

"The Heart" In "The Heart" by J.G Arquen , readers are plunged into a world of mystery, danger, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and daughter. Veronica Niellis is a devoted single mother who works tirelessly to provide for her daughter, Myra, despite the absence of Myra's father. Veronica's life takes a tragic turn when she is brutally murdered, leaving Myra devastated and searching for answers. As Myra struggles to come to terms with her mother's death, she discovers a shocking secret hidden within her family's past: her mother's heart has been transplanted into a robotic body, keeping her alive in a new form. Determined to uncover the truth behind her mother's murder and the secrets surrounding her family, Myra takes over her family's secret research lab. But as Myra delves deeper into the mysteries of her family's past, she is confronted with dangers lurking around every corner. Dark secrets come to light, revealing a web of deceit and betrayal that threatens to destroy everything Myra holds dear. With the help of her mother's heart, now residing in the robotic body, Myra navigates the treacherous waters of her family's legacy. But as she uncovers the truth, she realizes that some secrets are best left buried, and that the true cost of seeking vengeance may be higher than she ever imagined. "The Heart" is a gripping tale of love, loss, and the lengths we will go to protect those we hold dear. With its thrilling plot twists, richly drawn characters, and heart-pounding suspense, this novel will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

J_GArquen1991 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Shadows of Betrayal

Chapter One

Veronica Niellis had been planning this trip for months. It wasn't just any trip; it was a celebration, a milestone in her 17 year old daughter Myra's life. Myra was graduating, and Veronica wanted to mark the occasion in a special way. They were going to take a road trip together, just the two of them, exploring new places, making memories to cherish for a lifetime. 


Veronica and Myra shared a bond that went beyond the typical mother-daughter relationship. They were more like best friends, confidantes, sisters even. From the moment Myra was born, Veronica poured all her love, energy, and devotion into raising her. With Myra's father absent from the picture, Veronica had taken on the roles of both parents, ensuring that Myra never felt lacking in love or support. 


Despite the challenges of being a single parent, Veronica worked tirelessly to provide for her daughter. She held not one but two jobs to make ends meet. By day, she was a dedicated LPN nurse, caring for patients with compassion and skill. And by night, she took on the role of a Lyft driver, ferrying passengers across the city streets, all to earn that extra bit of income to support her family. 


It wasn't easy. Veronica often came home bone-tired, her feet aching from hours spent on her feet, her body exhausted from the demands of her work. But no matter how drained she felt, she never let it show to Myra. She would muster up a smile, push aside her own weariness, and focus on being there for her daughter, listening to her stories, offering her guidance, and cheering her on every step of the way. 


Veronica's sacrifices knew no bounds. She juggled not only her responsibilities as a mother but also as a daughter and a sister. She helped take care of her own mother, who was battling illness, ensuring she received the care and attention she needed. And she also supported her siblings, pitching in whenever they needed a helping hand. 


But amidst all her obligations, Veronica never lost sight of her ultimate goal: to provide Myra with the best possible future. Every penny she earned from her Lyft driving job went towards Myra's education, saving up to put her through school without any financial burden. It meant sacrificing luxuries for herself, cutting back on expenses wherever she could, but Veronica never once complained. For her, Myra's happiness and success were worth every sacrifice she made. 


As the day of their graduation trip drew closer, Veronica felt a surge of excitement mixed with a tinge of bittersweetness. She couldn't believe how fast time had flown by, how quickly her little girl had grown into a young woman ready to take on the world. But amidst the flurry of emotions, one thing remained constant: her love for Myra, strong and unwavering, the beating heart that kept their bond alive and thriving. 


And so, as they set off on their adventure together, mother and daughter hand in hand, Veronica knew that no matter where life took them, their love would always be the guiding light, the anchor that kept them grounded amidst life's storms. For in the heart of their relationship lay the foundation of their journey, a journey filled with love, laughter, and the promise of endless possibilities. 

Veronica and Myra embarked on their journey with hearts full of excitement and anticipation. The open road stretched out before them, promising adventure and new experiences at every turn. They sang along to their favorite songs on the radio, shared stories and dreams, and laughed until tears streamed down their faces. For a brief moment, it felt like nothing could dampen their spirits. 


But life has a way of throwing curveballs when you least expect it, and for Veronica and Myra, that curveball came in the form of a phone call in the middle of their road trip. It was from Veronica's sister, delivering news that would shatter their world. 


Veronica's mother, whom she had been caring for while battling illness, had taken a turn for the worse. The doctors were not optimistic, and Veronica knew that she had to rush back home to be by her mother's side. It was a heartbreaking decision, but one that she knew she had to make. 


As they turned the car around and headed back home, the atmosphere in the car shifted from one of excitement to one of somberness. Myra could see the worry etched on her mother's face, and her heart ached knowing that there was little she could do to ease her pain. 


Back home, the days blurred together as Veronica juggled her responsibilities as a mother, daughter, and nurse. She spent every moment she could spare at her mother's bedside, holding her hand, offering words of comfort, and silently praying for a miracle. 


But despite her best efforts, Veronica's mother passed away, leaving a void in their lives that seemed impossible to fill. Myra watched as her mother grieved, her heart breaking for the woman who had always been her rock, her anchor in times of trouble. 


In the midst of their grief, Veronica faced yet another challenge. With her mother gone, the burden of caring for her siblings fell squarely on her shoulders. It was a heavy weight to bear, but Veronica refused to let it break her. She took on the role of matriarch with grace and strength, ensuring that her family remained united in their time of need. 


As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Veronica and Myra leaned on each other for support, drawing strength from the unbreakable bond that held them together. Despite the hardships they faced, they found solace in each other's company, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm. 


And so, as they stood side by side at the end of their journey, Veronica and Myra knew that while life had dealt them a cruel hand, they had emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before. For in the heart of their relationship lay the strength to overcome any obstacle, the courage to face any challenge, and the love to see them through even the darkest of days. 

As Veronica navigated the complexities of grieving for her mother and shouldering the responsibility of caring for her siblings, she found herself thrust into a new role she never expected: that of executor of her mother's estate. With her mother's passing, Veronica was tasked with distributing her mother's wealth, properties, and businesses among her nine siblings. 


It was a daunting task, one that required careful consideration and delicate handling. Veronica knew that her mother had worked hard to build her legacy, and she was determined to honor her memory by ensuring that her wishes were carried out to the letter. 


But amidst the chaos of sorting through her mother's affairs, Veronica stumbled upon a shocking revelation: her mother owned a giant research lab that was experimenting with robotics and human organs. It was a secret business venture that none of her siblings knew about, and Veronica was left reeling from the discovery. 


As Veronica grappled with the implications of her mother's secret, she received a cryptic call from an unknown number. The voice on the other end warned her to be careful of the family she had and the friends she grew up with, sending a chill down her spine. 


Fearing for her safety and that of her daughter, Veronica made plans to move away, to start fresh in a new place where no one knew her past. But before she could put her plans into action, tragedy struck. 


On the day of her mother's funeral, as mourners gathered to pay their final respects, Veronica was coldly gunned down by two snipers, right before her daughter Myra's eyes and the shocked gazes of those in attendance. 


Myra's world shattered into a million pieces as she watched her mother's lifeless body fall to the ground. The grief and horror of witnessing such a senseless act of violence overwhelmed her, leaving her numb, broken, and unable to grasp what she had just experienced. She was completely stuck in a state of shock. She could not move, nor cry for, her body was not responding to anything. 


Amidst the chaos and confusion that ensued, Veronica's siblings watched from the sidelines, their faces betraying no hint of emotion. They knew the truth behind their sister's murder, for they were the ones who had orchestrated it. But for now, they remained silent, biding their time and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike again. 


As Myra struggled to come to terms with the devastating loss of her mother, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her death than met the eye. And as she looked into the eyes of her siblings, she sensed a darkness lurking beneath their grief, a secret that they were not yet ready to reveal. 


And so, as the first chapter of Veronica and Myra's story came to a close, a dark shadow loomed over their family, threatening to tear them apart from within. For in the heart of their relationship lay not only love and devotion but also betrayal and deceit, secrets that would soon come to light and shatter their world irrevocably.