
The Heart Behind the Guard

Isla Campbell's blind date in the Scottish Highlands is an unmitigated disaster. But the evening takes an unexpected turn when a strikingly familiar protector rescues her from the charming-yet-clueless stranger. Finn MacGregor is all business, a world away from the carefree boy she once adored. Now a renowned but emotionally hardened bodyguard, Finn is assigned to protect Isla, a rising star in the art world whose reputation has been tarnished by scandal. As they navigate the glittering social scene of Edinburgh, the flames of their childhood bond reignite, transforming into a scorching passion neither can deny. But their forbidden love could destroy the lives they've meticulously built.

jekujeku12 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 9 - Dangerous Games

Re-entering the world of glitzy gallery openings and champagne-swilling patrons felt like stepping into the belly of the beast. Yet this time, the stares weren't fueled by pity or scandalized whispers. They were laced with suspicion and a hint of anticipation, exactly as Olivia had predicted. Grayson watched from a distance, a smug smile on his lips. We were playing our parts perfectly.

The days that followed were a strange, suffocating performance. High-profile events became our stage, Finn a constant shadow, watchful and alert for any sign of danger. Grayson's men lingered nearby, their presence a constant threat.

Beneath the surface, a clandestine network hummed. Finn relayed information to Olivia through coded messages and hushed conversations in secluded corners. She, in turn, orchestrated events behind the scenes, manipulating circumstances to force Grayson's hand. It was a high-wire act, exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure.

News of an upcoming private auction, where a controversial masterpiece was rumored to be on the block, reached our ears. Olivia pounced on it immediately. This, she declared, would be their trap.

Tension thrummed through me as the day of the auction approached. Forced proximity with Finn, the constant awareness of our shared danger, and the deceptive charade we performed for Grayson's benefit had a profound effect. The boundary between protector and protected softened, fueled by late-night strategy sessions and stolen moments of respite amidst the chaos.

On the night of the auction, held in a sprawling historic mansion, an air of forbidden desire hung heavy amongst the whispers of scandal surrounding myself and the whispered rumors about the artwork for sale. It was an intoxicating mix of wealth, power, and hidden agendas.

I clung to Finn's arm, my elegant dress and nervous smile the perfect disguise. Finn, the stoic bodyguard, couldn't hide the tension in his jaw or the flicker of concern in his eyes every time I strayed out of his line of sight. His unwavering presence was simultaneously a lifeline and a reminder of the precarious position we were in.

Yet, as the glittering crowd swirled and the bidding wars intensified, I felt a surge of defiance. I was no longer simply the victim. I was a player, holding my own amidst sharks, and the protective fire that burned in Finn's eyes fueled my determination.

The auction reached its climax. The controversial masterpiece, a haunting beauty shrouded in speculation, was unveiled. Grayson, unable to resist, began his ruthless bidding. Just as Olivia had planned, his desperation was palpable, his overconfidence blinding. It was the perfect moment to strike, and strike we did.

The tension within the grand auction room was thick enough to cut with a knife. Grayson's bids echoed with feverish desperation, each offer a testament to his greed and his arrogance. Finn, beside me, tensed like a coiled spring, his every sense attuned to the room, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Olivia, cool and collected, moved discreetly among the guests, a spider manipulating strands of her unseen web. A flicker of communication shared with Finn, a nod of approval – the stage was set, the players in position.

Suddenly, the air crackled with a different energy. A commotion started near the entrance. Uniformed police officers stormed in, not the bumbling lot that had swarmed the gallery, but a unit moving with precision and purpose. The crowd erupted in gasps and panicked whispers.

Grayson paled, his bravado shattering in the face of unforeseen consequences. "What is the meaning of this?" he blustered, but his voice rang hollow.

An authoritative figure emerged from among the officers – Detective Sergeant Shaw, a man whose steely gaze and reputation for unyielding integrity had long preceded him.

"Alexander Grayson, you are under arrest," Shaw declared, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Charges include fraud, money laundering, and the possession and trafficking of stolen artwork."

The room exploded into a flurry of activity. Grayson tried to argue, to squirm his way out, but it was futile. His men were quickly disarmed and subdued, their confusion mirroring their master's downfall. Amidst it all, a team of art experts closed in on the controversial masterpiece, their practiced eyes already detecting the masterful forgery.

Finn's grip on my arm tightened, relief and grim satisfaction warring on his face. Our gamble had paid off.

Yet, just as quickly as it started, a new wave of chaos crashed in. A figure burst through the crowd – another man with a wild glint in his eyes and a gun gripped tightly in his hand. Before anyone could react, a sickening shot rang out.

Time seemed to fracture. Grayson crumpled, a choked cry escaping him, the room erupting in screams. People scrambled for cover, the veneer of sophistication shattering under the brutal reality of violence. Finn reacted instinctively, throwing himself before me, shielding me with his body.

"Isla! Down!" His voice was a harsh command amidst the pandemonium.

I dropped to the floor, heart thundering. Another shot pierced the air, and then a brutal struggle ensued. Finn grappled with the gunman, flashes of brutal combat cutting through the blur of terrified onlookers.

And then, silence.

I dared to look up. Finn stood over the disarmed attacker, his breaths ragged, a fierce determination in his eyes. Shaw and his officers moved in, the situation finally under control. My gaze was drawn to Grayson, motionless on the floor, a spreading stain of red marring his once pristine attire.