
The Heart of Entropy

Amon Enigma Black-Sun is a young phoenix, a duke and a sage visiting a foreign land with his disciple for the purpose of unraveling one of their realm's greatest mysteries and puzzles.

lordjoseph7 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Ding Song

The former Phoenix walked towards the new addition to the old platform, the raised stone tablet. The language appeared to be an early variant of the current standard language used by almost all races.

Taking a parchment out of his void, Amon started copying the letters and words from the tablet. He could only make sense of some words and phrases, while the rest appeared gibberish to him.

"Sovereigns? Not sure, I think this one word means tomb. So, some sort of human's nobles' mausoleum. Eh? Why would a Primordial spirit fragment stand guard over human graves? The kitty also said there are two other Primordials; I'm assuming they are dead too. Hmm? How can spirits fragments survive this long?

I should also note down my conversation with the angry kitty. He did let a lot of information slip. He specifically mentioned the humans in Vicia are the ones expected to participate in whatever they have prepared long ago. What about the other continents? Why humans alone? I would have thought Primordials would be more interested in having Sorcerers beasts inherit their legacy rather than humans. I'm sure there are a lot of creatures who have attained wisdom already from the dangerous zones Gui told me about, does not make any sense to exclude them from an inheritance provided by Primordials.

Then the other thing he mentioned is an ancient vow. I'm going to take a leap of faith and assume I'm looking at the graveyard of those who died at the Dragons' hand when calamity struck the Radiant Lions' clan. Humans and at least three different Primordial clans might have been a faction at that time, perhaps something like the current Royal Avians faction on my home planet.

The last mystery I could think of is the absence of any mention of this matter in my clan and ancestral mother's archives. Dragons are a proud and arrogant race, eliminating three Primordial clans would have served as a vital history lesson for anyone that dares stand in the mighty clan way. Why would they keep it out of records? I'm assuming they did since the documents I read are full of their ancient exploits, but nothing I read mentioned the Radiant Lions' in any shape or form.

Wait...how did the Dragons managed to do it in the first place? While they are historically the strongest Primordial clan, eradicating three other Primordial clans is still a stretch without the help of other Primordial clans."

Amon placed a hand over his heart. The answer came to him naturally. 'A Prime Ethereal Treasure...'

If a Prime Ethereal Treasure was used, then a Dragon paid with his soul to have them eradicated.

'It does not matter. What matters to me is the kitty's blood essences. I'm going to have to find a way to snatch them from his paws without it corrupting and tainting me. Should not be too hard, he is only a million plus one time stronger than me.'

Chuckling in self-deprecation, Amon moved towards the now fully repaired old platform, intending to have it fully deciphered as soon as possible.


Yao Gui's Mansion, Midday, Back Garden.

"Uncle Gui...You truly love your flower garden; do you sleep here too?" Said Amon while taking a seat in front of Gui.

"Hmm? What happened to you? You look exhausted. Are my girls home?" Said Gui.

Amon waved his hand at Gui while placing his head on the table. "It is a long story..."

The former Phoenix told Gui everything that happened since last night, leaving nothing out except the matter of his heart and background.

After listening to the whole thing, Yao Gui sighed. "Why tell me all this?"

Amon slumped in his chair further, hungry, and mentally exhausted. "How else would I convey that your now absent kids are alright without worrying you more than necessary? This way, you know precisely what happened, and I get to hear myself go through it all in the hope of catching any critical detail I missed for my upcoming quest."

"I'm still worried, but you are right, I would have been more concerned if I did not know what happened. You sure this mighty creature you spoke of would not have hurt my kids to retaliate against you?" Said Gui.

"He took special care to protect us all from his own anger the whole time. There is a reason he did not want me to die there, but the girls, he had no reason but what remains of his pride and honor. Especially, Ling, he showed extra care for her and took no joy from frightening her.

I would go as far and say, for now, until the upcoming show starts, your girls are entirely safe from all possible harm. The only thing I'm not sure about is why not send them out with me and just allow them to return when the portals are open for all humans to use." Amon said the last part with a frown. He could not come up with a reason for it.

Gui sighed. There was little he could do about any of this. "Why did you not lie?"

"Aside from him knowing right away that I was lying, I would have harmed myself more than losing a leg and an arm if I swore a false oath. Oaths on one's soul, cultivation, or heart are more severe than you could imagine." Said Amon.

"What will you do now? Your case sounds hopeless." Said Gui.

"I'm not sure yet. Say, can you get your hands-on Chipped gems and crystals?" Said Amon.

Gui closed his eyes to think. "I might be able to do so. How many do you need?"

"As many as you could get your hands on." Said Amon.

"My Ning'er never took any resources from our clan. I may be able to use that to order a decent quantity. Also, Ling'er being able to cultivate now might net me a few extras. Don't get your hopes high, though." Said Gui.

Amon stood up. "Whatever you can get your hand on uncle Gui will be highly appreciated. Please don't tell anyone in your clan about what I told you. Also, when Nuan return, send her my way, please."

Gui nodded and walked with Amon, one heading towards his room and the other to try and get what he could for Amon.


Yao Gui's Mansion, Guest Wing, Amon's Room.

Standing on a chair, Amon started nailing drawn parchments on his room wall with Yao Chang's help.

"Young master, these are quite beautiful drawings. They appear to make one picture, what are these symbols?" Said Chang.

Amon shrugged. "I don't know. 'for now.' Thanks for the help, Chang. Please have the servants stay away from my room for the coming week. I won't need any cleaning, just my meals left in front of the door."

Yao Chang bowed deeply before leaving Amon alone.

Amon stood back, looking at the twenty or so parchment filled with runes and arrays he had copied from the old platform for him to decipher in a better environment. Together they made an accurate and precise picture of the whole platform.

He walked towards his dining table and moved it right in front of the wall, sitting down, he started eating while trying to make sense of the hidden runes in front of him.


Next Day, Early Morning. Amon's Room.

"Wake up!"

Amon rose from his bed tiredly. He rubbed his eyes open to find several veiled ladies surrounding his bed, with one standing few inches away from him while having a hand over her hips.

"Where are the three sisters? I left them behind for a few days, and I return to find them all gone?"

Groaning, Amon passed Nuan and two other veiled ladies towards his room's water basin.

"Nuan, why are we talking to him instead of ripping him apart for answers?" Said one of the veiled ladies.

"As I said, he is a friend, not an enemy. Stay quiet and let me handle this, I know him enough to know he is no liar or a cheat." Said Nuan.

"I have to say. Your entire sect needs to learn some etiquette. This is what? The second or third time, my room gets barge in by veiled ladies without knocking or showing any form of manners." Said Amon while putting a clean shirt on.

"Watch it, little man! I have killed men for far less."

Nuan massaged her forehead. She knew her sisters did not like getting talked down by a man.

"Jing! No more from you. He does not respond well to threats. Amon, please, there is no time for this. Gui said to talk to you about Annchi and her sisters. So, what is going on?" Said Nuan.

Amon looked around the room, counting the number of his uninvited guests, seven veiled ladies in total. "I don't know them, Nuan."

"It is alright young man. They are all my disciples and sworn sisters of my Annchi."

Amon turned around for the presence that appeared out of nowhere behind him. It was a tall, old woman, leaning on a wooden cane and adorning a similar light blue dress to the other ladies in the room but without a veil.

The old lady tabbed the ground with her cane. "Insignia of Hushed Whispers." Spoke the old woman softly. Water droplets started appearing around the group of nine. They quickly expanded, forming a wide water dome inside Amon's room.

"Now, we can speak without worry of hidden eyes and ears. Come sit; it is your room after all." Said the old lady while taking a seat in front of Amon's dining table. The former Phoenix followed her and did the same. The veiled ladies stood behind their master and around the table.

"When Nuan told me that my little Ning'er trusted a man with her elder sister's secret, I was fascinated. When she added that she and Annchi did the same, I was baffled. But when she told me, he knew everything about being a noble. I was frightened. I'm an old woman, young man. Fear is not something I can live with every day. I need my peace; will you be able to give it to me or should I let one of my precious disciples deliver it to me?" Said the old lady.

Amon sighed. He stood up, walked to the old lady, and offered her his hand. The ladies behind their master stiffened, but the old lady raised her hand, a signal for them to stay silent and still.

The old lady placed her hand on Amon's, not sure what he wanted to do. He closed his eyes and pushed his Source through his hand into the old lady's body. She did not resist or stop him. He could not harm her even if he wanted to.

Shortly after the old lady started to see a vision, then she began to hear sounds. Sluggishly her head dropped, immersed in the vision Amon sent her with his Source.

He walked back and sat on his chair.

"What did you do!"

Nuan stopped her sisters from moving. "I told you he can be trusted. He could not hurt our master anyway. He is just in the Elementary realm. Be patient, sisters, please."

After a while, the old lady lifted her head. Apprehension is evident in her old eyes. She opened her mouth to speak several times but could not find the right words for it.

"I..." The old lady gasped multiple times, genuinely shocked by what she saw and heard.

"I know it is difficult to accept what you saw and heard, but that was my memories from two night's ago." Said Amon.

"I did not know such a technique existed. It felt so real like I was there with the four of you. What that massive creature said about your origin...I think it explained a lot of things...your knowledge, sense of honor, and why Ning was able to trust you, it is like what the legends spoke of your kind. Up until this minute, I thought your kind was just a myth..."

The old lady stood up, facing Amon, she bowed deeply. "Ding Song greets you, senior."

The veiled ladies could not believe their eyes or ears. For all the years they lived under their master care and teachings, they never saw her lower her head to anyone, especially a man.

"There is no need for any of this. As the Radiant one has said, I'm no longer that kind of creature. You may just address me by my name. This is an exchange of secrets and trust. I know your sect's greatest secret, and you needed a reason to trust me with it, I just gave you one so we may work together peacefully. We only have around a week before all hell breaks loose."

The old lady nodded and sat back down. "You know more than what you showed me?"

Amon nodded. "You lack a basic understanding of what it entails to inherit monarchs' and Primordials' legacies. I'm willing to explain more, share what I have learned from deciphering a portion of the platform runes for a small price. I need you to sponsor me to the True Realm."