think its a big deal, ( Is It?? ). Well I was thinking perhaps I have a chat with Lyn, maybe things will get better " at least " I hope so. I have a lot of homework but I don't mind finishing it late I might just re-check Lyn's profile picture to see whats new or try to message her to see what will happen. Is there a possibility that she is mad at me or is she just not responding. I think she is annoyed with how I act around her, does she feel awkwardness just like what I'm feeling I hope not cause I don't want to stress, annoy, embarrass her.

First bell rang..


The bell rang so that means its time to suit up and get ready to work. Class started, First class would be math, oh shoot math our homework oh no, I quickly grabbed my pen and answered as quick as I could, hoping that I don't get anything wrong!! I finished right before they start correcting. PHEW!! That was close I guess.


I almost missed math what am I doing, I should really stop because I'm starting to go insane it feels like I'm heartbroken when I actually not, I'm embarrassed but I'm not, I don't know what to do but I actually do like I know its just a figure of speech but like.....UUUGGGHHH I'm going insane right now.


My friend Jake tried to encourage me but it made me even worse, should I focus on school or should I just focus her but it seems like anyway is pointless especially her, I feel like she just want to make me think or think and maybe think again.....

I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!