
Who Art Black as Hell, as Dark as Night

"My God."


"Do you really think any of it was real?"

"Galen, I have no doubt in my heart that it was all real." Althea told Galen all about her dream, or whatever it was, and all that had been revealed to her with it. They now both knew the depth of Durai's power, the extent of his malicious will to use that power, and the truth that he had indeed conjured this curse.

"So he perverted nature itself, pulled our loved ones from their peace to become the damned of the earth, so he could…?" Galen stopped. He saw the pain that was riddled all over her face. There were no tears, though. She felt she had no more tears left to cry; no more heart left to break.

"Yeah. He's found some way to bring me back, or punish me, or both."

"That damned devil. I never thought…I mean you hear about evil when you're a child. It's in the old and ancient stories. And you know bad people, but real evil? It doesn't exist, right? I guess now I know." Galen was angry deep in his blood, deep in him where he dared not lose control and seldom did. "He can't win," he added resolutely.

"Huh?" Althea was confused as to what he meant. "I don't think there's a way he can fail at this point. I'm coming back, and I feel thoroughly punished."

Galen rose from his spot on the ground and began to pace in enmity and rage. "Like Hell! We'll stay right here. Your power is strong enough to beat this. I know, I just feel it. So do it now. Try right here and now. Show him he's not won!"

Althea tried to offer her explanation with compassion. She was so touched at his caring, but also pained by his vexation and distress. "Oh, Galen. It doesn't work that way. I have to be there. I have to be at the site where the curse began. This sickness on the land is like the sight of infection. You don't put medicine on a shoulder for a wound to the knee. I have to be at the site where the earth was attacked and this poison was allowed to spread from. Only there can I be of any help."

"Any help?" Galen sensed that her confidence faltered as she said these words. He saw that a sudden realization struck her with anxiety and a pallor of death washed over her. "Althea?"

"Galen…" she whispered almost as though she were miles away, "Galen I don't know what to do. I don't know how to fix this. I don't even know where I would begin."

Galen saw her torment and went to sit beside her. Whatever was building the anger inside of him could wait. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. What's wrong?"

"Galen, I'm walking in blindness. I'm going to try and save everyone, to stop this curse, but I don't know how. I'm just a Healer, and I know they're saying and he's saying that only a Healer can fix this. But, Galen, I have no idea what to do. I don't know what Magic I have that will be the cure for…" she trailed away as she went into her own mid, sought any answer, any possibilities, and came back with only defeat.

"So, this isn't something you studied before or been taught, not something you know how to fight?" Galen looked at her as she stared at the ground in front of her. She seemed as low as the dirt and ashes at the base of the spent fire. The only color on her face was the color the sun cast against her skin as it was setting fast beyond them.

"I'm so sorry," Althea confessed as she looked up at him. Her eyes were nothing but overflowing grief and guilt. "I'm going, but I don't know what to do when I get there."

"When you get there?" Galen was washed over, blown back like an autumn gale, at her words. He moved in front of her and knelt before her and held her hands in his. "My God. Listen to you. You don't know what to do, you're lost in the darkness that is hunting you and consuming you. Even before we met, you were fighting a destructive battle that was ravaging your sanity and crushing your spirit."

Althea looked down in shame. Healers were supposed to be the guardians of the living light and the sentries against the darkness. And she was such a disappointment now.

But then she felt Galen's hand move to her chin and tilt it to look him in the eyes. His eyes were filled with brilliant and overwhelming admiration. "And yet," he said softly, "you still go. You didn't know what you would do, but you still decided to turn and fight. You were confronted with the fear that torments you the most, and still you turn and fight. You even realize now that you could very well fail and be met with nightmares, and you still decide to turn and fight. The world is giving you every chance to give up. But you aren't."

His words both terrified and inspired her. And for even just a moment, she felt pride in herself. And when the moment felt like passing, she allowed her pride to stay. If what he said was true, maybe she deserved to love herself.

As her tension seemed to leave her with a sigh, she bent her head forward slightly and rested against his. They were so close that their noses were touching. Their aura's turned to one another and intertwined like the supporting, strengthening vines around an ancient tree. Both of them slowly came to the realization of how close they were, and neither would be the first to break away.

"And as for the other thing," Galen began still holding his head touching hers, "you should not feel punished. His only strength over you was his willful violation and abuse of a caring, loving heart that felt she should take on the troubles of the world as her responsibility."

He then raised his hand and placed it beside her cheek still with their heads against one another. His move may have been a gamble, but he didn't care. His heart would be betrayed if he didn't. When he pulled away, his hand still against her face, he saw that she was not annoyed, offended, or even alarmed. "You…none of this is your fault. This was all him. His reasons are not your responsibility."

Althea placed her hand on top of his hand against her face. "Thank you."


Fear no more the lightning flash,

Nor the all-dreaded thunder stone;

Fear not slander, censure rash;

Thou hast finished joy and moan:

All lovers young, all lovers must

Consign to thee, and come to dust.


"I'm not sure who we're looking for. She used to be here in the castle?"

"Yeah, about a year ago. Well, maybe a little longer. Before the Mist for sure. She used to live here and took care of Baldrik; she was his Healer."

"May he rest in peace."

"Yeah, this was before you came here. Back when you were still at you mother's skirts."

"Ass! I think you mean YOUR mother's skirts."

"Hey, you two, we can't afford a scuffle tonight. The queen is sending us out passed the Plains tomorrow to look for this Healer. And you know some crazy shit lives out there, not to mention the Immortuos. You gotta be at your best. You're the elite palace guards, at least try to act like it.""

"Yes, sir."

"So, since I don't know this girl, what does she look like? I mean, what am I looking for?"

"Oh, she was absolutely gorgeous. About this tall with the most attractive head of dark hair you could ever see. Deep brown eyes that would break your heart."

"Yeah, she came from Base, but you couldn't tell. She was real classy."

"Too bad Mason isn't still around, he would tell you all about her."


"Oh, yeah, still before your time here. He was Durai's old guard."

"May he rest in peace?"

"Holy shit, he's dead?"

"Yeah, some terrible accident just after the Healer vanished."

"Yeah, sure, 'accident.'"

"Man, shut your mouth! You know the Queen shut that shit down right away."

"More like Durai did. Guy is straight out of Hell sometimes."

"Yeah, so don't piss him off!"

"How about you all shut up, and lets all get some sleep. With any luck, the search will be short now that Duarai got that vision that she's actually alive and out there somewhere. I don't want us out there any longer than we have to be."

"Yes, sir."