
Treaty Troubles

Kies sensed the demon's intentions and toughen his guard. He needed to prepare himself in case she tried to fly and grab him again. Even though the spirits were protecting him, he wasn't sure if they would be able to react to her speed.

In an instant, the demon disappeared out from Kies' sight and flew straight at him, but before she could reach him, she was knocked back by a wave of wind. She was knocked into the air and did a backflip, landing on her feet.

Kies took a step back, surprised by what had just happened. The only thing he saw was a blur flying at him and the next thing he knew, she was back right where she started.

While keeping Kies in her line of sight, the demon frantically looked around the forest, searching for whoever or whatever stopped her from getting to him. Her eyes shot left, then right, then back Kies. She still couldn't figure out where they were.

"Tch," the demon clicked her tongue. There was no way for her to get to Kies with whatever that thing was that was protecting him. "I'm not here to harm you," the demon tells Kies.

"Then why did you kidnap me? What were you planning to do with me?" He asked suspiciously. Even though the spirits were protecting him, Kies kept up his guard against the demon just in case something happened and the spirits weren't able to help him.

The demon took a few steps towards Kies and stopped after she felt something pressure her. After a short pause, she said, "You're one of us."


Siegfried leaned back on his chair which creaked under the weight of his massive body. To his left was Lentis and to his right was Rui. On the other side of the table was the princess of Otane and a few of her soldiers to act as guards. The group sat there silently. They were waiting for a message to arrive.

It had already been an hour and Siegfried couldn't stand it anymore and initiated a conversation. "I'm tired of sitting around doing nothing. Let's get down to business already. We can wait for the message while talking."

Jenabas looked at Lentis, asking for his approval.

"Might as well." Lentis uncrossed his arms and legs and adjusted his chair so that he was closer to the table and started talking. "Alright, so from what we got out from that demon, their primary goal was to wipe out both our armies while we were fighting against each other. Though the demon refused to say, we could assume that they have gathered under a new leader."

Lentis paused for a second before continuing. "But, because this was their plan, we could also assume that they do not have the power to face us head-on. If they had, then they wouldn't have needed to ambush both of our forces. But just because they can't fight us head-on, we shouldn't make the assumption that their forces are weak. So, I purpose that we unite our two armies against the demons before they become too much for us to handle."

After Lentis finished his explanation, the group became silent again. They all already had come to the same conclusion. They were just waiting for someone else to bring it up. A few seconds passed in silence and Siegfried broke it again and asked the question that was on everyone's minds. "Does anyone have an idea of how to break this to both the kingdoms without causing a revolt?'

The two kingdoms had been at war for some time now, and calling a stop to the war out of the blue was not something that can be done easily, at least for Silverfield.

"Our kingdom had made many attempts to stop this war already. We have no issues with this idea. The problem is your kingdom." Jenabas said.

Lentis sighed and explained the situation to Jenabas. "Our people also want to stop this war. It's just that the king, or rather the nobles refuse to."

"Aren't you the prince?" Jenabas asked. She had only just recently remembered where she heard the name Lentis from. During the war, there was word spreading throughout the Otanian empire about a fearsome enemy who could control the earth. There were also rumors that the individual was the prince of the Silvians. She hadn't expected the rumors to be true until she heard one of the knights address Lentis as 'your highness.'

Lentis shook his head. "I can't take the throne until my father steps down or passes away. Even if he did, the nobles would do everything in their power to stop me."

"Can't we just get rid of the nobles?" Siegfried asked.

"Only the king can strip away their positions and it's not like we can just kill them either," Lentis said.

"Wouldn't they agree if they knew that the demons are back again?" Jenabas pointed out.

Lentis got up from his seat and stretched his back and legs. He walked around the room a little before saying, "They don't care. They only want one thing and that one thing is money. Many of them sell weapons and armor, which is why they don't want the war to end. Say our kingdoms combine their armies and wipe out the demons again. We would have to sign a treaty to end our war first. After the demons are gone, there would be no fighting anymore. No fighting means there is no more need for weapons and armor. The nobles don't want that."

"Let's put that aside for now. What did the demon say their secondary objective was again?" Rui asked. "They were told to capture someone?"


Grammar errors, story errors, other errors, and advice, email flightless05@gmail.com


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