
The heart of yesterday

Cheryl Lugano thinks she is a girl with enough issues to fill a world map but she is content with what life offered her. Keeping her self composed was always on top of her priorities until she meets the rose tattooed boy named Elliot her feelings are never on bay anymore.

HazyLazyBoo · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: Chris Hemsworth

I WALK THROUGH HALLS to my classroom, my eyes still puffy from the lack of sleep yesterday, I had a ton of assignments and I didn't want to drag them until the end of the week. I take a seat and wait for others to gather up; I try not to scald my mouth with the steaming coffee I fortunately bought on the way;

Minutes later the door to the room opened and in came Elliot, behind him Noah who was wearing a windbreaker jacket like it's proper pissing outside, the other was wearing a usual plain shirt that hugged his muscles and dark jeans with an olive green jacket, they instantly aim for the seat beside me "good morning beautiful" Noah tries to hold my hand for a kiss but I jerk it and hit him instead "but wait why are you here, don't you go to another college?" he gives me a crooked smile "yeah, but it's boring since I don't need to attend it, besides I come here for the girls" he says goofily.

Noah excels at what he does. He dances on a daily basis, and had won more than five national dance competitions, yet acts like a goof.

Before any of us could add anything else, the teacher appears and I focus on taking notes, though Elliot kept quiet through our chattering, he would occasionally smile my way during class or kick my chair scattering my focus, "Sheryl want to come over Elliot's today?" Noah says cheerfully "what are we going to do?" I answer him annoyingly, Elliot's blue eyes scanned me, with the way girls are starring at them, I am certain they don't even need to ask anyone to go to their homes, it's the other way around ; they give me a smug smile "do you want to know what's running through my mind with the things we could do?" I shuddered at Elliot's words

"No, i don't and you can call your girl?"

Elliot waves his hand at me "she'll be there but that was a one-time thing although she could give the best hand-" I shush him and proceed with taking notes. The blue eyed boy tsked at me "Shy are you jealous?"

I arch an eyebrow, "No, I am not just kind of bored and you don't have to make everything about you"

"Sweetheart everything is about me" I hear Noah snicker, "actually we're holding a party because of my last win, you should come Sheryl" Noah clarifies the reason and I promise him to make an appearance;

Elliot kicks my chair again and I cut him with a punch "Holy shit that fucking hurts"

I retrieve my hand that hurts as well "that'll give you a lesson Ox"


I steal Harry's last slice of pizza, and scurry off to the door with my gym backpack before he finds out, I push the buttons on the elevator, waiting for it to open.

When it opens Josh is standing there in a beautiful suit "Josh, hey!" I think the pleasant look in my eyes is prominent; he hugs me quickly and pulls me inside

"Want some?" I offer a half eaten pizza slice and he doesn't decline "thank you, I skipped lunch earlier" he says between chewing the piece of food, even doing that he looked full of charisma.

"Do you have an important event?" the elevator dings and we walk out to the parking area "I have a classical music performing today, next time I'll bring you with me if you'd like" my eyes widen "of course I'd like that, May would do too" he laughs at my bubbling excitement, "deal, I am sure you'll enjoy it, see you later"

Elliot was twenty eight, but he had a really young laugh.

I bid him goodbye and swing my back pack into my car, and drive to the gym; I do boxing since I was twelve, but I didn't want to adapt a professional career. To me it was a way to manage my stress and negative feelings, hitting a punch bag always helped me to relieve tension, beside it keeps me in shape, May says I am turning into a punching monster, and that she'll sue me if I ever lay a hand on her, fair enough.

Two hours later, I am finished training and showering, my phone's screen lights up delivering a message from Noah; it says they're all waiting for me at Elliot's place, Noah surprisingly invited Janis too

He's really invading my friends' circle.

I choose to wear casually and pick an over sized dark red hoodie along with tight blue jeans; I wear my natural skin, the makeup makes my face itchy and blotchy when removed. My chocolate long brown hair is left down in natural waves; I aim for my black boots and hurry over my car barely fighting the urge to sleep.

Elliot's family owned a mansion, it loomed proudly behind big iron gates, flanked by rows of very thin trees crowned in crimson swaying gently to the slightly chilly wind; at its threshold stood the delicate marble fountain, Drake's voice reverberating through the whole place, and neighborhood. I find Noah waiting for me at the entrance along with a blonde girl that looked younger than our age range.

I park my car near an Audi R8, and swoon over the diversity of cars around me, My Volkswagen beetle looks like an intruder there. Fishing my keys, I walk toward an excited Noah and his small friend, "Princess, you're finally here" he pulls my hand to his lips, I roll my eyes, I can see that he's half drunk. He cleaned up nice with sleeveless v neck and jeans.

The girl with him is looking at me through wide eyes, I extend my hand for a shake "Hi I am Sheryl" she quickly takes it and mumbles a shy hi.

She doesn't get to say anything else before he pulls us inside, we pass by massive great rooms, upon the walls there was the pictures of two small boys, obviously so loved. I can't close my eyes as we swerve through halls. There must have been at least four dining rooms and a fireplace big enough to park my car;

Noah doesn't slow his walking pace until we are in the pool house, where the party took place. The place was hot, possibly from the people dancing and the smell of alcohol drifted through my nose.

The music of Usher engulfed me from head to toe, and made a buzzing in my ear. Noah leads the way to the rest of the gang,

"Hey!" Harry appeared and by the way his voice slurred, he was pretty drunk. "Who's this smoking hot girl, wanna go hookup?"

I punch him in the arm, and he nearly collapses down "you're fucking dumb" Noah says to Harry, the girl with us can't refrain from laughing at his expression

"I am Avery, Noah's step sister" she says obviously impressed by violent act. "Nice to meet you" we exchange smiles. I spot May talking to a red haired guy wearing a cute silky dress, Janis on the other hand is enjoying a dance with a guy in a shiny black dress and boots, my eyes look for Elliot and when I finally see him, he's walking over me, his stance confident, I don't drop my eyes and slightly check him out, he wore a led zeppelin shirt, his dark black hair swept off of his face and jeans, "checking me out?" he winks at me, I push him slightly "maybe I was, maybe I wasn't" am I flirting? May must have changed me.

"Someone likes the view? Huh" he raises his eyebrows as he scans me over "the view isn't Chris Hemsworth but you'll do" I pat his arm.

"I am impressed too" I take the drink Noah stretches out to me and laugh "I am sure you're not talking about me"

"Talking about what? And what's with your attire today?" Noah arches his eyebrows "I didn't feel like wearing a dress why?" he shrugs about to answer when Lillian does instead of him

"Because you look like a tomboy" I strengthen my hold on my bunch cup ready to jump at her if she adds something, Noah shifts uncomfortably and I cover my mouth to hold my laughter back, we share the same dislike. She flatters her fake eyelashes at Elliot, he rolls his eyes.

She was wearing a blue dress that barely hid her ass, stilettos, her blonde hair left down although she was as annoying as that piece of gum that gets stuck to the bottom of your favorite shoes.

"Are you really hanging out with the little bartender? She's lousy" she adds touching Elliot's biceps. I hand my cup to Noah and pull my hair into a ponytail, Elliot's eyes follow my hands doing my hair "at least I don't stick to men like a fucking skunk" I answer looking straight at her eyes when I am done.

A flash of fear sparked in her eyes, she knew I could hurt her. Before I could attack her Noah holds me back by the waist "let me go Noah, if I want to attack you should let me!"

she smirks and walks away sashaying her ass, Elliot is smiling widely at my outburst, she pulled him by the collar all the way but he doesn't budge his eyes from my figure "Sheryl calm down she's just stupid" Noah says to me stopping me from pulling her ponytail.

My head comes up with ten ways to kill her, but I calm down. I turn to look at Noah who's smirking at me "you're feisty woman, we like it" I knit my eyebrows "we who?"

"Elliot and I"

"you're freaking weird Parker"

he shrugs his shoulders, he offers me to go play a round of ping pong, but i declined, i didn't need to get so drunk since I was so bad at aiming things, I am very uncoordinated

May isn't drunk as usual, and she's in deep conversation with the aforementioned guy, I go over with jasmine to the kitchen to get some new drinks, Avery joins us as well, I lean on the counter and turn to see Elliot; he was kissing a girl by the wall, her hands on his biceps, I turn around and roll my eyes.

"Ladies, how about we go for a dance?" I suggest and they pull my hand toward the mass of people, we sway to the beat, Avery holding my hands, we dance to Rihanna's work until I am sweating off, Janis went too far and started twerking against Avery who turned as red as a tomato, I clutch my belly laughing at her face scrunched up, we dance to four more songs.

I head over the small bar in the corner and take a beer leaving the girl on the dance floor, I am sure Noah slipped the booze into the bunch earlier, I am feeling way relaxed than before, I take a stool and view people grinding on each other, or dry humping


I shrink into my hoodie and enjoy the music, the place was jam packed but the alcohol in my system was enough to make me not mind it, Elliot appears again in the stool next to me, "hey again jerk" I greet him way too enthusiastically, he arches his eyebrow at me.

"you were mesmerizing there" he says sipping on his beer, "I thought you were busy swallowing faces than looking at me dancing"

He pulls me up and looks into my eye softly laughing "someone was jealous I see"

"Get away from me prick"

"I am hurt"

"Why? Did she turn you down when she saw some other pushover?" I laugh at my own joke; the newfound sass in me is hilarious. He puts his hands on my waist, "you seem very uptight, maybe a swim would sheer you up"

I barely know what's going on before I am thrown over his shoulders "let me down Elliot, or else I'll gauge your eyes" he holds me even harder and walks like he's lifting a sack of potatoes.

He lifts me to the air and throw me into the pool, he watches me go into water fully smiling. When I hit the water, I try to swim and regain breath, my clothes and boots were dragging me down but I glare at Elliot. When I climb out, Elliot and Noah are laughing like maniacs, the girls are too.

They seemed vulnerable laughing at the edge of the pool so I push both of them and crack at their faces when they hit the water, Elliot holds a playful look to his face, Noah on the other hand is nearly crying, Harry stands beside me wheezing at him.

I push the hell out of him too.