

An old folktale that was just a bedtime story to many children who love the taste of murder-mystery or fear. In other ways, the best remedy is to put their children off to sleep. But, not every folktale is true but what if it becomes a reality? This could erase the existence of science. Everything disappears to dust and there's no way that you can retrieve the real facts because it's too late. This story is not about quantum reality but a folktale which was said to be just a bedtime story turns out to be a reality in this small town known as Brightbury located in the countryside to the east of London, blessed with magnificent waterfalls and nature is always grateful to the people of Brightbury. But, even though it's blessed with the beauty of nature, the town shares a dark history that was buried by the government to tackle the financial crisis. Everyone knows the truth but no one can reveal it to any tourist. Not every story has a happy ending or sad ending, but everything is just a mystery. Well, this story will reveal the mysterious scenes which are highly depicted in the past. The whole town experiences the pain of suffocation as the truth is finally revealed to the world but the question is do the town suppress the truth or does the world aides them to safety? It's not easy to trust anyone in this story, but how the world works is different. The truth, the betrayal, the hope, the friendship, the trust, the loyalty, and everything is shattered due to some folktale. They say it haunts children but as an evolution of the world is possible, the evolution of monsters is possible. Things are not the same as it was but the question of the story is will they survive or perish?

Sachin_Gomez_22 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


 Guess it was an emotional day for the whole town of Brightbury, which once was a great town bestowed with happiness but today darkness has loosened the strong faith of lovely people. It is the day where today Dr.Elizabeth and Peter Jules, where one who delinquently sacrificed for justice and another who was practicing to fly higher is finally going to sleep peacefully in the hands of God. Yes, the day of mourning for the whole town brings people back to unity. Everyone gathered in the church for final prayers while Sam and others were not as they were in the woods, to save Sarah or to avoid her being the next victim to be laid on Earth with the help of my supernatural powers. The small town of Brightbury was draped in a somber veil as its residents gathered to bid farewell to two beloved souls, Dr. Elizabeth Anderson and a young boy named Peter, a fifth-grader who had touched the hearts of many. The funeral was held on a serene hillside, where the late summer breeze whispered through the trees as if nature itself mourned the loss. As the town's people arrived, they were greeted with hushed whispers and tearful embraces. Dr. Anderson's girlfriend, Maria Ramirez, stood at the forefront, a pillar of strength amidst her grief. Her heart ached, but she knew she had to be strong for Elizabeth's family and friends. She greeted each person with a gentle smile and a nod, finding solace in their shared memories of a remarkable woman who had touched so many lives with her compassion and expertise. Next to Ramirez, Elizabeth's sister, Susan, stood stoically. She had been the one who planned the funeral, ensuring that every detail reflected Elizabeth's vibrant spirit. Flower arrangements in her favorite hues adorned the surroundings, and a photo slideshow captured cherished moments of Elizabeth's life, reminding everyone of the joy she brought to those around her. As the ceremony began, a sense of collective sorrow filled the air. Peter's classmates from the local school carried his small casket, tears streaming down their cheeks as they remembered the times they had spent playing together. Peter's parents, grief-stricken and clutching each other for support, followed closely behind, seeking strength in the community's embrace. The pastor, a long-standing member of the community, stepped forward and spoke heartfelt words about both Elizabeth and Peter. He praised Elizabeth's dedication to healing and the impact she had on so many lives, her kindness and expertise leaving an indelible mark on the town and beyond. As for Peter, he was remembered as a bright young soul, full of curiosity and innocence, whose untimely departure left a void that could never be filled. One by one, friends and family members stepped forward to share their memories. Colleagues from the hospital recounted moments of camaraderie and admiration for Elizabeth's tireless work. Peter's teacher spoke about his infectious enthusiasm for learning and how he brightened up the classroom with his constant curiosity. Maria Ramirez took the stand, her voice steady but filled with emotion. She spoke of the love they shared and the dreams they had together. Her words moved the crowd, as she revealed the side of Elizabeth that only the two of them had known – her playfulness, her quirks, and the love that bound them so strongly. Through her tears, Ramirez pledged to carry on Elizabeth's legacy, ensuring that her passion for justice to be continued to impact others. Susan stepped forward next, her voice unwavering despite her grief. She spoke of growing up with Elizabeth, sharing anecdotes that brought laughter amid the tears. She remembered the times they spent as children, playing in the fields nearby, and how Elizabeth's determination and compassion had been evident even then. As the sun began to set, the ceremony concluded with a heart-rending rendition of "Amazing Grace" sung by a local choir, their voices carrying a mix of sorrow and hope. After the service, the crowd slowly dispersed, leaving behind two freshly dug graves adorned with flowers and mementos. People embraced one another, offering words of comfort and support, knowing that healing would be a gradual process for everyone. Sheriff Lawson, a figure of authority and compassion in the town of Brightbury, stepped up to the podium, his strong presence commanding the attention of the somber crowd. The weight of recent events hung heavily on his shoulders, but he knew he had a responsibility to address the community, to provide comfort and clarity during these trying times. "Dear friends and fellow townspeople," Sheriff Lawson began, his voice steady yet tinged with sadness. "Today, we gather here not only to mourn the loss of two precious lives but also to seek strength in each other as we navigate through the darkness that has befallen us." He paused, allowing his words to sink in, the silence broken only by the rustling of leaves in the wind. The people of Brightbury listened intently, their grief-stricken faces looking to him for guidance. "In the wake of these tragic events, I want to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to uncover the truth and bring justice to those who caused this pain," Sheriff Lawson continued. "Our investigation into the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Dr. Elizabeth Anderson and young Peter is ongoing, and we will leave no stone unturned until we find the answers we seek." He could see the worry and uncertainty in the eyes of the townspeople, their trust in safety shattered by an unknown malevolence that had struck from the shadows. "To protect our community, we have implemented necessary security measures, and I urge you all to adhere to the lockdown protocols in place," Sheriff Lawson stressed. "During this time, it's vital that we remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities or information that may aid in the investigation. Working together, we can ensure the safety of every person in Brightbury." As he spoke, his eyes scanned the crowd, acknowledging the pain they collectively felt. He knew that words alone couldn't mend their hearts, but he hoped that the community's resilience would shine through the darkest of times. "I understand that many of you may feel frightened and lost, and that's completely normal," Sheriff Lawson empathized. "But please remember, we are not alone in this. Lean on each other for support and comfort, and let us unite as one against the shadows that seek to harm our town." A sense of unity began to fill the air, as the townspeople nodded at each other, their sorrow mingling with determination. "As we continue our investigation, I ask for your patience and cooperation," Sheriff Lawson said firmly. "We will update you regularly on our progress, and we promise to be transparent in this pursuit of truth. Let us honor the memories of Dr. Elizabeth Anderson and Peter by staying strong and standing together." A brief moment of silence enveloped the gathering before the sheriff concluded, "Now, as we leave this place of mourning, let us carry with us the memories of those we have lost. Let us find solace in the love we shared with them and find strength in knowing that their spirits will forever be a part of our community. Please take care of one another, and together, we will endure." With those final words, Sheriff Lawson stepped away from the podium, his heart heavy but resolute. The people of Brightbury slowly dispersed, some finding comfort in the presence of loved ones, while others sought solace in solitude. As they left the gathering, they knew they were not alone in their grief, and that together, they would persevere through the darkness, guided by the memory of those they had lost. Being the worst or should I say the best eulogy of Sheriff Lawson, though we know his dark side, he consoles Deputy Maria and talks a few words with Susan and they all depart in separate ways. Later, the moon hung high in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the dense woods that surrounded the small town of Brightbury. In the heart of those woods, a group of friends had gathered, led by Sam, a young stranger in fact with extraordinary supernatural powers. David, Mark, and Emily anxiously followed Sam, their hearts pounding with fear and determination. Sarah, David's girlfriend and their dear friend was missing, taken by the malevolent entity known as Slender Man. "We need to be careful," Sam cautioned, his voice barely above a whisper. "Slender Man is cunning and dangerous. We must stay together and watch each other's backs." David gripped Sarah's locket in his hand, a gift he had given her on their anniversary. "We won't leave here without her," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. With their flashlights cutting through the darkness, the group pushed deeper into the woods. Twigs snapped under their feet, and the distant hoot of an owl echoed through the night. "Do you think we'll find her?" Emily asked, her wide eyes reflecting the worry that weighed on them all. "We have to believe we will," Mark replied, trying to keep his fear at bay. As they ventured further, the air around them seemed to grow colder, and an eerie silence enveloped the woods, as if nature itself held its breath in fear of what lurked nearby. Suddenly, Sam held out his hand, signaling the group to stop. His supernatural senses were tingling, warning him of something nearby. He closed his eyes, focusing his powers, and his mind brushed against the darkness, sensing the malevolence that emanated from Slender Man. "He's close," Sam whispered. "We need to be ready." They continued cautiously, stepping over fallen branches and navigating through the dense undergrowth. David's heart pounded, each step fueled by a mixture of fear for Sarah and the desire to rescue her from the clutches of Slender Man. After what seemed like an eternity, they stumbled upon an old, dilapidated cabin nestled among the trees. Moonlight filtered through the cracks in its walls, casting eerie patterns on the ground. "This might be where he's keeping her," Emily whispered, her voice barely audible. Sam nodded and gestured for the group to follow him. They approached the cabin, the creaking of the door sending shivers down their spines. "I'll go in first," Sam said, his powers ready to defend against any threats. As he stepped into the darkness, the others waited anxiously outside. Moments passed like hours, and just as David was about to call out for Sam, he emerged from the cabin, his expression grim. "She's not here," Sam said, his voice tinged with frustration. "Slender Man is toying with us, leading us on a wild goose chase." David's grip on Sarah's locket tightened, and he felt a mix of relief and frustration. Relief that Sarah wasn't trapped in that ominous cabin, but frustration at the uncertainty of her whereabouts. "We can't give up," Mark said, his determination unwavering. "We have to keep searching." With renewed determination, the group pressed on, their resolve fueling them as they continued their quest to find Sarah and confront Slender Man. They covered more ground, their flashlights cutting through the darkness like beacons of hope. Then, they heard it – a distant sound, like a soft cry for help. Emily's heart leaped with hope. "Did you hear that?" They strained their ears, and sure enough, they heard it again – a faint, desperate cry for help coming from deeper within the woods. "It's Sarah!" David exclaimed, his heart soaring with relief. "She's alive!" Without a moment's hesitation, they followed the sound, their pace quickening. The cries grew louder, guiding them to a clearing bathed in moonlight. There, they saw Sarah, bound and helpless, surrounded by an aura of darkness that emanated from Slender Man. "Sarah!" David called out, rushing forward to embrace her. But before he could reach her, Slender Man turned, his featureless face seeming to fixate on the intruders. The air around him crackled with malevolence, and a chilling wind swept through the clearing. "Stand back!" Sam shouted, his powers surging to protect his new friends. With a flick of his dark tendrils, Slender Man sent Sam and the others flying back, their bodies colliding with trees. But even in pain, they refused to give up. "You won't take her!" Mark cried out, summoning his courage to face the monstrous entity. Their combined strength is useless except for Sam, who launches an assault against Slender Man. Spells and supernatural energy clashed with the darkness that enveloped him, creating an otherworldly spectacle in the moonlit clearing. David ran to Sarah's side, freeing her from her restraints. "Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes filled with love and concern. "I am now," Sarah replied, her voice trembling but relieved to be in David's arms. The battle raged on, each member of the group fighting with all their might probably encouraging Sam to fight. But even with his supernatural abilities and determination, Slender Man proved to be a formidable opponent. Just as it seemed they might be overwhelmed, a surge of energy flowed through Sam, and a blinding light enveloped him. With newfound power, he launched a final, powerful attack against Slender Man, shattering his darkness and banishing him back to the shadows from whence he came. As the darkness dissipated, the group fell to their knees, exhausted but victorious. Sarah embraced David tightly, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. "Thank you," Sarah whispered to Sam, who smiled warmly in return. "You're welcome," Sam replied. "But we're not out of the woods yet. We need to be vigilant, for the darkness may rise again." With their hearts filled with gratitude and their bond as friends stronger than ever, they made their way back to Brightbury, vowing to remain united against any future threats. Slender Man may have taken them to the brink of despair, but through their courage and love, they had overcome the darkness and saved one of their own. But, to be honest for Sam it was just another battle but for others, I guess it was a mystery or dream but I could tell they were in shock. The question that was brought up by them was who was I? and what happened? But, that doesn't stop Sheriff Lawson, who caught us in the brink of an eye. My superpowers were still activated and the enemy could sense it though it is invisible to humans. Thus, it proves Sheriff Lawson is just a pawn to the town. He didn't checkmate us but instead, he arrested us for violation of lockdown rules, though he knew who I was and I know who he was. He knew about the missing accusation we filed in his station but his enmity characteristics which never fell, made him more egoistic and jealous especially me yet he left others at home. I guess, this was his undercover operation as he locked me up to his cell. Meanwhile, Bella my younger sister sensed that I was in danger. As she had enjoyed her stay with his boyfriend George, she was enchanted by his presence and was alerted by his boyfriend that I was arrested. My parents got my attention, the very next day, they hired the best lawyer to get me out of trouble and thus I was released as well as grounded for 2 weeks. Bella was again enchanted by my grounding rules as she was the one who was used to being grounded always. She said, "Well, I guess, is this the best day ever?" I smiled, "Ha-ha! Not today and yeah laugh all you want, but I'm going to enjoy today a lot with my new friends!"

"Am I seeing something pinkish on your face?" asked Bella. "No way! I'm lone wolf!" as I continued, "You are always wrong!" "Guess someone is in love again! Is it Emily?" asked Bella. "Look, I'm done with it. I like being alone and we need to talk about something" said Sam. "I'm not good in advice, bro! But, I would like to help you" replied Bella.

 "I used my powers and they all know about me. Moreover, I saved Sarah from Slender Man" said Sam. She was shocked and shouted crazy like Monica in FRIENDS series, "What the fuck? The one who told me not to use my powers but today here you are sitting like a duck who extinguished our plans... I tried listening to you and not yet did I show my powers to my boyfriend but you used it to help Sarah or impress Emily..." As I paused her, "That's not the only problem, I guess we have a new enemy, and I think he kinda knows about us" "You say what now?" shouted Bella. I was afraid of her for the first time, though she's my sister, but during her times of anger, she glows like a blazing torch of sun and that can burn the whole town down. I was like, "Sis, you should calm down...You know I don't want another Seattle story" She calms down, "You know what, I'm not going to help you, and yes, today I'm hooking up with my boyfriend, and I'll reveal who I am to him!" I was angry, "Okay, first of all, you're 18 and I prohibit sex and I don't trust him much. Your powers are more powerful than mine and I strictly prohibit it too." She smiles, "Sure, king of impression!" as she slams the door and exits the scene in vain. Meanwhile, Sheriff Lawson who is uneased by the release of me didn't moved a inch awhile from his office as he was adamant by his decision to kill Sam. As Deputy Ramirez enters, she says, "Isn't it fair that God though he is sole and supreme, allows witchcraft to flourish" He was surprised and since he lack sleep, "What do you mean, Ramirez?" "Well, after so many years, the truth which lurked my walls were my nightmares of you, Master Brandon" replied Ramirez. He was surprised since she called his real name, "How...how do...who's Brandon?" "Fuck you, Sheriff! Susan told me everything about you and your growth potion cannot stop today as you may faced sleep deprivation or confusion or unable to kill Sam...well, it's time for new reign. It is now the time, I shall be crowned as Sheriff before they could kill you" said Ramirez though Susan has no idea and Ramirez just made it up. "Fine!" said Sheriff Lawson, as he continues, "I'll resign as you wish, but after all these years you just learnt my name but not my capabilities right?" replied Sheriff with wicked smile on his face as orange-foggy cloud embraces the room. Ramirez was afraid that she's the next victim but it wasn't the entrance effect of Slender Man, rather the person who has to be dead has risen, but not an ordinary person she is but the daughter of king who rules hell, the Sorcerer of Dark Realm, the king of prince of hell, the love of my life and it's none other than Sabrina, cousin of Maria Ramirez and wish I could explain her presence or the entry. Not as an ordinary person, bedazzled with diamonds in her robe, a pure gold pendant on her neck, her eyes are like glass and wish not as she has a ring engraved with ancient scripting on the gem which is furnished and maybe very old but the gem was gifted by her Dad but not alone she is only the daughter of Lucifer but now the queen of hell, and there she is Sabrina Rámirez, half-born to Lucifer and Celia Rámirez in Spain. How come Sam was unaware of this is a long story norhe does know that she is alive still after the havoc in the hometown. But,Maria who was shocked by her arrival to town, "Sabrina, I mean...you killed mygirlfriend?" She smiled, "Shh! Cousin...I'm sorry for your loss but her bloodsaved it, but I came here to warn you to chose words carefully as well as tobring an end to this world"