
The Heart of Ifedayo

Ifedayo is an American immigrant hailing from Nigeria is a teacher at Wensley Elementary School where Jeremy Carpenter, a 7-year-old, is a student there. His father, Argi, comes from Nigerian parents and is a very good single father. It happens so suddenly, Ife falling in love with Argi. but they will face life together, even when Argi and her break up due to dumb circumstances. Will they forget their issues and stay together? Hopefully. Will be updated weekly on Mondays

Daegen_Tucker · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter Two- Orí Meji

I made sure to drop off Jeremy on time from now on but on Valentine's Day, I knew something was wrong. Jeremy had made thirty cards when only there were twenty-six kids in his class. I asked why and he said, "Ms. Rivers and daddy get one and then so does Mr. Benny and Mrs. Hale." Mr. Benny was the cafeteria worker that was easy on us when it came to his fines. Mrs. Hale was his principal. He was so sweet. He gave me mine before we left, and it said 'thank you for being my daddy' with a heart and a lollipop. I had it in my mouth the whole drive and then took him inside. He gave Mr. Benny and Mrs. Hale theirs before heading to give Ms. Rivers hers.

I immediately noticed she was incredibly happy, and it made me smile. She was wearing a gorgeous red dress which fell to her mid-calf. I walked up with Jeremy and smiled at her.

"E kaaro!" She cheered happily. "Happy day of love!" She crouched down to meet Jeremy's height and took his gift. "E dupe[1], little Jeremy." She pointed to his desk. "I have left you a gift, go."

Jeremy hugged me before leaving and I pulled my wallet out. "This is for being so amazing, Ms. Rivers. You look so happy today." I pull a gift card from my wallet. "I bought this with your job in mind. It is a terrific book shop; Jeremy sits in there on Saturdays when he and I need breaks from reality." I notice her eyes light up at the mention of books. "I take it you like it?"

She nodded. "Like is the wrong word. I love it! Thank you!" She noticed I was staring at her. "What?"

"Ị mara mma[2]." I speak calmly. "It means you look amazing. Have a good day. I will come for my lunch and eat with him. Bye." I rush to work.

I watch him rush off and then shut the door once the bell rings. I go to the front and do my morning greeting once I slide the gift card into my purse. I look at Jeremy and see him holding the gift I got him tightly. I got each child a small stuffed animal and a pencil that each said different things. I gave Jeremy the only one with 'write with compassion' on it mostly because he likes to write.

The day went normally, reading to them, doing math, and then before lunch they did their valentine swap. I sat at my desk expecting nothing until I heard a small voice.

"Miss?" I look up and there Jeremy is with a small paper.

"Yes Jeremy?"

He held out the paper. "I drew and wrote something for you, if you would take it." I nodded and thanked him for the other gift and then students started to sit down. I announced we would be heading to lunch soon and that is when I saw the students get excited and yell out who had parents coming. Jeremy stayed quiet even though I knew his dad was on the way.

Lunch came faster than I thought but Jeremy sat alone again. I noticed and went over, sitting to eat with him. He looked confused. "I will eat with you while your father is on his way." He nodded softly and started to eat.

Mr. Carpenter finally appeared and sat down next to Jeremy, making me sigh with relief. He and I kept Jeremy focused on the day and then lunch was over. Mr. Carpenter stood up and gave Jeremy a hug before he left.

Jeremy smiled as he looked at me. "You like my daddy!" I stop.

"Jeremy, that is a highly inappropriate question to ask me. I am in a relationship currently. So, I cannot be with your father even if I did like him, which I do not." I was seeing a sweet guy named Malik for a few weeks now and he was taking me to dinner tonight!

Jeremy sighed as he just walked to class, sitting down and being silent the rest of the day.

As the end of the day came, we went to the playground for the kids to run out their energy, but Jeremy just sat on a swing.

I got to the school and saw Jeremy and Ms. Rivers on the playground, the only two. Shit I am so late, aren't I? I run to the playground and Jeremy runs to me, holding his things. He dragged me to the truck, and we went home but he would not tell me why he looked upset until we got home.

"She's dating some guy!" He yelled out. What? Who? Oh goodness who was it.

"Jeremy I am not in love with Ms. Rivers, she's just a nice woman." I could not be with her anyway.

"She's going on a date tonight I bet!" He cried out and sat on the floor, angry. I crouched down.

"We do not scream and cry because someone you like is taken. We are going to make dinner and have baths and then you can sleep in bed with daddy tonight. Okay?" He nodded and hugged me, apologizing.

I got home close to six and rushed to prepare. I was going to Applebee's with Malik, and he said to dress comfortably but nicely. I found a cute dress and put that on, keeping my hair pulled back into the bun I liked it in. I did some light makeup from a video and then sat by the door to wait for him.

An hour passed, and then two, and then it reached 10 pm and I gave up on waiting. I texted him several times with no answer, so I showered, washed my face, ate something simple, and went to bed. This day of love felt more like a day of bad news.

[1] Thank you

[2] You look lovely (Igbo)