
The Heart of Adonis (BL)

Book One of The Underworld series Adonis and his brothers have been called upon. His step-father, Hades, has appointed them to look after the souls in his realm. Easy job, right? What happens when Adonis is taken? He's a god, and his life is in the hands of a man who is determined to see him break. Can he endure or will someone succeed at breaking The Heart of Adonis? • Mature Content Trigger warning: • Rape • Abuse • Kidnapping

Kaylie1302 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Six


While searching for my bedroom, I end up opening doors that weren't to my room, but rather the rooms of servants who were watching tv or undressing. I feel very bad for scaring them and invading their privacy, but there's been so many rooms added since I was last here. I even ended up finding the meeting hall.

Eventually, I make it to my room. As soon as I open the door, my eyes go wide. It's huge.

The walls are all white except for the one behind the bed which is burnt orange like the sunset outside. The bed is huge as well. It's larger than a king bed and has plenty of room for a few people to sleep in it. The sheets are a pastel yellow and and the comforter is orange like the wall. The curtains match the sheets, but they're pulled open to allow the natural light in.

Well… as natural as a sun can get in the underworld. The sun here is actually artificial. So is the moon and the grass, but it feels real and it's always perfect. It never rains and the clouds are always white. They're made special by the servants of the sleep gods.

I step in and close the door, looking around more. There's large tapestries on the walls of my mothers favorite flowers and the ceiling is painted a dark blue color with stars that line up with the constellations my father wrote about in his journals.

The dresser is all white and judging by the empty suitcases, it's full of things by now. There's two nightstands on either side of the bed and they each have a lamp on them along with magazines that feature the stores in the underworld. Cruel Couture and Fiery Fashion. I've never heard of these places before, but I'm sure it's where my brothers get their disgustingly crude clothes from.

The room is beautiful though. I need to remember to figure out who designed it and give them a big 'thank you'.

"The bathroom is gorgeous! This whole place is just… it's like we're royalty." Dion says as he steps out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

My breath catches in my throat for a second as I see the little droplets of water dripping down his perfectly muscular chest. I even love the way his wet hair sticks to the side of his face.

"I am royalty. My mother is the queen of the underworld, and my stepfather is the king. That makes me a prince." I inform him.

I walk closer to him and grab the towel around his waist to pull him closer to me without removing it. "You are not. I asked my servants to serve you as well because you're higher up than they are, but you still answer to me. Thanks for unpacking my things, but don't ever touch anything in here again unless you ask me first."

He stares down at me with a lustful gaze before nodding slowly and taking a deep breath.

"Yes, My Lord. I guess I got carried away at how nice everything is." He admits, looking down at the ground as stepping back. "My chambers aren't nearly as nice though. I'm glad I'll get to be with you in here sometimes."

I shrug as a response, hiding a smirk as I walk past him and into the bathroom. He's right. It's amazing. The shower is large and has holes in the ceiling where water comes out rather than a tacky metal shower head. The shower is also made entirely of glass, making me involuntarily imagine walking in on Dion in the shower.

"It seems like everything in the room is made for two." I mention.

The shower is big enough for two people as well as the bed. Even the bathtub could fit two people. It's large and has holes all around the sides that are probably for jets. There's two sinks as well. Maybe Hades and my mother want me to get married quickly? Why else would it be designed this way?

"Yeah. Looks like two people can fit in the shower too." He informs me, removing the towel from around his waist and dropping it on the floor next to him. He gives me a smug grin as he walks past me to pick up his change of clothes.

"Are you trying to tease me, Dion?" I ask, letting my eyes narrow into a glare as he slips a pair of boxers on his long, muscular legs.

The fabric goes up further, slowly covering his perfectly round ass as well as his manhood. Despite how sexy he is, I manage to keep any sort of reaction from happening, be it on my face or in my pants. He should know that I don't care about seeing him naked. I'm not going to blush and get flustered and fall for him like an idiot. If anything, he should be doing that with me.

"Fine. I'll take a shower, and you'll stand right there so you can dry me when I get out."

I assured the other servants that I wouldn't be like my brothers, but when it comes to Dion, I can't help but to use my status and power to make him do anything I want. If I'm being honest, I really like teasing him about the crush he has on me.

I strip off my shirt and toss it into the hamper, followed by my pants, socks, and underwear. Once I'm completely naked, I step into the shower and turn it on.

I still feel a bit dirty after Cerberus used his magic to show everyone what my body would actually look like. Luckily the scars and marks are healed back up, but this isn't what I'd look like if I didn't have my magic.

I grab a green loofah that's hanging on a hook and coat it with a pink liquid that I assume is soap. As I lather my body with the soap, I look over at Dion.

He's completely dressed now, but as usual, he can't take his eyes off of me. His eyes are practically burning holes in my ass, but eventually they move around to look at my long legs and smooth skin.

I turn around completely to tease him more by allowing him to see my front. He blushes and looks into my eyes with so much lust in his that it actually makes me shiver. It's probably the beauty thing, but I ignore it and roll my eyes. "Dion go fetch me some clothes to change into when I get out."

It takes him a second to snap out of his stupor, but when he does, he nods and rushes out of the bathroom.

I take the time to scrub my body more, attempting to get the disgusting feeling of the scars off of my body. They aren't even there. They're covered up but I still feel it. Not physically but… mentally I guess.

"Here, Lord Adonis. I hope these will satisfy you." He hums, but it's obviously sarcastic.

I hang the loofah back on the hook and let the water rinse me off before turning it off. I open the door and step out onto the mat, smirking at Dion.

"Dry me." I order, and he obeys instantly.

He gets one of the fluffiest towels, and starts to rub it against my wet skin, making me feel content and a bit smug. Maybe it's weird that he still loves me after everything. Maybe it's because it's not real love.

Once I'm dry, he gathers all of the towels and puts them in the hamper before turning to me with a sigh. "Why do you do this to me? Why do you think it's funny that I care about you?"

I pause for a second and cross my arms over my chest. I am teasing him for it, and I guess I do find it amusing, but I'm not doing it to hurt him at all. "I'm a god of desire. You desire me because of that. I think it's cute and adorable that you care so much, but it's not real, Dion."

"Shut up." He snaps at me as I walk to the sink to start putting my clothes on.

He shakes his head and glares at me. Had any other servant spoken to me that way I would've returned them to whoever had them before. Had they glared at me like he is, I'd find a way to make their life miserable, but with him, I don't.

"Stop telling me it's not real. It is. You do this so much, Adonis. Any time you leave to speak to any of your family, you let them change you. You let them get in your head and tell you what to think. You're supposed to be a god, but you act like an obedient little puppy for Hades. That's all he sees you as. That's how he sees all of you. All of his kids are just pawns he moves around to do his bidding. It's not fair that you'll belive your stupid, cruel, beast of a brother over me."

I snap my fingers to put on the rest of my clothes as well as a gag in Dion's mouth. It straps around his head with no way to remove it unless I take it off.

I walk over to him and grab his chin roughly, yanking him down to my level. "It'll come off when you learn your place, and if you ever look at me like that again, I'll make you blind."

When I make my way out of my bedroom, Dion follows along, still not looking pleased that he can't speak. I take a moment to look at the clothes he picked out for me. Tight black jeans with gold seams to match with a gold V-neck under a black cloak. I don't particularly like cloaks because it makes me feel like little red riding hood, but it does go well with the outfit.

Once we get to the throne room, I walk up to the larger one. It looks like it wouldn't be comfortable. It's made of marble, so how could it possibly feel comfy?

When I sit down, everything seems to change. Despite being hard marble, the throne feels like a soft couch. I can feel the power seeping through it and into me. It's almost like an adrenaline rush. It's like this chair has a mind of its own and it doesn't want me to leave. It wants me to rule. I smile and straighten up, pulling my legs up to sit Indian style on the large throne.

"M-Master Adonis. Is it alright if we come in?" Pan stutters, peeking out from behind one of the pillars. He said we, so I'm assuming it's the servants I offered to heal.

"Lord Adonis." I correct him. A bright blush fills his cheeks as he goes to apologize, but I beckon him with my hand and continue. "Come in. Did you bring the others?"

He nods quickly, stepping into the room with a few other people. Pan looks nice in the body suit I gave him. It's long sleeved so it covers almost every part of his body, but hugs his figure to still make him look quite attractive. The zipper is on the front unlike the other body suits that Hades and Cerberus have their servants wear. It will make it easier to unzip whenever he needs to.

"Alright everyone. Just get in a line and let me know what I can do for you." I tell them, and they all start to line up, single file, with Pan being the first.

He walks up the steps to my throne and kneels before me with a shy smile. He slowly unzips the top of his uniform so I can get a look at his chest and neck. He's got a large bruise around his neck as if someone tried to strangle him, and now that I'm getting a better look at him, I see the hickeys scattered across his skin.

"I-I know it's not as bad as others but it just makes me feel really… disgusting." He admits, making me smile sadly at him.

Trust me, I'd know what it's like to be disgusted at the sight of my own body. Not this one, but the scarred, shredded, worn out one that Cerberus showed to everyone. It's not because I didn't want the marks or that it was forced on me. I'm disgusted by it because I'm ashamed to enjoy it.

"I know. I can help you with that." I tell him, putting my hand on his cheek and sending a spark of magic into him that makes the bruises and marks fade away.

Once they're gone, he zips his catsuit back up and smiles. "Thank you, Lord Adonis. You're so generous and kind. Other masters would never do this for us."

I smile in response as more people come up. One at a time, they come and kneel before me, showing me the horrifying injuries that my father or brothers had left on them. It's drained quite a lot of my powers, but I'm determined to heal all of them. Once I do, I can rest.

Last is Linus. When we met he was happy and cheerful and mature. I never would've imagined that he'd do something to make my brother mad enough to hurt him, but if not then he wouldn't be here, I look down at him kneeling before me, and tilt my head. "Are you hurt? You don't look hurt."

"Yeah… you'll see." He answers, looking sad as he stand and turns around. I reach up and slowly pull down the zipper to his black leather catsuit.

My eyes widen in shock as I look at the horrendous gashes in his back. It makes the scars on my body look like a walk in the park. These are still open and bleeding as if he got them right before he was brought here. Judging from the wounds, I'd say he was whipped so hard that it broke his skin and left these deep cuts. What could he have possibly done?

"Oh goodness, Linus. Who did this to you? Why would they do something like this?" I ask, placing my hands on his back, not liking how his blood covers my hands when I do.

I close my eyes and use what's left of my energy to send sparks of power through his body, letting the magic pull his skin back together and stop the bleeding as it heals entirely.

Linus lets out a sigh of relief as I zip him back up and have him turn around to face me. He blushes, and crosses his arms over his chest. "Cerberus. He got bored with Pan, but I'm not a slave. I'm a servant, and he can't just force me to please him the way Pan did. He tried to and… I kicked him in the face, so he left me on Orthrus' doorstep and told him to torture me. Luckily Orthrus already has a sex toy so instead of screwing me, he did that. Not sure it hurt any less than the alternative though. I have rights. I wasn't sold to him. I didn't have to stay with him, and certainly don't have to give my body to that three headed dog!"

"Watch it." I snap, making him look at me with a hurt and confused look on his face.

I stand and reach out to wrap my arms around him comfortingly. I don't want him to get angry about what I have to say. "I know that what my brothers do isn't right. I know they shouldn't force anyone to do anything especially not that. However, they're my brothers, and they're lords too, so you will speak about them with respect when you're in front of me. You're partially right. You have some rights while you're here, but all of us answer to someone, so don't expect much when it comes to that. I'm a god and I hardly have rights when it comes to what Hades tells me to do. I care about you, Linus, and as long as you're my servant, I can guarantee that you won't be harmed, but don't get confused. You have no rights."

I hear Dion huff from behind me, but Linus is just hugging me back. It's the truth. The underworld isn't a democracy. Everyone here is owned by Hades. Whether we're slaves or not. If Hades took Linus and gave him back to Cerberus, even I wouldn't be able to intervene.

That's just how it is, and that is one of the reasons I didn't want Dion here. Hades could murder him and there would be nothing I could do to stop it. There's no court. No justice system at all aside from Hades himself. There's no rules or laws aside from obeying the Lords, my brothers and I.

Nobody here has rights. I'm glad Linus fought, but he clearly doesn't understand. If Cerberus wanted to, he could've snapped his neck right then and there, and nobody would've done anything about it.

After a while, I let go of Linus and smile down at him. He obviously isn't happy with what I had to say, but he doesn't talk about it anymore. He just nods and walks off to the kitchen, probably to fix dinner. I hope he makes something Greek.

"I know you probably have a lot to say." I mumble, snapping my fingers to remove the gag from his mouth. As soon as I do, I turn to look at him. He's standing by my throne with an obvious look of disappointment.

"One, I can't believe you gagged me. I'm a person just like you, remember?" He mutters, moving his jaw to make his mouth feel better as I sit back down on my throne, still looking up at him. "Two, why don't you fight? Linus and Pan and all of your other servants may have a nice life here, but what about the ones that are still with them? You saw what Orthrus did. That kind of injury would've killed me. They don't deserve that. You have power… why don't you just go ahead and try to help?"

"A pep talk and some rebellion won't change my father or my brothers. It doesn't work that way here. If I want something to change then they have to agree that it's wrong, and they just won't. They need to have someone that they want to protect and love. They need someone to make their hearts soft so that they understand that ruling through fear is no way to rule. I have power, but not that much. If I disagree with them, we'd have to go to Hades and he'd side with them and it would do nothing good for me or anyone else. I may be the only full god, but I'm not Hades' child. I'm a product of Persephone's infidelity and if my mother weren't in the way, Hades would kill me himself." I answer, sighing deeply as I slump back into my chair.

People expect too much of me. I can't do anything about that. All I can do is make sure that my servants aren't touched by any of my siblings. It's a good start.